azure devops_Azure DevOps Services的分析现在普遍可用

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Reporting has been an important capability for Azure DevOps customers who rely on Analytics to make data driven decisions.

对于依靠Analytics(分析)进行数据驱动决策的Azure DevOps客户而言,报告已成为一项重要功能。

Today, we’re excited to announce that the following Analytics features listed below will be included in our Azure DevOps Services offering at no additional cost. Customers will start to see these changes rolled out to their accounts soon.

今天,我们很高兴地宣布,以下列出的以下Analytics功能将免费包含在我们的Azure DevOps Services产品中。 客户很快就会开始看到这些更改已推广到他们的帐户中。

azure devops_Azure DevOps Services的分析现在普遍可用

Azure DevOps服务通常可用的分析功能 (Analytics Features Generally Available For Azure DevOps Services)

  • Analytics Widgets – configurable modules that display data on a dashboard and help you monitor the progress of your work.

    Analytics Widgets –可配置的模块,可在仪表板上显示数据并帮助您监视工作进度。

  • In Product Experiences – Analytics powered experiences within Azure DevOps and outside a dashboard that surface data and insights.

    在“产品体验”中–在Azure DevOps中以及在显示数据和见解的仪表板外部,由Analytics(分析)驱动的体验。

    • Top Failing Test Report – get insights about top failing tests in your pipeline to improve pipeline reliability and reduce test debt.

      最高失败测试报告 –深入了解管道中最失败的测试,以提高管道可靠性并减少测试负担。

      azure devops_Azure DevOps Services的分析现在普遍可用

We will continue to offer Power BI Integration through Analytics Views and direct access to our OData Endpoint in preview for all Azure DevOps Services customers. Look for more information about the pricing model for Power BI integration and OData by June 2019.

我们将继续通过Analytics(分析)视图提供Power BI集成,并为所有Azure DevOps Services客户直接提供对OData Endpoint 的预览访问。 在2019年6月之前查找有关Power BI集成和OData定价模型的更多信息。

Current Azure DevOps Services customers who have the Analytics marketplace extension installed can continue to use Analytics as they did before and do not need to follow any additional steps to get Analytics. As such, we will be deprecating the Analytics marketplace extension for hosted customers.

安装了Analytics(分析)市场扩展的当前Azure DevOps Services客户可以像以前一样继续使用Analytics(分析),而无需执行任何其他步骤来获取Analytics。 因此,我们将不推荐托管客户使用Google Analytics(分析)市场扩展

Azure DevOps服务器2019 (Azure DevOps Server 2019)

For Azure DevOps Server, Analytics will remain in preview as an installable extension on the local marketplace and will become generally available in the next major release.

对于Azure DevOps Server ,Analytics(分析)将作为在本地市场上的可安装扩展程序保留在预览中,并将在下一个主要版本中普遍提供。

The Azure DevOps Analytics offering is the future of reporting and we will continue to invest in new features driven by Analytics. To learn more about Analytics and the experiences it currently enables:

Azure DevOps Analytics产品是报表的未来,我们将继续投资由Analytics驱动的新功能。 要了解有关Google Analytics(分析)及其当前支持的经验的更多信息,请执行以下操作:

azure devops_Azure DevOps Services的分析现在普遍可用
阿南德·古鲁斯瓦米(Anand Guruswamy) (Anand Guruswamy)

Program Manager, Azure DevOps Analytics

Azure DevOps Analytics程序经理


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