【论文笔记】Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Extractive Document Summarization

【论文笔记】Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Extractive Document Summarization


  • 图的结构
    • 图中包含两类节点:词节点和句节点
    • 句节点与其中包含的词的节点相连接
    • 只有词节点和句节点之间的连接,同类节点之间不会连接
    • 是一个二分图(Bipartite Graph)
  • 节点初始化
    • 词节点
      • 300维的Embedding
      • Vocabulary大小为50000
      • 使用GloVe初始化Embedding
      • 删去停用词和标点符号
      • 删去10%的在整个数据集上具有低TF-IDF的词语
    • 句节点
      • 128维向量
      • 对句子先经过(从小到大不同kernel size的)CNN,再经过BiLSTM,最后连接CNN和BiLSTM的输出作为句节点向量
      • 50维Embedding
      • TF-IDF经L2归一化后乘9(box = 10)round到最近整数,即变换成0-9之一作为embedding index

G A T ( H Q , H K , H V ) : GAT(H_Q, H_K, H_V): GAT(HQ,HK,HV):
Attention Score:  Z = L e a k y R e L U ( W a [ W q H Q ; W k H K ] ) Attention Distribution:  α i j = e x p ( Z i j ) ∑ l ∈ N e i b o r i e x p ( Z i l ) Attention Vector:  u i = σ ( ∑ j ∈ N e i b o r i W v V [ j ] ) \begin{aligned} \text{Attention Score: } Z &= LeakyReLU(W_a[W_q H_{Q}; W_k H_K]) \\ \text{Attention Distribution: } \alpha_{ij} &= {exp(Z_{ij}) \over \sum_{l \in Neibor_i}{exp(Z_{il})}} \\ \text{Attention Vector: } u_i &= \sigma(\sum_{j \in Neibor_i}{W_v V_{[j]}}) \end{aligned} Attention Score: ZAttention Distribution: αijAttention Vector: ui=LeakyReLU(Wa[WqHQ;WkHK])=lNeiboriexp(Zil)exp(Zij)=σ(jNeiboriWvV[j])

  • 节点间消息传递

    • 使用Graph Attention(GAT)的方式进行消息传递

      • 边的权重向量与query向量和key向量拼接在一起计算Attention Score
        • TODO:TF-IDF嵌入到向量的方式
      • 残差连接
      • 多头注意力(8头×64维/头)
      • 后跟Position-wise Feed Forward Layer:FFN
    • 传递方式:sentence-to-word & word-to-sentence process,t = 1

    【论文笔记】Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Extractive Document Summarization

  • 节点选择

    • 句子节点特征向量被线性变换到一个出现在摘要中的概率
    • 按照概率排序,选择前K个作为摘要
    • Trigram Blocking:丢弃与排名较高的句子有重复三元组的句子

Impletation Note:

  • Use rouge (for validation phrase) and pyrouge to compute ROUGE easily
  • Use sklearn to compute word frequency and TF-IDF (from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer)
  • GNN implemetation: DGL (also, H.Y. Lee ML TA recommend it)
  • Use nltk to create vocabulary (nltk.FreqDist(allword)) , get sentences (nltk.sent_tokenize) and remove stopwords