机器视觉halcon classification——分类概述

      Classification: Theoretical  Background 


      Generally, a classifier is used to assign an object to one of several available classes. For example, you have gray
value images containing citrus fruits. You have extracted regions from the images and each region represents  a fruit.           Now, you want to separate the oranges from the lemons. To distinguish the fruits, you can apply a   classification.               Then, the extracted regions of the fruits are your objects and the task of the classification is to decide
for each region if it belongs to the class ’oranges’ or to the class ’lemons’.

     *分类需要事先知道类之间的区别和相似之处,deep learning可通过学习自动获取这些信息,其他分类器需要自己对图像进行处理并提供这些信息。
      In order to decide to which class an image or a region belongs, the classifier needs to know how to distinguish the
Thus, differences between the classes and the similarities within each individual class have to be known.
With deep-learning-based classification, the network learns this information automatically from the images. For
further information, see section 3.7 on page 23. However, for all other approaches, you as user need to provide the
, which you can obtain by analyzing typical features of the objects to classify. Let us illustrate the latter
case with the example of citrus fruits (an actual program is described in more detail in section 8.3.1 on page 102).
Suitable features can be, e.g., the ’area’ (an orange is usually bigger than a lemon) and the shape, in particular the
’circularity’ of the regions (the outline of an orange is closer to a circle than that of a lemon). Figure 3.1 shows
some oranges and lemons for which the regions are extracted and the region features ’area’ and ’circularity’
are calculated.

     The features are arranged in an array that is called feature vector. The features of the feature vector span a so-
called feature space, i.e., a vector space in which each feature is represented by an axis. Generally, a feature space
can have any dimension, depending on the number of features contained in the feature vector. For visualization
purpose, here a 2D feature space is shown. In practice, feature spaces of higher dimension are very common.
In figure 3.2 the feature vectors of the fruits shown in figure 3.1 are visualized in a 2D graph, for which one axis
represents the ’area’ values and the other axis represents the ’circularity’ values. Although the regions vary
in size and circularity, we can see that they are similar enough to build clusters. The goal of a classifier is to
separate the clusters and to assign each feature vector to one of the clusters. Here, the oranges and lemons can
be separated, e.g., by a straight line. All objects on the lower left side of the line are classified as lemons and all
objects on the upper right side of the line are classified as oranges.


       As we can see, the feature vector of a very small orange and that of a rather circular lemon are close to the
separating line. With a little bit different data, e.g., if the small orange additionally would be less circular, the feature          vectors may be classified incorrectly.

机器视觉halcon classification——分类概述

     Figure 3.1: Region features of oranges and lemons are extracted and can be added as samples to the classifier.

    To minimize errors, a lot of different samples and in many cases also  additional features are needed. An additional feature for the citrus fruits may be, e.g., the gray value. Then, not a  line but a plane is needed to separate the clusters. If color images are available, you can combine the area and the  circularity with the gray values of three channels. For feature vectors of more than three features, an n-dimensional  plane, also called hyperplane, is needed.

    Classifiers that use separating lines or hyperplanes are called linear classifiers. Other classifiers, i.e., non-linear
classifiers, can separate clusters using arbitrary surfaces and may be able to separate clusters more conveniently in
some cases.
   Summarized, we need a suitable set of features and we have to select the classifier that is suited best for a spe-
cific classification application. To select the most appropriate approach, we have to know some basics about the
available classifiers and the algorithms they use.

机器视觉halcon classification——分类概述



  1. Euclidean and Hyperbox Classifiers/欧几里得和Hyperbox分类器

  2. Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP)/多层感知器(MLP)

  3. Support-Vector Machines (SVM)/支持向量机(SVM)

  4. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)/高斯混合模型

  5. K-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)/K近邻算法

  6. Deep Learning (DL) and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs)/深度学习、卷积神经网络