

Yesterday at the keynote for Facebook’s F8 developer conference, several key Facebook leaders took the stage to announce new additions to the product. But it was CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s statements that deserve the most attention.

昨天在Facebook F8开发者大会的主题演讲中,几位主要的Facebook*登台宣布了该产品的新功能。 但最值得关注的是首席执行官马克·扎克伯格的言论。

It’s been a rough couple of years for Facebook. Scandal after scandal, leak after leak, and breach after breach, there hasn’t been a lot going for the network that wasn’t, well, bad. Facebook has compromised user data and broken user trust time and time again—and Zuck says that it’s time for a change.

对于Facebook来说,这已经过去了大约两年的时间。 丑闻接,而至,丑闻接leak而至,突破之后,网络的发展并没有什么坏事 。 Facebook破坏了用户数据并一次又一次破坏了用户的信任-Zuck说是时候进行更改了。

The CEO took the stage yesterday with a backdrop that read “The future is private.” He discussed how the company had failed its users recently, but a privacy shift is coming. And not just in how Facebook works, but in how the company itself is being run. This effort means a dramatic change in Facebook and its apps, like Instagram and WhatsApp.

这位首席执行官昨天登台亮相,上面写着“未来是私人的”。 他讨论了公司最近如何使用户失败,但是隐私转移即将到来。 不仅是Facebook的运作方式,还包括公司本身的运作方式。 这项工作意味着Facebook及其应用程序(如Instagram和WhatsApp)发生了巨大变化。

But they’re going to be fighting an uphill battle—he said as much on stage. “I get that a lot of people don’t think we’re serious about this,” he said, “I realize that we don’t have a good reputation on privacy, to put it lightly.” Results are what matter, though, and Facebook’s more privacy-focused shift is coming slowly. Rather than just pushing changes out the door, however, it appears that the company is taking a more systematic approach—something that is key to running a good, secure network.

但是他们将要进行一场艰苦的战斗-他在舞台上也这么说。 他说:“我知道很多人不认为我们对此感到认真,我明白地说,我们在隐私方面没有良好的声誉。” 结果固然重要,但Facebook更加注重隐私的转变正在缓慢进行。 但是,该公司似乎不仅仅是采取变更措施,而且还采取了更加系统的方法-这对于运行良好,安全的网络至关重要。

Facebook’s approach appears to be simple, though multi-faceted. The network itself will be refocused, with groups and events playing a crucial role and the News Feed taking the backseat. Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger will be unified for a cross-platform, encrypted messaging system. We hope the real change comes on the backend, of course—where privacy truly lies. With the people who are supposed to be protecting our data.

Facebook的方法看起来很简单,尽管它是多方面的。 网络本身将重新定位,团体和活动将发挥关键作用 ,而新闻提要将排在后面。 Instagram,WhatsApp和Messenger将统一用于跨平台的加密消息传递系统 。 当然,我们希望真正的改变来自后端-真正的隐私所在。 与应该保护我们数据的人员一起。

Until that moment is proven, though, we can approach this “new Facebook” with healthy skepticism. The network has a lot to prove, and now’s the time it has to prove it.

但是,在证明这一刻之前,我们可以以健康的怀疑态度对待这个“新的Facebook”。 网络有很多要证明,现在是时候去证明它了。

In related news, here’s a look at all the other things Facebook announced yesterday.


  • Facebook Messenger is coming to Mac and Windows: Dedicated apps are on the way. [VentureBeat]

    Facebook Messenger正在Mac和Windows上使用:专用应用程序正在开发中。 [ VentureBeat ]

  • Facebook Dating expands: Facebook’s dating service is rolling out to 14 new countries, as well as getting a new “Secret Crush” feature to let users know who’s into them. [CNET]

    Facebook约会功能不断扩展: Facebook的约会服务正在向14个新国家/地区推出,并获得新的“秘密粉碎”功能,以使用户知道其中的用户。 [ CNET ]

  • Instagram is getting a redesigned camera: The camera is getting a remake, and dedicated shopping tags are coming to let users buy things directly from the app. [The Verge]

    Instagram正在重新设计相机:相机正在重新制作,专用的购物标签正准备让用户直接从应用程序购买商品。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Instagram will start hiding like counts in Canada: More focus on content and less on popularity. I dig it. [Engadget]

    Instagram将开始像加拿大的计数一样隐藏起来:更多地关注内容而不是受欢迎度。 我喜欢。 [ Engadget ]

  • Prime Video is coming to Facebook Portal: You’ll be able to watch movies on Portal soon. [The Streamable]

    Prime Video即将登陆Facebook Portal:您很快就能在Portal上观看电影。 [ 流媒体 ]

  • Portal is also coming to areas outside the US: It’s expected to ship this fall. [Engadget]

    门户网站也将进入美国以外的地区:预计将于今年秋天发货。 [ Engadget ]

And in non-Facebook related news, Apple can’t keep up with the demand for AirPods, a recent Windows update is causing issues for Chromium, Google talks Android TV stuff, and more.

在非Facebook相关新闻中,苹果无法满足对AirPods的需求,最近的Windows更新导致Chromium,Google谈论Android TV等问题。

  • Apparently, AirPods are super cool: Tim Cook called AirPods a “cultural phenomenon” and said that Apple is struggling to keep up with demand. I can vouch for that—the set I ordered has been on backorder with no ship date in sight. Oof. [9to5Mac]

    显然,AirPods非常酷: Tim Cook称AirPods为“文化现象”,并表示苹果正努力跟上需求。 我可以保证—我订购的套装已经缺货,看不到发货日期。 钱币。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • A Windows update is hammering Chromium: A new security update for Windows 10 is causing major performance issues for Chromium, but a fix is coming. [ZDNet]

    Windows更新正在重击Chromium:针对Windows 10的新安全更新引起了Chromium的主要性能问题,但即将发布修复程序。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Google reminded us that Android TV exists: The company says new hardware is coming, along with a redesigned Play Store. The bad news is that it’s probably too little, too late. [9to5Google]

    Google提醒我们存在Android TV:该公司表示,新硬件以及重新设计的Play商店即将推出。 坏消息是它可能太少了,太迟了。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Google announces “CallJoy” for small businesses: It’s like the automated systems that we all hate dealing with when all we want to do is talk to a real person, but for all businesses instead of just ones that can fork over the money for it. Great. [Google Blog]

    Google宣布了面向小型企业的“ CallJoy”:这就像我们都讨厌与一个真实的人交谈时想要处理的自动化系统一样,但是对于所有企业,而不仅仅是那些可以为此花钱的企业。 大。 [ Google博客 ]

  • Ingress gets real (kind of): Before Pokemon Go, there was Ingress. Now, it’s coming to Netflix in a new animated series. [Android Police]

    Ingress是真实的(有点):在《 Pokemon Go》之前,就有Ingress。 现在,它将以新的动画系列进入Netflix。 [ Android警察 ]

There was a lot of cool sciencey news yesterday—like a space rock hitting the moon and nanobots that can clean your teeth—but there was one in particular that is near and dear to my heart: a drone delivered a kidney to a transplant patient for the first time.

昨天有很多很酷的科学新闻-就像是太空岩石撞击月球还有可以清洁牙齿的纳米机器人 -但其中有一个特别贴近我的心脏亲爱的,无人驾驶飞机为移植患者运送了肾脏第一次。

People die while waiting for organs every day, and the wait list for people who need kidneys is the longest of all organs. Having the ability to deliver organs for transplant via drone could save crucial time between removing the organ from the donor body and getting into the recipient, not only saving more lives but also allowing the transplanted organ to last longer. The time from removal to transplant is crucial for transplanted organs, so drone delivery is an exciting breakthrough to reduce this time. That’s fantastic. [Engadget]

人们每天都在等待器官时死亡,而需要肾脏的人的等待清单是所有器官中最长的。 具有通过无人机运送器官进行移植的能力,可以节省从捐赠者体内取出器官到进入受者之间的关键时间,不仅可以挽救更多生命,还可以使移植器官寿命更长。 从移除到移植的时间对于移植的器官至关重要,因此无人驾驶飞机的交付是减少这一时间的令人兴奋的突破。 这太妙了。 [ Engadget ]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-facebooks-privacy-shift/