Cloud Computing - Proposal 云服务器上多种类型数据库的性能比较和原理探究


我们选取了三种不同类型的数据库:Mysql、MongoDB、Redis 来测试它们在不同种类的云服务器上的读写性能、网络并发性能、存储性能、CPU占用率、事务处理能力以及安全性能方面的区别,并且结合数据库的底层实现原理来解释这种性能方面的区别。










Title: Performance Comparison and Principle Exploration of Various Types of Databases on Cloud Servers

We selected three different types of databases: Mysql, MongoDB, and Redis to test their differences in read and write performance on different types of cloud servers, network concurrency performance, storage performance, CPU usage, transaction processing capabilities, and security performance. And combined with the underlying implementation of the database to explain this performance difference.

Mysql is a relational database.

A relational database is a relational database, and a relational model can be represented by a two-dimensional table. Therefore, the data is stored in a table consisting of rows and columns. Each column is a field and each row is a record. Relational databases usually contain three concepts: database, table, and record. Mysql often uses B + trees for indexing.

Redis and MongoDB are non-relational databases.

MongoDB is a non-relational database written in the C ++ language. It is an open source database system based on distributed file storage. Its content store is similar to JSON objects, and its fields can contain other documents, arrays, and document arrays. MongoDB includes three levels of concepts: database, collection, and document. MongoDB's data index is a B-tree.

Redis is a kind of memory database. All data is stored in memory and written to disk periodically. When the memory is not enough, you can choose the specified LRU algorithm to delete the data. Redis is based on a hash dictionary, so its indexing method is hash.

While exploring the differences in the performance of different databases, we will also conduct a comprehensive analysis of the differences in the performance of various databases on different types of cloud servers.





Cloud Computing - Proposal 云服务器上多种类型数据库的性能比较和原理探究