oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

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oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

The Oculus Quest is a fully stand-alone headset. It’s free of the wires of PC-only headsets. However, if you want to use it on a PC to play Steam VR games, you’ll need special software to do so wirelessly.

Oculus Quest是一款完全独立的耳机。 它完全摆脱了PC专用耳机的束缚。 但是,如果您想在PC上使用它来玩Steam VR游戏,则需要特殊的软件来无线进行操作。

Oculus Link的无线替代品 (A Wireless Replacement for Oculus Link)

Oculus Link is the official way of using the Quest as a Steam VR headset, and it requires a USB cable. It’s great, although it’s a bit laggier than a dedicated device, like a Rift S or Valve Index. Still, it’s good enough to make the Quest feel like a PC headset when it’s plugged in. However, you still need a wire with Link, so if you want to go fully wireless, you’ll need special software.

Oculus Link是将Quest用作Steam VR耳机的官方方式,它需要USB电缆。 很棒,尽管它比Rift S或Valve Index等专用设备要慢一些。 尽管如此,插入Quest足以使Quest感觉像PC耳机。但是,您仍然需要连接Link的线缆,因此,如果要完全无线连接,则需要特殊的软件。

ALVR is a free app that can connect your Quest and PC. You run the app on your PC, which installs a custom driver for Steam VR and runs a server to which the Quest connects. You launch the app on your Quest, which connects to the server and streams the video. Controller input and movements are sent back to the server, which shows up as a regular headset in Steam VR. The result is a fully wireless experience—your PC can be in your bedroom, while you play in your more spacious living room.

ALVR是一个免费的应用程序,可以连接您的Quest和PC。 您可以在PC上运行该应用程序,该PC将安装Steam VR的自定义驱动程序并运行Quest连接到的服务器。 您可以在Quest上启动该应用程序,该应用程序将连接到服务器并传输视频。 控制器的输入和动作被发送回服务器,该服务器在Steam VR中显示为常规耳机。 结果是完全无线的体验-您的PC可以在您的卧室中,而您在更宽敞的客厅中玩耍。

The experience itself is certainly a mixed bag. Playing full PC games through Steam VR without a wire is a fantastic experience as opposed to being tied down. When it works, it works well, and it’s certainly worth trying out, even if just for the novelty. However, it’s quite buggy on occasion.

体验本身肯定是一个复杂的过程。 通过有线方式通过Steam VR玩完整的PC游戏是一种绝妙的体验,而不是被束缚。 当它起作用时,它会很好地工作,即使只是为了新颖,也值得尝试一下。 但是,有时会出现很多错误。

When it doesn’t work, you’re stuck with freezes and compression artifacts in VR, which aren’t pleasing to the eye. The latency isn’t a huge issue for casual games. If you want to play something fast-paced, like Beat Saber, though, you might want to stick with wired or just run the game on the Quest.

当它不起作用时,您会陷入VR中的冻结和压缩伪像,这令人不悦。 对于休闲游戏而言,延迟并不是一个大问题。 但是,如果您想玩节奏快的游戏(例如Beat Saber) ,则可能要坚持使用有线游戏,或者只是在Quest上运行游戏。

It doesn’t really work at all on 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. You’ll need to use the speedier 5 GHz, and a wired connection from your PC to your router. If you can play closer to your router, that helps out, as well.

在2.4 GHz Wi-Fi上根本无法使用。 您需要使用速度更快的5 GHz,以及从PC到路由器的有线连接。 如果您可以更靠近路由器玩耍,那也会有所帮助。

ALVR is the most popular free option out there. However, if you want to try something else, Virtual Desktop is a $20 official app that does the same thing and streams from your actual desktop. You’ll still need to install the sideloaded version to use SteamVR, though, and the experience will be mostly the same.

ALVR是那里最受欢迎的免费选项。 但是,如果您想尝试其他方法, Virtual Desktop是一款售价20美元的官方应用,它可以执行相同的操作,并从您的实际桌面中输出。 但是,您仍然需要安装侧载版本以使用SteamVR,并且体验将大致相同。

设置ALVR (Setting Up ALVR)

To get started, you have to download ALVR. Head over to its GitHub page and download the latest release. Download the ALVR.zip file, which is the server that will run on your PC. You’ll also need to download the ALVRClient, which is the app you need to sideload onto your Quest.

首先,您必须下载ALVR。 转到其GitHub页面并下载最新版本 。 下载ALVR.zip文件,该文件将在您的PC上运行。 您还需要下载ALVRClient,这是您需要侧载到Quest上的应用程序。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

Turn on Developer Mode on your Quest. From the Oculus App on your iPhone or Android, find your Quest under the settings menu, and then select More Settings > Developer Mode, and turn it on.

在您的任务上打开开发人员模式。 在iPhone或Android上的Oculus App中,在设置菜单下找到Quest,然后选择更多设置>开发人员模式,然后将其打开。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

This will bring you to Oculus’s website, where you have to sign up as a developer and create an “Organization.” This is totally free, but a bit of an annoyance.

这将带您到Oculus的网站,在该网站上您必须注册为开发人员并创建“组织”。 这是完全免费的,但有点烦人。

Once it’s turned on, restart your Quest, plug it in with a cable, and you should see the screen below asking you to trust this computer. Select “Always Allow,” and then click “OK.”

打开它后,重新启动Quest,用电缆将其插入,您应该看到下面的屏幕,要求您信任此计算机。 选择“始终允许”,然后单击“确定”。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

For sideloading, the easiest method is to use SideQuest, a third-party store for sideloaded apps. You aren’t limited to apps on SideQuest—you can install any app for which you have an APK file.

对于侧载,最简单的方法是使用SideQuest ,即用于侧载应用程序的第三方商店。 您不仅限于SideQuest上的应用程序,还可以安装任何具有APK文件的应用程序。

Open it, and you should see your headset connected in the top-left corner.


oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

Drag the ALVRClient.apk file into SideQuest, which will install it right away. You won’t find ALVR on your home screen though—it’s tucked away in the “Library” under “Unknown Sources.”

将ALVRClient.apk文件拖到SideQuest中,这将立即安装它。 不过,您不会在主屏幕上找到ALVR,它被藏在“未知来源”下的“库”中。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

Unplug your headset from the PC, and load up the ALVR app on the Quest. You’ll be greeted with a quite unpleasant and jarringly aliased home screen, telling you to connect to the device from the server.

从PC上拔下耳机,然后在Quest上加载ALVR应用。 您将看到一个非常令人不愉快且别名混乱的主屏幕,告诉您从服务器连接到设备。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

Unzip the ALVR.zip file, and then move the folder to a location where you won’t accidentally delete it. Run ALVR.exe to start the server.

解压缩ALVR.zip文件,然后将文件夹移动到不会意外删除的位置。 运行ALVR.exe以启动服务器。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

Once it loads, you can tweak some of the settings, but the defaults should work fine. Click “Connect” on your PC. Once connected, click “Auto Connect Next Time,” to enable your headset to automatically reconnect if the connection times out.

加载后,您可以调整一些设置,但是默认设置应该可以正常工作。 在电脑上单击“连接”。 连接后,单击“下次自动连接”,以使耳机在连接超时时自动重新连接。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

From here, you can load up a Steam VR game. ALVR will present the device as a regular headset, and, if the connection is solid, it should act like one.

从这里,您可以加载Steam VR游戏。 ALVR会将设备作为常规头戴式耳机展示,并且如果连接牢固,则应像一个耳机一样。

修复一些常见的错误 (Fixing Some Common Bugs)

If your picture freezes or you see visual artifacts, make sure your headset is connected to 5 GHz Wi-Fi. If you can, set the channel width to 40 MHz also.

如果图片死机或看到视觉伪影,请确保您的耳机已连接到5 GHz Wi-Fi 。 如果可以,请将通道宽度也设置为40 MHz。

Some routers use the same SSID (the name of the network) for the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands, which can be an issue. Our Quest defaulted to the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and the only way to fix it was to split up the network names.

某些路由器在2.4 GHz和5 GHz频段上使用相同的SSID(网络名称),这可能是一个问题。 我们的Quest默认使用2.4 GHz Wi-Fi,解决该问题的唯一方法是拆分网络名称。

However, our Fios router didn’t allow this, by default. We had to turn off the very buried setting for “Self-Organizing Network Enabled” under Wireless Settings > Advanced Security Settings > Other Advanced Wireless Options. Then, we were able to split up the network.

但是,默认情况下,我们的Fios路由器不允许这样做。 我们必须在“无线设置”>“高级安全设置”>“其他高级无线选项”下关闭“已启用自组织网络”的非常隐蔽的设置。 然后,我们能够拆分网络。

After connecting the Quest to 5 GHz Wi-Fi and forgetting the other network, we had a much smoother experience.

将Quest连接到5 GHz Wi-Fi并忘记了其他网络后,我们获得了更加流畅的体验。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

If that doesn’t fix it, you might need to restart ALVR or turn down the bit rate or resolution in the video settings. Conversely, if you’re having a smooth experience with slightly blurrier video, you can turn up the bit rate.

如果仍不能解决问题,则可能需要重新启动ALVR或降低视频设置中的比特率或分辨率。 相反,如果您对视频略微模糊有一个流畅的体验,则可以调高比特率。

oculus vr开发_如何在Oculus Quest上无线玩Steam VR游戏

The other issue we had was with desktop audio. We used VB Cable and Voicemeeter for advanced audio routing and had an issue with the sound not working at first. We had to manually switch the output device to the proper one. We then restarted everything: ALVR, Steam VR, and the game.

我们遇到的另一个问题是桌面音频。 我们使用VB电缆和Voicemeeter进行高级音频路由,但最初出现声音不正常的问题。 我们必须手动将输出设备切换到正确的设备。 然后,我们重新启动了所有内容:ALVR,Steam VR和游戏。

After you fix these issues, the occasional hitch, stutter, or general lag isn’t really avoidable without dedicated gear, like the Vive Wireless Adapter. There are definitely compromises to be made with this setup.

解决这些问题后,如果没有专用设备(如Vive无线适配器) ,则真的无法避免偶发的故障,结结或整体滞后。 此设置肯定会有一些折衷。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/673724/how-to-play-steam-vr-games-wirelessly-on-your-oculus-quest/

oculus vr开发