华尔街关于比特币的大分歧(Wall Street Great Bitcoin Divide)

华尔街关于比特币的大分歧(Wall Street Great Bitcoin Divide)

Where Wall Street was once a united front in running the financials of America, and to an extent, the rest of the world, it is suffering a polarization as Bitcoin disrupts opinions.


As the digital currency keeps booming, investors, financial managers and major banking CEOs are finding themselves in different camps for different reasons.


Those for it


The most recent championing move for Bitcoin has come from Goldman Sachs, a company that hasslowly come around to the digital currency, as they are exploring a new trading platform that would be centered on trading Bitcoin and Ethereum.


This platform, which will be run by Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein, comes just weeks after JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon spewed vitriol about Bitcoin.

该平台将由首席执行官Lloyd Blankfein运营,在摩根大通CEO Jamie Dimon对比特币进行猛烈抨击的仅仅几周之后。

However, JP Morgan is seemingly a little bi-polar for as their CEO threatens his employees if they are caught involved in Bitcoin, the same company had also been experimenting with the some of the infrastructure that underpins digital currencies - Blockchains.


Fidelity Investments have also taken a bold step for Wall Street as CEO Abigail Johnson, made cryptocurrency balances visible on the investment manager’s website for customers that hold an account with Coinbase.

富达投资集团也有大胆的行动,其CEO Abigail Johnson在投资经理网站上将加密货币账户余额对拥有Coinbase账户的客户可见。

Morgan Stanley seems to be on the side of Bitcoin as CEO James Gorman, said he saw Bitcoin as “certainly something more than just a fad”.

摩根斯坦利看起来是支持比特币的,因为其CEO James Gorman曾说他认为比特币“不仅仅只是一时*”。

Those against it


Jamie Dimon declared Bitcoin “a fraud” that would “eventually blow up”, the JP Morgan CEO and his thoughts on Bitcoin coincided with a ban of ICOs in China and is said to be one of the catalyzing factors in the recent drop in price.

Jamie Dimon声称比特币是一个骗局并且泡沫终将破裂,这位摩根大通CEO关于比特币的观点与中国禁止ICO的一致,并且据说是造成最近比特币价格下跌的原因之一。

“It’s worse than tulip bulbs and won’t end well,” Dimon said, referring to the classic, 17th-century asset bubble.


Recently immortalized in the movie, the Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, has come out against the new-age currency. He agrees with Dimon’s assessment adding that his concerns also go into the security surrounding an online currency.

最近,电影《华尔街之狼》的作者暨人物原型Jordan Belfort提出反对新时代货币。他同意Dimon的言论同时也表达了自己对线上货币相关安全问题的担忧。

华尔街关于比特币的大分歧(Wall Street Great Bitcoin Divide)


championing move : 支持行动(Champion 除冠军外还有支持、拥护的含义)

spewed vitriol about : 对…进行猛烈抨击(vitriol:硫酸或辛辣尖锐的批评)

bi-polar : 两面派

Goldman Sachs : 高盛

JP Morgan Chase : 摩根大通

Morgan Stanley : 摩根斯坦利

Fidelity Investments : 富达投资集团

Jordan Belfort,美国股票经纪人、励志演说者、作家,30岁就被《福布斯》杂志誉为“股市中的罗宾汉”,他通过游走在法律边缘,甚至触犯法律的手段大肆敛财,创造过3分钟内赚进1200万美元的奇迹。1997年,被联邦*指控犯有诈骗罪而被送进*。他在狱中写下自传《华尔街之狼》,讲述了自己从普通销售员成为富翁,并在经历疯狂敛财,酗酒,吸毒,洗钱后入狱,财富梦碎的完整经过