连续循环ADO VBA访问2010

连续循环ADO VBA访问2010


我得到一个连续循环(我相信)。当我运行代码时,我得到MsgBox提示符,单击确定,程序刚刚运行并运行并永不结束?起初,我认为这是一个连接到文件错误,但如果是这种情况,我应该在ADO尝试连接到该文件时收到错误,对吗? 文件不是那么大,只有70行。我有MsgBox设置的方式,它应该提示在循环的每次迭代中单击OK,但我永远不会收到另一个MsgBox。建议?连续循环ADO VBA访问2010

' The following section reads from the elec_copy field's hyperlink 
' It scans the Excel file for items it needs to include into the table 
' It enters those cells into the TABLE 'items_needed_table' 
' Selects row by row, and if the item has been marked TRUE, inserts 
' That row into the TABLE 'items_needed_table' 

' Open a connection to Excel 
On Error Resume Next 

Const adOpenStatic = 3 
Const adLockOptimistic = 3 
Const adCmdText = &H0001 

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 

objConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ 
    "Data Source=" & elec_copy.Value & ";" & _ 
     "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Macro;HDR=Yes;"";" 

' Decalre a RecordSet Object 
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 

' Grab all Rows in the Plain_VDR Sheet where 'needed' column == TRUE 
objRecordset.Open "SELECT line_no,desc,weeks FROM [Plain_VDR$] WHERE needed = TRUE", _ 
    objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText 

' Write the information pulled, into the TABLE 'items_needed_table' in Access Database 
Do Until objRecordset.EOF 
    MsgBox("" & qd.Parameters("p2")) 
    Set qd = data_base.CreateQueryDef("") 
    qd.sql = "INSERT INTO items_needed_table(pr_no, line_no, desc, weeks) " & _ 
    qd.Parameters("p1").Value = pr_num.Value 
    qd.Parameters("p2").Value = objRecorset.Fields.Item("line_no") 
    qd.Parameters("p3").Value = objRecordset.Fields.Item("desc") 
    qd.Parameters("p4").Value = objRecordset.Fields.Item("weeks") 

' Close Database connection 

在此先感谢您的帮助! Nathan


另一个好主意是总是在每个模块的顶部使用Option Explicit。这将确保你总是声明你的变量,并比任何人想象的都可以节省更多的悲伤。


希望我能+2,因为你在'On Error Resume Next'和'Option Explicit'上都有发现。 – 2012-07-13 15:54:50


@你最近几乎是我的英雄。谢谢! – nathansizemore 2012-07-13 15:58:05