kde gnome_重新加载Gnome或KDE面板而无需重新启动(Linux)

kde gnome_重新加载Gnome或KDE面板而无需重新启动(Linux)

kde gnome

If you do a lot of tweaking to the panels in Gnome or KDE, you’ve probably run into an instance where you enabled a plugin or changed a setting and need to restart to see the effect (or maybe you locked something up). Instead of logging out or rebooting, we’ll just reload the process.

如果您对Gnome或KDE中的面板进行了大量调整,则可能遇到了启用插件或更改设置并需要重新启动以查看效果的实例(或者您锁定了某些内容)。 无需注销或重新启动,我们只需重新加载该过程即可。

In case you are wondering what the panel is, it’s the process that handles everything you see on the screen here. (and all the rest of the toolbars and buttons too)

如果您想知道面板是什么,该过程将处理您在此处屏幕上看到的所有内容。 (以及所有其他工具栏和按钮)

kde gnome_重新加载Gnome或KDE面板而无需重新启动(Linux)

Gnome / Ubuntu

侏儒/ Ubuntu

Under the Gnome environment that Ubuntu uses, the “start” menu and other panels are all contained in a process called gnome-panel. The quickest way to restart that process is to just kill it and let it restart automatically.

在Ubuntu使用的Gnome环境下,“开始”菜单和其他面板都包含在一个名为gnome-panel的进程中。 重新启动该过程的最快方法是杀死它,然后使其自动重新启动。

Use the Alt+F2 key combination to bring up the Run dialog, and then enter in this command:

使用Alt + F2组合键调出“运行”对话框,然后输入以下命令:

killall gnome-panel


kde gnome_重新加载Gnome或KDE面板而无需重新启动(Linux)

This should immediately restart the panels. If for some unknown reason it doesn’t restart, you can just type gnome-panel into the run box.

这应该立即重新启动面板。 如果由于某种未知原因它没有重新启动,则可以在运行框中键入gnome-panel。

KDE 3 / Kubuntu

KDE 3 / Kubuntu

The panels on KDE are in a process called kicker, but instead of just killing the process we can try and send a message to it using dcop and tell it to restart. Use the Alt+F2 key combination to pull up the Run dialog, and then enter in this command:

KDE上的面板处于一个称为踢脚程序的进程中,但是我们不仅可以尝试终止该进程,还可以尝试使用dcop向其发送消息并告诉其重新启动。 使用Alt + F2组合键弹出“运行”对话框,然后输入以下命令:

dcop kicker kicker restart

dcop kicker kicker重新启动

kde gnome_重新加载Gnome或KDE面板而无需重新启动(Linux)

If the kicker panel is completely locked up it might not respond, so you could also kill the process and restart it by running these two commands:


killall kickerkicker


This will immediately restart the panels. Note that you could run these commands from the terminal instead of the run dialog.

这将立即重新启动面板。 请注意,您可以从终端而不是运行对话框中运行这些命令。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/reload-the-gnome-or-kde-panels-without-restarting/

kde gnome