macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

macos 键盘映射

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键
autovector / Shutterstock (and Microsoft) autovector / Shutterstock(和Microsoft)

Many PC and Mac games treat the keyboard as a first-class citizen and have poor support for game controllers. You can remap your controller buttons to keyboard key presses to get around this limitation.

许多PC和Mac游戏将键盘视为一等公民,并且对游戏控制器的支持不佳。 您可以将控制器按钮重新映射为键盘按键,以解决此限制。

You’ll lose some analog input—for example, the joysticks will just function as arrow keys that are on or off without the usual range of sensitivity—but for some games, that’s not a huge issue.


If you’re just looking to play Steam games with a controller, Steam already has great built-in tools for remapping controllers in its Big Picture Mode and will be a much easier solution than anything else listed here. For use system-wide or in non-Steam games, you’ll need a third party application.

如果您只是想使用控制器玩Steam游戏,Steam已经拥有出色的内置工具 ,可以在“大画面模式”下重新映射控制器,并且比这里列出的任何其他解决方案都要容易得多。 要在系统范围内或在非Steam游戏中使用,您需要第三方应用程序。

连接您的控制器 (Connect Your Controller)

This step is obvious, but with so many kinds of controllers on the market, it can be a challenge to get them working correctly, especially on macOS. We have a comprehensive guide for most mainstream controllers that you can reference if you’re having issues, but most current-gen controllers will be plug and play on Windows and macOS. Last-gen and earlier controllers may need custom drivers and a bit of setup.

这一步很明显,但是市场上有如此多的控制器,要使其正确运行(尤其是在macOS上)可能是一个挑战。 我们为大多数主流控制器提供了全面的指南 ,如果您遇到问题可以参考,但是大多数当前控制器将在Windows和macOS上即插即用。 最新一代和更早的控制器可能需要自定义驱动程序和一些设置。

You can make sure the controller is connected by opening up the “Devices” tab in Window’s settings. Head to Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & Other Devices and look under “Other Devices.”

您可以通过打开Window设置中的“设备”选项卡来确保控制器已连接。 转到设置>设备>蓝牙和其他设备,然后在“其他设备”下查看。

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

On macOS, you can usually find USB controllers in the “System Information” app, under “USB.” Bluetooth controllers should show up in the Bluetooth menu in the top menubar.

在macOS上,通常可以在“系统信息”应用程序的 “ USB”下找到USB控制器。 蓝牙控制器应显示在顶部菜单栏的“蓝牙”菜单中。

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

Windows(和Linux)设置– AntiMicro (Windows (And Linux) Setup – AntiMicro)

There are a couple of good commercial options out there, most notably reWASD, but AntiMicro is free, open source, and does its job just as well. It also works on Linux as well.

市场上有很多不错的商业选择,最著名的是reWASD ,但是AntiMicro是免费的开放源代码,并且也可以正常工作。 它也可以在Linux上运行。

Download the latest release from Github (or the portable version if you don’t want to install it) and open it up.


macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

So long as your controller is connected, you’ll see this screen laying out all the sticks and buttons. You can click any of these to set a mapping to any keyboard key, or the mouse. If you press the buttons on your controller, it should light up the button in AntiMicro, so you won’t have to worry about figuring out which one “Button 14” is.

只要连接了控制器,您就会看到此屏幕显示了所有操纵杆和按钮。 您可以单击其中任意一个以设置到任何键盘键或鼠标的映射。 如果按下控制器上的按钮,它应该会点亮AntiMicro中的按钮,所以您不必担心弄清楚哪个是“按钮14”。

Mapping a joystick to WASD or arrow keys turn it from an analog input to a digital one, which can be less responsive, but you can configure the dead zones and other settings by clicking on the “L Stick” button in the middle.

将操纵杆映射到WASD或箭头键会将其从模拟输入转换为数字输入,这可能会降低响应速度,但是您可以通过单击中间的“ L棒”按钮来配置盲区和其他设置。

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

The joysticks also work well when mapped to the mouse, which brings back some analog control. That’s good for any games requiring first-person aiming.

当操纵杆映射到鼠标时,操纵杆也可以很好地工作,从而带回一些模拟控件。 这对于任何需要第一人称瞄准的游戏都是很好的。

There are a few advanced options in the settings, like macro support and profile switching. But, out of the box, AntiMicro works well for simply remapping a controller to keyboard keys.

设置中有一些高级选项,例如宏支持和配置文件切换。 但是,开箱即用,AntiMicro可以很好地将控制器重新映射为键盘键。

MacOS设置–愉快 (MacOS Setup – Enjoyable)

macos 键盘映射_如何在Windows和MacOS上将任何控制器重新映射到键盘键

For macOS, Enjoyable is a great alternative to AntiMicro that’s even simpler to use. Just run the app, press a button on your controller, then press a key on your keyboard, and repeat for each button you want to map. After that’s done, press the run button (it looks like a “>”) in the top right corner, and it should be good to go. It doesn’t have any presence on your Mac’s menubar, so you must have the window open while you want to use your controller.

对于macOS, Enjoyable是AntiMicro的绝佳替代品,它更易于使用。 只需运行该应用程序,按控制器上的一个按钮,然后按键盘上的一个键,然后对要映射的每个按钮重复一次即可。 完成此操作后,按右上角的运行按钮(看起来像“>”),应该可以了。 Mac的菜单栏上没有任何内容,因此要使用控制器时必须打开窗口。

Enjoyable supports multiple profiles, switching profiles with buttons, and moving the mouse. The joysticks can be a bit glitchy to map, as it tends to switch between multiple axes. But, with some trial and error, it should work fine.

Enjoyable支持多个配置文件,使用按钮切换配置文件以及移动鼠标。 操纵杆映射时可能会出现故障,因为它倾向于在多个轴之间切换。 但是,经过反复试验,它应该可以正常工作。


macos 键盘映射