

Storing files in the cloud is more popular than ever. Whether it’s using iCloud for our Photos, OneNote for our MS Word documents, or Dropbox for large files, cloud computing has become an integral part of our professional and personal lives. These days, there’s no shortage of providers, but each has its own particular strengths and weaknesses. So be sure to pay attention to these key details when choosing which service you’re going to trust your data with.

在云中存储文件比以往任何时候都更为流行。 无论是将iCloud用于照片,将OneNote用于MS Word文档,还是将Dropbox用于大文件, 云计算都已成为我们专业和个人生活中不可或缺的一部分。 如今,供应商不乏短缺,但每个供应商都有其自身的优点和缺点。 因此,在选择信任数据的服务时,请务必注意这些关键细节。


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1.正常运行时间 (1. Uptime)

Most of us think cloud servers are invincible. In reality, they can fail just as often if not even more frequently than our own. Cloud servers are under constant stress from high usage rates and often suffer from cyberattacks. And if your data is unavailable, it can create serious problems for you. So before you select a service, ask your provider about what their strategy for server failure is. Do they have redundancy servers? What are their reliability statistics? What can happen in the worst-case scenario?

我们大多数人认为云服务器是无敌的。 实际上,它们可能失败的频率甚至比我们自己失败的频率还要高。 高使用率给云服务器带来持续的压力,并且经常遭受网络攻击。 如果您的数据不可用,可能会给您带来严重的问题。 因此,在选择服务之前,请向您的提供商咨询他们的服务器故障策略是什么。 他们有冗余服务器吗? 他们的可靠性统计数据是什么? 在最坏的情况下会发生什么?

2.您可以存储多少数据 (2. How Much Data Can You Store)

Most of the major service providers will offer you a free-tier of data. For example, Google Drive offers everybody 15 gigabytes for free. While that might be fine for individual use, businesses need much more space than that. The major providers should be able to accommodate terabytes of storage, but make sure to check the pricing plans. And see if you can also easily upgrade to add capacity if your data storage needs to grow.

大多数主要服务提供商将为您提供免费的数据层。 例如,Google云端硬盘免费为每个人提供15 GB的存储空间。 虽然这可能适合个人使用,但企业需要的空间要大得多。 主要提供商应该能够容纳TB级的存储,但是请确保检查定价计划。 并查看您是否还可以轻松升级以增加容量(如果您的数据存储需要增长)。

3.速度 (3. Speed)

The whole purpose of cloud storage is to be able to access your data anywhere or anytime. The download speed will greatly impact your business. This is doubly true if you use cloud storage as a backup option and you need a system restore ASAP. If your provider has cap speeds on either downloads or uploads, it can severely hamper your needs. Ask about official speeds, but be sure to also check reviews to get the complete picture.

云存储的全部目的是能够随时随地访问您的数据。 下载速度将极大地影响您的业务。 如果您将云存储用作备份选项并且需要尽快进行系统还原,那么这将成倍增加。 如果您的提供商在下载或上传上都设置了上限速度,则可能会严重阻碍您的需求。 询问官方速度,但请确保也查看评论以获取完整图片。

4.安全性 (4. Security)

Hackers constantly attack cloud storage providers. Most utilize a variety of security tools, but you need to check what their data breach protocol is. Do they have a way to protect your data and maintain your anonymity? What happens if a DDoS attack occurs? Be sure to ask these and other questions and ensure that security is their top concern. You need to consider the physical layers of security as well as software tools like encryption and firewalls.

黑客不断攻击云存储提供商。 大多数使用各种安全工具,但是您需要检查其数据泄露协议是什么。 他们有办法保护您的数据并保持匿名吗? 如果发生DDoS攻击会怎样? 一定要问这些问题和其他问题,并确保安全是他们的头等大事。 您需要考虑安全性的物理层以及诸如加密和防火墙之类的软件工具。

5.比较不同的云存储提供商 (5. Comparing the Different Cloud Storage Providers)

When it comes to cloud storage providers, the biggest difference is self-hosted cloud storage vs. proprietary companies like Dropbox and Google Drive. Major providers like Google Drive and Dropbox offer easy to use tools and are affordable with business plans starting from $9.99 per month. However, they also maintain data policies some users do not like. For example, they may reserve the right to access your data at any time or use your data for research or advertising purposes.

对于云存储提供商,最大的区别在于自托管云存储与Dropbox和Google Drive这样的专有公司的区别。 像Google Drive和Dropbox这样的主要提供商都提供易于使用的工具,而且价格合理,其商业计划的起价为每月9.99美元。 但是,它们还维护某些用户不喜欢的数据策略。 例如,他们可能保留随时访问您的数据或将您的数据用于研究或广告目的的权利。

Self-hosted storage options have grown increasingly in popularity. OwnCloud is one of the services that has emerged over the last few years as a leading self-hosted cloud storage option. It offers a wide array of great features like automatic folder sync and very large file support. Another popular option is NextCloud, which is a feature-rich evolution of OwnCloud. NextCloud offers built-in voice and video chat, an office suite, and much more. Do note, however, that these companies share similar price points as their larger counterparts. The primary difference is built-in data protection policies that ensure user privacy.

自托管存储选项越来越受欢迎。 OwnCloud是最近几年作为领先的自托管云存储选项而出现的服务之一。 它提供了许多很棒的功能,例如自动文件夹同步和超大文件支持。 另一个受欢迎的选择是NextCloud,它是OwnCloud的功能丰富的演变。 NextCloud提供内置的语音和视频聊天,办公套件等。 但是请注意,这些公司与大型公司具有相似的价格点。 主要区别在于确保用户隐私的内置数据保护策略。

6.最重要的因素:文件加密 (6. The Most Important Factor: File Encryption  )

Regardless of which cloud service you end up choosing, the most important thing you will need to do is file encryption. Providers like NordLocker encrypt and protect your files with the strongest AES-256 and other leading tech innovations. This means should hackers breach your cloud storage service; your files will still be safe. Not only that, NordLocker makes it simple for you to take advantage of additional features, like secure file sharing and other essential tools for cloud computing.

无论最终选择哪种云服务,您都需要做的最重要的事情是文件加密。 诸如NordLocker之类的提供商使用最强大的AES-256和其他领先的技术创新加密和保护您的文件。 这意味着黑客应该破坏您的云存储服务; 您的文件仍将是安全的。 不仅如此,NordLocker使您可以轻松利用附加功能,例如安全文件共享和其他用于云计算的基本工具。

结论 (Conclusion)

With so many options, choosing a cloud storage provider can be tricky. When you’re making a decision, make sure to focus on the essentials: speed, security, uptime, and data storage capacity. From here, your biggest decision will be whether to go with a major platform like Google or Dropbox or a self-hosted service. Regardless of what you select, however, you need to ensure you secure your files. And with NordLocker’s easy to use, highly secure software you can encrypt all of your cloud files in no time at all, allowing you to rest easy and know your files are safe.

有这么多种选择,选择云存储提供商可能很棘手。 在做出决定时,请确保专注于以下要素:速度,安全性,正常运行时间和数据存储容量。 从这里开始,您最大的决定将是选择使用Google或Dropbox等主要平台,还是使用自托管服务。 但是,无论选择什么,都需要确保文件安全。 借助NordLocker易于使用,高度安全的软件,您可以立即对所有云文件进行加密,从而使您轻松自在,并知道文件的安全性。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/09/things-you-have-to-pay-attention-to-when-choosing-a-cloud-storage-provider.html
