Mac下Cornerstone SVN The working copy is locked due to a previous error 155004等常见错误处理

CornerstoneSVN是Mac下一个比较好用的SVN GUI工具,使用过程中不乏有些常见问题,与大家分享。

1、The working copy is locked due to a previous error 155004

由于网络中断、eclipse svn插件或svn客户端软件意外崩溃都可能导致The working copy is locked due to a previous error 155004,这时不论svn插件或CornerstoneSVN做update, commit都都会报上述错误。
在CornerStone找到本地代码工程 - 右键 - 点击clean 即可,如图:
Mac下Cornerstone SVN The working copy is locked due to a previous error 155004等常见错误处理