

iMessage is a built-in messaging app for everyone in Apple’s ecosystem. From your Mac, you can message all your iPhone-using friends, and—if you have an iPhone as well—send and receive regular SMS messages with Android users.

iMessage是适用于Apple生态系统中每个人的内置消息传递应用程序。 在Mac上,您可以向所有使用iPhone的朋友发送消息,并且(如果您也有iPhone)可以与Android用户发送和接收常规SMS消息。

如何在Mac上设置消息 (How to Set Up Messages on Your Mac)

You don’t need to use iCloud (or even have an iPhone) to use iMessage, but you will need an Apple ID. If you already have an iCloud account, the email you used to sign up will be your Apple ID.

您不需要使用iCloud(甚至没有iPhone)即可使用iMessage,但是您需要一个Apple ID。 如果您已经拥有iCloud帐户,则用于注册的电子邮件将是您的Apple ID。

Launch the Messages app from the Dock, your Applications folder, or by searching for it with Command+Space. If this is your first time launching the app, you’ll be asked to sign in. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can click “Create new Apple ID” at the bottom to sign up. Otherwise, sign in with your existing Apple ID.

从Dock,您的“应用程序”文件夹中启动“消息”应用程序,或通过使用Command + Space搜索来启动它。 如果这是您第一次启动该应用程序,则将要求您登录。如果您没有Apple ID,则可以单击底部的“创建新的Apple ID”进行注册。 否则,使用您现有的Apple ID登录。


After you’ve signed in, open Message’s settings by clicking on “Messages” in the menu bar and selecting “Preferences”—or by pressing Command+Comma.

登录后,通过单击菜单栏中的“消息”并选择“首选项”或按Command +逗号来打开消息的设置。


Under the “iMessage” tab, you’ll find the options for managing your iMessage account. You’ll want to make sure your phone number or email is listed under “You can be reached for messages at,” or else you won’t get any messages on your Mac.

在“ iMessage”标签下,您会找到用于管理iMessage帐户的选项。 您将要确保您的电话号码或电子邮件列在“可以联系到您的邮件”下,否则您在Mac上将不会收到任何邮件。


If you have two contacts, such as your Apple ID and your phone number, you can receive messages on both accounts. At the bottom, you can choose which one you prefer to use when messaging new people. Using an email-based iMessage account is the same as using a phone-based one; you can message anyone using iMessage, even by their phone number. But only phone-based accounts can message Android users over SMS.

如果您有两个联系人(例如Apple ID和电话号码),则可以在两个帐户上接收消息。 在底部,您可以选择在向新人发送消息时喜欢使用的人。 使用基于电子邮件的iMessage帐户与使用基于电话的帐户相同。 您可以使用iMessage向任何人发送消息,即使通过他们的电话号码也可以。 但是,只有基于电话的帐户才能通过SMS向Android用户发送消息。

Before closing this window, you’ll want to make sure “Enable Messages in iCloud” is enabled so that all your old messages sync to your Mac properly. You’ll want to enable this on all your devices.

关闭此窗口之前,您需要确保已启用“在iCloud中启用消息”,以便所有旧消息都能正确同步到Mac。 您需要在所有设备上启用此功能。


If your phone number doesn’t show up in the Messages preferences, you’ll have to make sure iMessage is enabled on your phone. Go to Settings > Messages on your phone and make sure iMessage is turned on. If it isn’t, you’ll see “Use your Apple ID for iMessage,” which you should click and sign in with the account you’re using on your Mac.

如果您的电话号码未显示在“消息”首选项中,则必须确保在电话上启用了iMessage。 转到手机上的设置>信息,并确保iMessage已打开。 如果不是,您将看到“使用Apple ID用于iMessage”,您应该单击该名称并使用Mac上使用的帐户登录。


After everything is enabled, your phone number should show up in the Messages preferences on your Mac within a few minutes, after which you’re free to use iMessage as you wish.


If you want to send and receive SMS messages—this will let you communicate with Android users and anyone else who doesn’t have Apple iMessage—you’ll have to enable Text Message Forwarding iPhone as well, and link your Mac and each other connected device.

如果您想发送和接收SMS消息(这将使您可以与Android用户以及没有Apple iMessage的其他任何人进行通信),则还必须启用iPhone的文本消息转发功能 ,并将Mac和彼此连接在一起设备。

You’ll need to use FaceTime if you want to make audio or video calls. FaceTime is a separate application but has a similar setup process.

如果要进行音频或视频通话,则需要使用FaceTime。 FaceTime是一个单独的应用程序,但是具有类似的设置过程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408706/how-to-set-up-and-use-imessage-on-a-mac/