人脸相关论文阅读——One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection

人脸相关论文阅读——One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection


  • 作者 Hadi Mansourifar,Weidong Shi
  • 发表 CVPR 2020.03
  • 机构 university of Houston, 休斯顿大学


Appearance of some objects is natural in face images like clothes, tie and etc. However, detecting some objects are really weird in face images like finger. Table 2 and Table 3 show the object detection results on part (a) and part (b) of Figure 4. The results show that some weird objects are detected in the fake images despite the fact that they are not visible by human eyes. As mentioned earlier, some out-of-context objects are detected in the fake faces including finger which is common between part (a) and part (b) of Figure 4. Given all detected objects in the training set, we can form bag of words. We can also remove the features which are appeared in all instances.
人脸相关论文阅读——One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection
人脸相关论文阅读——One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection
人脸相关论文阅读——One-Shot GAN Generated Fake Face Detection
好神奇,原来fake face image中会检测到人眼看不到的一些东西,并且是out-of-context 的(即超出正常情况下会出现的上下文信息范围)。其实这些就已经是人眼完全做不到的事情了,只能依靠计算机,因为人眼是真的看不出来!!!


Our idea to detect GAN generated fake faces is to use object detection methods to analyze the face rather than using face recognition techniques. Our experiments show that, object detection methods can find out-of-context objects in GAN generated fake faces which can help to discriminate the fake faces and real ones given only one training instances.

其他的fake face检测方法

  • Nataraj, Lakshmanan, et al. ”Detecting GAN generated fake images using co-occurrence matrices.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.06836 (2019).
  • Hsu, Chih-Chung, Chia-Yen Lee, and Yi-Xiu Zhuang. ”Learning to Detect Fake Face Images in the Wild.” 2018 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C). IEEE, 2018.

本文不同于用人脸分析等常见的方法进行fake face检测,而是用场景理解的思想,用目标检测的方法在fake face image图片中发现了一些out-of-context的异常。但是是怎么发现这种现象的呢?本文主要检测的是hispersondoesnotexist.com网站(style-GAN)产生的fake image,这种异常时所有用GAN生成的图片的共性还是只适用于style-GAN生成的图片呢?

- Few-Shot Learning approach

  • Metric Learning 度量学习
  • Meta Learning 即learning to learn
  • Data Augmentation 数据增强(这个很常见也很常用)

- fake image detection

fake image检测的研究工作比较少,毕竟GAN是近几年的。文中列出来的fake image检测方法好像都是回归到最原始的对比两张图片的像素统计信息,在其他颜色空间的不同来进行。我有一个大胆的想法哈哈,能不能用深度学习解决这个问题(文中也提到一项工作已经用共生矩阵结合神经网络做了)。


  • Few-Shot Learning 小样本学习
    除了Few-Shot Learning还有one-shot Learning还有zero-shot Learning(可以理解为类似迁移学习的思想)

  • thispersondoesnotexist.com
    Karras, Tero, Samuli Laine, and Timo Aila. ”A style-based generator architecture for generative adversarial networks.” Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.