


Well, it seems I'm lousy at vacation. I'm still learning what I'm supposed to do. My wife is working and the kids are still in school so here was my week.

好吧,看来我在度假时很烂。 我仍在学习应该做的事情。 我妻子在工作,孩子们还在上学,所以这是我的一周。

我的新HTC Vive的3D打印支架 (3D Printed Brackets for my new HTC Vive)

I treated myself to an HTC Vive Room-Scale VR system. I'll blog extensively about this later but let me just tell you. It's AMAZING. I've used Google Cardboard, I've used Gear VR, I've used Oculus. Vive is it. Full Room-scale VR with something like the Doom 3 VR Mode is amazing. This fellow has a version of Doom 3 coded up at GitHub that modifies your existing purchased version and adds a REALLY compelling VR experience. I will say spent less time fighting demons and more time looking closely at wall textures. I admit it.

我使用HTC Vive Room-Scale VR系统。 稍后,我将在博客上对此进行广泛介绍,但让我告诉您。 太奇妙了。 我用过Google Cardboard,我用过Gear VR,我用过Oculus。 万岁。 像《毁灭战士3》 VR模式之类的全房间级VR实在令人赞叹这位研究员在GitHub上编码了一个版本的《毁灭战士3》 ,可修改您现有的购买版本,并添加真正引人注目的VR体验。 我会说花更少的时间与恶魔战斗,而花更多的时间仔细观察墙的纹理。 我承认。

There's a joke about folks who have 3D Printers. We just end up printing brackets to hold stuff.  Well, I got a Vive so I wanted a nice way to mount it. Problem solved.

关于拥有3D打印机的人们开了个玩笑。 我们只需要打印托架即可容纳东西。 好吧,我有一个Vive,所以我想要一个不错的安装方法。 问题解决了。

I dig #3Dprinting because you can make EXACTLY the brackets you need in a few hours!


A photo posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on

Scott Hanselman(@shanselman)发表的照片

3D为Vive打印了一支步枪枪托 (3D Printed a Rifle Stock for the Vive)

There's a popular VR game called Onward. It's basically a Call of Duty-type squad shooter with a focus on squad teamwork and realism. However, holding two VR controllers up to your cheek and pretending they are a rifle doesn't really work. Fortunately an intrepid maker named SGU7 made a prototype you can 3D Print.

有一个流行的VR游戏叫做Onward 。 从根本上讲,它是“使命召唤”型小队射击游戏,侧重于小队团队合作和现实主义。 但是,将两个VR控制器举到您的脸颊上并假装它们是步枪实际上是行不通的。 幸运的是,一个名为SGU7强悍制造商制作了可以进行3D打印的原型

I made one first in Yellow but it broken because it lacked enough infill. I made it again in black (because I had a lot of black. I wish it looked less aggressive, though) and it works great. Note that the part in my hand is a controller and the other controller is attached to the front. The front one can pop off and act as your left hand to reload and throw grenades.

我以黄色取得了第一个冠军,但由于缺少足够的填充物而被打破了。 我又用黑色做过(因为我有很多黑色。不过我希望它看起来不那么激进),而且效果很好。 请注意,我手中的零件是一个控制器,另一个控制器安装在前面。 前一个可以弹出并充当左手以重新装填并投掷手榴弹。

It was a challenging print with five large pieces and two small along with screws and nuts to hold it together. However, it was super fun and it makes the game WAY more realistic. More on this later. I've also been experimenting with some new exotic filaments.

这是一个具有挑战性的印刷品,有五个大块和两个小块以及螺钉和螺母将其固定在一起。 但是,这非常有趣,它使游戏更逼真。 稍后对此进行更多讨论。 我也一直在尝试一些新的奇特的细丝


制作了AdaFruit Cupcade Raspberry Pi MAME Arcade (Made an AdaFruit Cupcade Raspberry Pi MAME Arcade)

My teenage nephew and I worked on a Cupcade a few months ago but it was his. I 3d printed and made a PiGrrl (Raspberry Pi GameBoy) last year, so I figured I'd make a Cupcade (Raspberry Pi tiny Multi-Arcade Machine Emulator) as well. It's also somewhat challenging but I never really had the time until vacation. You can get the plans and source many of the parts locally, or you can get a complete kit from Adafruit. I did the partial kit for cheaper without the plastic case, then had a local makerspace lasercut a $5 piece of clear acrylic.

几个月前,我和我十几岁的侄子在一个Cupcade工作,但那是他的。 去年,我3d打印并制作了PiGrrl(Raspberry Pi GameBoy),所以我想我也要制作Cupcade(Raspberry Pi小型多街机模拟器)。 这也颇具挑战性,但我从来没有真正有时间休假。 您可以获取计划并在本地采购许多零件,也可以从Adafruit获得完整的套件。 我没有塑料盒就便宜了,做了部分套件,然后在当地的makerspace上激光切割了一块5美元的透明丙烯酸。

Made a second @adafruit Cupcade with a @Raspberry_Pi tonight. #vacation pic.twitter.com/GIVw0u706L

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

今晚与@Raspberry_Pi进行了第二次@adafruit Cupcade。 #vacation pic.twitter.com/GIVw0u706L

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) November 30, 2016 2016年11月30日

设置Alexa与基于Nightscout的血糖系统进行对话(Set up Alexa to talk to my Nightscout-based Blood Sugar system)

I got a few Amazon Alexa "Echo Dot" devices, so now we have three around the house. I upgraded my Nightscout Site (this is the Azure-based system that that allows remote management and viewing of my blood sugar as a Type 1 Diabetic.

我有一些Amazon Alexa“ Echo Dot”设备,所以现在我们家周围有三个设备。 我升级了Nightscout站点(这是基于Azure的系统,该系统允许远程管理和查看我的血糖为1型糖尿病患者。

The most recent update of Nightscout added Alexa support. I headed over to https://developer.amazon.com and made a dev account and got it all working. It's pretty slick. I can ask it all kinds of things (as can my kids. They love to know about how I'm doing when I'm out of town.)

Nightscout的最新更新添加了Alexa支持。 我转到https://developer.amazon.com并注册了一个开发人员帐户,并使它一切正常。 非常漂亮。 我可以问各种各样的事情(我的孩子也可以。我喜欢在外出时他们喜欢知道我的状况。)


Here's a video of it working!


"Alexa, what's my blood sugar?" #Diabetes @nightscoutproj #video

“ Alexa,我的血糖是多少?” #糖尿病@nightscoutproj#视频

A video posted by Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) on


Basically I've been just making stuff and fixing stuff around the house. I even sat in a café and read the news. Madness.

基本上我只是在家里做东西和修理东西。 我什至坐在咖啡馆里看新闻。 疯狂。

I wonder if I could do this full time? I guess that's called retirement. ;)

我想知道我能否全职吗? 我想那叫退休。 ;)

Sponsor: Big thanks to Octopus Deploy! Do you deploy the same application multiple times for each of your end customers? The team at Octopus have taken the pain out of multi-tenant deployments. Check out their latest 3.4 release

赞助商:非常感谢章鱼部署 您是否为每个最终客户多次部署相同的应用程序? Octopus的团队摆脱了多租户部署的痛苦。 查看他们最新的3.4版本

关于斯科特(About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/i-suck-at-vacation-what-i-did-this-week
