Nintendo Switch在线订阅包含什么?

Nintendo Switch在线订阅包含什么?
Nintendo 任天堂

The Nintendo Switch Online subscription comes with several features, including online gameplay, access to classic titles, cloud saves, a smartphone app, and more. But is it worth the price? Here’s a quick breakdown of the features and costs.

Nintendo Switch Online订阅具有多项功能,包括在线游戏,访问经典游戏,云存储,智能手机应用程序等。 但是值得吗? 这是功能和成本的快速细分。

什么是Nintendo Switch Online? (What Is Nintendo Switch Online?)

Nintendo Switch Online is Nintendo’s subscription-based online service for the Nintendo Switch and the Switch Lite. It works via a smartphone app that allows you to access and interact with exclusive features only available to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.

Nintendo Switch Online是Nintendo针对Nintendo SwitchSwitch Lite的基于订阅的在线服务。 它通过智能手机应用程序运行,该应用程序允许您访问Nintendo Switch Online订户只能使用的专有功能并与之交互。

You can play multiplayer games on Nintendo Switch without a connection to the internet, but every player must be together in the same room, which is called “local play.” With a subscription to Nintendo Switch Online, you can play multiplayer games with other subscribers around the world.

您可以在Nintendo Switch上玩多人游戏,而无需连接到互联网,但是每个玩家都必须在同一个房间里在一起,这被称为“本地游戏”。 通过订阅Nintendo Switch Online,您可以与世界各地的其他订户一起玩多人游戏。

If you own multiplayer-exclusive games, like Fortnite or Overwatch, the Nintendo Switch Online service is a necessity to get the full experience of the game.

如果您拥有FortniteOverwatch等多人专用游戏,则Nintendo Switch Online服务是获得完整游戏体验的必要条件。

Nintendo Switch在线多少钱? (How Much Is Nintendo Switch Online?)

There are two Nintendo Switch Online pricing plans:

Nintendo Switch Online有两种定价计划:

  • Individual:


    • One Nintendo account holder

    • 1 Month for $3.99

      1个月只要$ 3.99
    • 3 Months for $7.99 (save $3.98)

      3个月只要$ 7.99(节省$ 3.98)
    • 12 Months for $19.99 (save $27.89)

      12个月只要$ 19.99美元(节省$ 27.89美元)



  • Family:


    • Up to eight Nintendo account holders

    • 12 Months, $34.99




If you share a Nintendo Switch console with more than one person, you can save on the total cost of the annual membership per person. Nintendo charges less than its competitors for premium online services. Plus, the more people you have in your family group, the more you’ll save.

如果您与多人共享一个Nintendo Switch控制台,则可以节省每人年度会员资格的总费用。 任天堂在优质在线服务方面的价格低于其竞争对手。 另外,您在家庭团体中拥有的人越多,您可以节省的越多。

If you decide to sign up for Nintendo Switch Online, we highly recommend you get one of the yearly subscriptions, as you’ll save a nice chunk of change. Yearly subscribers (family or individuals) also get access to special offers (more on that later).

如果您决定注册Nintendo Switch Online,我们强烈建议您获得一个年度订阅,因为这样可以节省很多钱。 每年的订户(家庭或个人)也可以获得特殊优惠(稍后会有更多信息)。

线上游戏 (Online Gameplay)

If you want to play with friends or have several multiplayer games on Nintendo Switch, then purchasing a Nintendo Switch Online subscription is a no-brainer.

如果您想和朋友一起玩或者在Nintendo Switch上玩几款多人游戏,那么购买Nintendo Switch Online订阅就不费吹灰之力了。

Over 1,000 titles use the Nintendo Switch Online feature. If you’re wondering which games are used with Nintendo Switch Online, you can filter them on the Nintendo store page.

Nintendo Switch Online功能有1,000多种。 如果您想在Nintendo Switch Online中使用哪些游戏,可以在Nintendo商店页面上对其进行过滤。

进入NES经典 (Access to NES Classics)

Nintendo Switch在线订阅包含什么?
Nintendo 任天堂

A Nintendo Switch Online subscription gives you access to several NES titles, including The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros., and Donkey Kong. Currently, more than 60 NES and Super NES titles are available on Nintendo Switch.

通过Nintendo Switch Online订阅,您可以访问多个NES标题,包括《塞尔达传说》 ,《超级马里奥兄弟》和《大金刚》 。 目前,Nintendo Switch上提供60多种NES和Super NES标题。

You can play games with different visual filters, and you can also play them solo. Certain titles also allow for two-player local co-op or even joinable online co-op gameplay.

您可以玩具有不同视觉滤镜的游戏,也可以单独玩游戏。 某些游戏还允许两人本地合作,甚至可以加入在线合作游戏。

保存数据云 (The Save Data Cloud)

Because the Nintendo Switch Online service is linked to your Nintendo Account, the cloud data save service means you won’t lose save data, even if your Nintendo Switch is lost or stolen.

由于Nintendo Switch Online服务已链接到您的Nintendo帐户,因此云数据保存服务意味着即使Nintendo Switch丢失或被盗,您也不会丢失保存数据。

If your Nintendo Switch Online membership expires, however, you won’t be able to access your save data cloud backups; you have to resubscribe within 180 days to regain access.

但是,如果您的Nintendo Switch Online会员资格到期,则将无法访问您的保存数据云备份; 您必须在180天内重新订阅才能重新获得访问权限。

智能手机应用 (The Smartphone App)

The Nintendo Switch Online smartphone app allows players with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to voice chat with friends while playing games on the console.

Nintendo Switch Online智能手机应用程序允许具有Nintendo Switch Online订阅的玩家在控制台上玩游戏时与朋友进行语音聊天。

At this writing, the online app only supports the following handful of games:


特别优惠(Special Offers)

The Nintendo Switch Online subscription service also hands out special offers and freebies. Subscribers get access to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System controller(s), game vouchers they can redeem in the eShop, and exclusive Splatoon 2 in-game gear.

Nintendo Switch Online订阅服务还提供特别优惠和免费赠品。 订阅者可以访问Super Nintendo Entertainment System控制器,可以在eShop中兑换的游戏凭证以及独家的Splatoon 2游戏装备。

Check out the Nintendo Switch Special Offers page for Nintendo Switch Online members.

查看Nintendo Switch Online会员的Nintendo Switch特别优惠页面

免费试用 (Free Trial)

If you’re unsure if the subscription is right for you, Nintendo offers a free seven-day free trial. It’s easy to activate—just launch the eShop on your Nintendo Switch. Select “Nintendo Switch Online” on the bar at the left, and then select “Free Trial.”

如果您不确定该订阅是否适合您,Nintendo将提供7天免费试用。 **很容易-只需在Nintendo Switch上启动eShop。 在左侧的栏中选择“ Nintendo Switch Online”,然后选择“免费试用”。

If you decide you don’t want to continue the Online service, just remember to cancel the auto-renewal before the end of the seven-day trial.


If you’re still on the fence about the subscription service and what it offers, Nintendo has a handy comparison chart for subscribers and non-subscribers.


The Nintendo Switch Online subscription is cheaper than what competitors offer, and the list of titles has grown considerably since the Nintendo Switch was released in 2017. With over 1,000 titles, several AAA titles, and more to come, Nintendo Switch Online is worth $20 per year.

自从Nintendo Switch于2017年发布以来,Nintendo Switch Online的订阅价格比竞争对手提供的要便宜,而且书名的列表已大大增加。NintendoSwitch Online拥有1,000多种游戏,若干AAA称号以及更多产品,每本价值20美元。年。

Even if you don’t plan to play online or the free NES titles don’t appeal to you, the ability to back up your data is still an incredibly important feature.

