oculus unity_呼吁所有VR爱好者:通过Unity Free定位Oculus Rift

oculus unity_呼吁所有VR爱好者:通过Unity Free定位Oculus Rift

oculus unity

好消息! 现在可以使用 OculusUnity Free集成(Great news! The Unity Free integration for Oculus is now available.)

Oculus的Unity Free集成使您可以访问与Unity Pro用户完全相同的Oculus功能。 您可以使用Unity 4.6和Oculus集成包将可想象的任何VR内容部署到Rift! (The Unity Free integration for Oculus gives you access to the exact same Oculus features as users of Unity Pro. You can use Unity 4.6 and the Oculus integration package to deploy any sort of VR content imaginable to the Rift!)

Once you’ve got your hands on it, getting started is easy. Just import the Unity 4 Oculus integration package into Unity, open the demo scene and get going.

一旦掌握了它,就可以轻松上手。 只需将Unity 4 Oculus集成包导入Unity,打开演示场景并开始。

The release supports Windows, Mac, Linux and Gear VR with full access to LibOVR through a pure C# wrapper.

该版本支持Windows,Mac,Linux和Gear VR,并可以通过纯C#包装程序完全访问LibOVR。

Features include:


  • High-quality in-editor VR previews


  • Simple direct-to-Rift rendering


  • Lens correction, TimeWarp, and dynamic prediction from LibOVR/VRLib

    LibOVR / VRLib的镜头校正,TimeWarp和动态预测

  • Layered camera support for cockpits, UI, etc


  • Cross-platform support for XInput controllers


  • Consistent IPD and head model for comfort at all world scales


  • Dynamic prediction with the DK2 Latency Tester

    DK2 Latency Tester的动态预测

  • Utilities for locomotion, Tracker access, and Rift status


More detailed instructions, tips and tricks are available here. Fellowship and help are available from the Unity section of the Oculus forums.

此处提供更详细的说明,技巧和窍门。 奖学金和帮助可从Oculus论坛Unity部分获得

At Unity we were enthusiastic Oculus Kickstarter backers, and we’re working closely with Oculus to optimize frame rates on games made with Unity and deliver the best possible workflow experience to all our users.

在Unity,我们是Oculus Kickstarter的热心支持者,并且我们与Oculus紧密合作,以优化使用Unity制作的游戏的帧速率,并为所有用户提供最佳的工作流程体验。



P.S.: For anyone wondering about Gear VR deployment with the free version of Unity, see here.

PS:对于想了解免费版本Unity的Gear VR部署的任何人,请参阅此处

oculus unity_呼吁所有VR爱好者:通过Unity Free定位Oculus Rift

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/12/23/calling-all-vr-enthusiasts-target-the-oculus-rift-with-unity-free/

oculus unity