hdmi网线延长器稳定吗_Chromecast HDMI延长器的重点是什么? 我需要吗?

hdmi网线延长器稳定吗_Chromecast HDMI延长器的重点是什么? 我需要吗?


hdmi网线延长器稳定吗_Chromecast HDMI延长器的重点是什么? 我需要吗?

Media center “sticks” like the Chromecast are more popular than ever and many of them come with little 3-4″ HDMI extension cables. What are the cables for and do you actually need to use them? Read on as we explain why, even if your Chromecast is working fine without it you may want to plug it in anyway.

像Chromecast这样的媒体中心“棒”比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,其中许多附带的3-4英寸HDMI延长线很少。 电缆是什么,您实际上需要使用它们吗? 请继续阅读,以解释原因,即使您的Chromecast在没有它的情况下也能正常工作,您仍然可以将其插入。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

This weekend I was cleaning out my huge cable junk bin in my office and I came across the little HDMI extension cables that came with my Chromecasts. While I was inclined to just pitch them (I mean seriously, when I am I ever going to need to extend and HDMI cable four inches?) I had a nagging feeling that I might be overlooking some very practical reason for using them.

这个周末,我清理了办公室里巨大的电缆垃圾箱,发现Chromecasts随附的HDMI小扩展电缆。 当我倾向于只倾斜它们时(我是认真的意思,当我需要将HDMI电缆延长到四英寸时?),我有一种a的感觉,就是我可能忽略了使用它们的一些非常实际的理由。

So for real… is there any real reason for these cables outside of horning in the Chromecast when cable spacing is tight? Do I need to install this thing?

因此,实际上是……在电缆间距狭窄的情况下,这些电缆是否有真正原因在Chromecast的变角之外? 我需要安装这个东西吗?



Extender Doubting


We’ll admit that when we first unpacked our Chromecast for review around this time last year we kind of chuckled at the tiny little extender. We mentioned in the review insofar as the contents of the package were concerned, but we didn’t plug it in at the time, and we didn’t give it much of a second thought. A year later, however, and our tune has changed a little bit. The little HDMI extension is actually really handy. Not everyone needs it and you may opt not to install it, but before you toss it in the garbage we’d suggest you consider the following practical reasons for using it.

我们会承认,去年大约这个时候,当我们第一次打开Chromecast的包装进行审查时,我们对这种微小的扩展器感到非常咯咯的笑声。 我们在评论中提到了有关包装内容的内容,但当时我们没有插入,也没有多想。 一年后,然而,我们的曲调有所改变。 小小的HDMI扩展实际上非常方便。 并非每个人都需要它,您可能选择不安装它,但是在您将其扔进垃圾桶之前,我们建议您考虑使用它的以下实际原因。

First, the extension moves the Chromecast away from the body of the television set or receiver it’s plugged into. Doing so often improves reception and allows Wi-Fi signals to better read the tiny antenna in the dongle.

首先,该扩展程序将Chromecast从其所插入的电视机或接收器的主体中移开。 这样做通常可以改善接收效果,并允许Wi-Fi信号更好地读取加密狗中的细小天线。

Second, HDMI port spacing can be a bit crowded on a lot of television sets as the ports are spaced under the assumption that you’re going to plug in individual cables not dongles that are significantly wider than the HDMI port. Further, once it’s that crowded enough back there that your Chromecast is wedged in between all the other cables you’ll lose a little bit of reception strength (which brings us back to the first point).

其次,在许多电视机上,HDMI端口的间距可能会有些拥挤,因为这些端口之间的间距是假设您要插入单独的电缆而不是加密狗的电缆,而该电缆的长度不会比HDMI端口宽。 此外,一旦那里拥挤不堪,您的Chromecast就会卡在所有其他电缆之间,您将失去一点接收强度(这使我们回到了第一点)。

Third, if you have a set that gives off a lot of heat it can help keep your Chromecast stable by giving it a little extra breathing room.


Now, that might not be particularly convincing to you. You might say “Huh. That’s great, I guess… but it’s not very crowded behind my TV and the reception seems fine…” In response to that we present the following photo, courtesy of Reddit user and /r/Chromecast reader, Jennica:

现在,这可能对您没有特别的说服力。 您可能会说:“嗯。 我想那很好,但是我的电视后面并不太拥挤,接收效果似乎还不错。”作为回应,我们提供了以下照片,由Reddit用户和/ r / Chromecast阅读器Jennica提供

hdmi网线延长器稳定吗_Chromecast HDMI延长器的重点是什么? 我需要吗?

Jennica’s cat apparently climbed behind the television set and the weight of the cat pushing down on the Chromecast was enough to damage the HDMI connection. Apparently cat acrobatics doing in the Chromecast aren’t exactly rare, either, as several other people chimed in the on Reddit thread to share their own stories of cats breaking Chromecasts.

珍妮卡(Jennica)的猫显然爬到了电视机后面,而猫压在Chromecast上的重量足以损坏HDMI连接。 显然,在Chromecast中做的猫杂技也不是很罕见,因为其他几个人在Reddit线程上大声疾呼,分享了自己的猫破坏Chromecast的故事。

It seems perfectly reasonable given that the Chromecast would project outward and with it’s broad face upward based on the design of most television sets and it would take very little pressure from a cat, a furniture climbing preschooler, or even just an adult mucking around behind the television set to fish wires and hook up new equipment.


The extender itself is, of course, subject to the same risk of physical mishandling, but practically speaking the smaller and sturdier male plug on the adapter will be more resistant to this type of damage. Further, should it actually get damaged, you can buy a replacement extender for around $3-4 off Monoprice or eBay instead of $35 for a new Chromecast.

当然,扩展器本身也会遭受物理错误操作的风险,但实际上,适配器上较小且更坚固的公插头将更能抵抗此类损坏。 此外,如果它确实受到损坏,您可以在Monoprice或eBay上以3-4美元的价格购买替换扩展器,而购买新的Chromecast则只需35美元。

In light of all that we’ve since hooked up all our Chromecasts with their extenders on the off chance that one of our cats, kids, or, worse yet, us, might man handle our Chromecast into an early grave. If your Chromecast is happily hidden behind a wall mounted television where you can barely fit your fingers and the reception is fine you might comfortably forgo using the extender (but if not, we strongly recommend using it).

考虑到此后的所有情况,我们将所有的Chromecast及其扩展器连接在一起的可能性很小,这可能是我们的猫,小孩或更糟糕的是,我们可能会把我们的Chromecast推入早期的坟墓。 如果您的Chromecast高兴地藏在壁挂式电视机后面,您几乎不能用手指指着它,并且接收效果很好,则可以舒适地放弃使用扩展器(但如果不这样做,我们强烈建议您使用它)。

Have a pressing tech question big or small? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题是大还是小? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/196716/ask-htg-whats-the-point-of-the-chromecast-hdmi-extender-do-i-need-it/
