神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks

Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks


  • 目的:

  • 为了探索上面的问题,文章设置了几种不同的剪枝粒度等级,在前人的基础上进行对比实验,探索剪枝粒度和预测精度之间的关系,分析不同粒度等级下的存储量和硬件效率
    Range of granularity粒度范围也是文章的一个点,按照dim的增加划分为不同的粒度等级,四个,第一个是细粒度,也就是逐元素的,剩下三个都归为粗粒度
    神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks

  • 因为文章更关注粒度尺寸在实验中的影响而不是prune的方法,所以文章里用了一个简单直观的方法->
    pruning criterion in “Learning both weights and connections for efficient neural network.”
    神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks


  • 相同稀疏度情况下在不同剪枝粒度的情况下的accuracy
    神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks
    Figure 4,相同稀疏度情况下在不同剪枝粒度的情况下的accuracy
    剪枝就像是一个正则化a regularizer. Coarse-grained sparsity not only reduces the number of parameters but also constrains the positions of parameters限制了这些参数的位置, which is an even stronger regularizer. That’s why at low sparsity rate we observed the accuracy improvement in Figure 4.图四,可以看到accuracy有提升

  • 存储空间上的比较
    神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks
    Figure 7,compare the accuracy of different pruning granularities at the same level of storage相同存储率的情况下不同剪枝粒度对精度的影响,可以看到在80baseline上更紧凑,也说明粗粒度 index saving 也是比较有效的。
    最后的存储,use 4-bit indices to store the distances between adjacent non-zeros, following the method in Deep Compression同样沿用了韩松在deep compression中介绍的方法

  • 粗粒度对于硬件实现方面的帮助
    神经网络压缩(6):Exploring the Regularity of Sparse Structure in Convolutional Neural Networks
    这个图是说,我把weights和input activations都用稀疏格式存储,输出是用正常的dense存储,在计算输出的时候,先用weights和activations的索引进行一一对应,也就是这两条虚线,索引的比较也就是相当于一个控制信号,满足这个控制信号了再做weights和activations的对应位置相乘和累加的操作在一层计算结束后,输出的activations再压缩成稀疏存储重复刚才的过程



  • Due to the advantage of index saving, coarse-grained pruning is able to achieve a higher model compression ratio.
  • coarse-grained sparsity saves 2* output memory access compared with fine-grained sparsity, and 3* compared with dense implementation.
  • coarse-grained sparsity enables more efficient hardware architecture design of deep neural networks.