


超100篇!CVPR 2020最全GAN论文梳理!








001  (2020-08-26) Crossing-Domain Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation


002  (2020-08-26) MutaGAN  A Seq2seq GAN Framework to Predict Mutations of Evolving Protein Populations


003  (2020-08-26) Self-Supervised Human Activity Recognition by Augmenting Generative Adversarial Networks


004  (2020-08-26) An End-to-End Attack on Text-based CAPTCHAs Based on Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Network


005  (2020-08-26) Anime-to-Real Clothing  Cosplay Costume Generation via Image-to-Image Translation


006  (2020-08-26) CAN  A Causal Adversarial Network for Learning Observational and Interventional Distributions


007  (2020-08-25) GAN Slimming  All-in-One GAN Compression by A Unified Optimization Framework


008  (2020-08-24) CSCL  Critical Semantic-Consistent Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation


009  (2020-08-24) Fidelity-Controllable Extreme Image Compression with Generative Adversarial Networks


010  (2020-08-23) Ptolemy  Architecture Support for Robust Deep Learning


011  (2020-08-22) Symbolic Semantic Segmentation and Interpretation of COVID-19 Lung Infections in Chest CT volumes based on Emergent Languages


012  (2020-08-17) HRVGAN  High Resolution Video Generation using Spatio-Temporal GAN


013  (2020-08-21) TAnoGAN  Time Series Anomaly Detection with Generative Adversarial Networks


014  (2020-08-21) CDE-GAN  Cooperative Dual Evolution Based Generative Adversarial Network


015  (2020-08-21) DTDN  Dual-task De-raining Network


016  (2020-08-20) Conditional Wasserstein GAN-based Oversampling of Tabular Data for Imbalanced Learning


017  (2020-08-27) Direct Adversarial Training for GANs


018  (2020-08-19) Improving Text to Image Generation using Mode-seeking Function


019  (2020-08-19) Regularization And Normalization For Generative Adversarial Networks  A Review


020  (2020-08-18) Generative Adversarial Networks for Spatio-temporal Data  A Survey


021  (2020-08-19) Blur-Attention  A boosting mechanism for non-uniform blurred image restoration


022  (2020-08-24) Deep Learning Based on Generative Adversarial and Convolutional Neural Networks for Financial Time Series Predictions


023  (2020-08-18) CinC-GAN for Effective F0 prediction for Whisper-to-Normal Speech Conversion


024  (2020-08-18) Tdcgan  Temporal Dilated Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for End-to-end Speech Enhancement


025  (2020-08-17) Robust Autoencoder GAN for Cryo-EM Image Denoising


026  (2020-08-17) Neutral Face Game Character Auto-Creation via PokerFace-GAN


027  (2020-08-17) Semi-Supervised Learning with GANs for Device-Free Fingerprinting Indoor Localization


028  (2020-08-15) Evaluating Lossy Compression Rates of Deep Generative Models


029  (2020-08-13) Synthesizing Property & Casualty Ratemaking Datasets using Generative Adversarial Networks


030  (2020-08-13) DF-GAN  Deep Fusion Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis


031  (2020-08-13) Recurrent Deconvolutional Generative Adversarial Networks with Application to Text Guided Video Generation


032  (2020-08-12) Mitigating Dataset Imbalance via Joint Generation and Classification


033  (2020-08-12) Improving Stability of LS-GANs for Audio and Speech Signals


034  (2020-08-12) Improving the Performance of Fine-Grain Image Classifiers via Generative Data Augmentation


035  (2020-08-11) IGANI  Iterative Generative Adversarial Networks for Imputation Applied to Prediction of Traffic Data


036  (2020-08-11) R-MNet  A Perceptual Adversarial Network for Image Inpainting


037  (2020-08-10) GANDALF  Generative Adversarial Networks with Discriminator-Adaptive Loss Fine-tuning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis from MRI


038  (2020-08-10) GANBERT  Generative Adversarial Networks with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for MRI to PET synthesis


039  (2020-08-10) T-GD  Transferable GAN-generated Images Detection Framework


040  (2020-08-7) Fighting Deepfake by Exposing the Convolutional Traces on Images


041  (2020-08-12) VAW-GAN for Singing Voice Conversion with Non-parallel Training Data


042  (2020-08-9) Intervention Generative Adversarial Networks


043  (2020-08-8) Non-Adversarial Imitation Learning and its Connections to Adversarial Methods


044  (2020-08-7) Improving the Speed and Quality of GAN by Adversarial Training


045  (2020-08-7) Generative Adversarial Network for Radar Signal Generation


046  (2020-08-6) Generative Adversarial Network-Based Sinogram Super-Resolution for Computed Tomography Imaging


047  (2020-08-7) Oversampling Adversarial Network for Class-Imbalanced Fault Diagnosis


048  (2020-08-6) Generative Adversarial Networks for Image and Video Synthesis  Algorithms and Applications


049  (2020-08-6) HooliGAN  Robust High Quality Neural Vocoding


050  (2020-08-5) GL-GAN  Adaptive Global and Local Bilevel Optimization model of Image Generation


051  (2020-08-5) Structure Preserving Stain Normalization of Histopathology Images Using Self-Supervised Semantic Guidance


052  (2020-08-6) F2GAN  Fusing-and-Filling GAN for Few-shot Image Generation


053  (2020-08-5) Annealing Genetic GAN for Minority Oversampling


054  (2020-08-5) A feature-supervised generative adversarial network for environmental monitoring during hazy days


055  (2020-08-4) Hierarchical Amortized Training for Memory-efficient High Resolution 3D GAN


056  (2020-08-4) Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation via a Single Generative Adversarial Network


057  (2020-08-4) TOAD-GAN  Coherent Style Level Generation from a Single Example


058  (2020-08-3) Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthesizing InSAR Patches


059  (2020-08-3) A Spectral Energy Distance for Parallel Speech Synthesis


060  (2020-08-3) Analyzing the Components of Distributed Coevolutionary GAN Training


061  (2020-07-28) Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with Local Coordinate Coding


062  (2020-08-3) Learning Based Methods for Traffic Matrix Estimation from Link Measurements


063  (2020-08-2) Multi-level Wavelet-based Generative Adversarial Network for Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video


064  (2020-08-2) Point Cloud Completion by Learning Shape Priors






