


Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

The biggest news from the last 24 hours is undoubtedly Apple’s new services, but Sony had a thing or two worth talking about in its first State of Play live stream as well. Oh, and there’s more AirPower stuff. Heh.

过去24小时内最大的新闻无疑是苹果的新服务,但索尼在其第一批Play状态直播中也有一两个值得讨论的话题。 哦,还有更多AirAir的东西。 嘿。

苹果新闻:服务! (Apple News: Services!)

Apple announced a lot of new stuff yesterday, but despite that, it was still pretty light on details. Here’s what we know right now.

苹果昨天宣布了很多新产品,但是尽管如此,细节上还是很轻巧的。 这就是我们现在所知道的。

  • First up is News+, the company’s buffet-style magazine and newspaper service. It’s actually really cool. And available now! [Engadget]

    首先是News +,这是该公司的自助式杂志和报纸服务。 真的很酷。 现在可用! [ Engadget ]

  • Then we have Arcade, which is an interesting take on mobile gaming. You pay one (still currently-unknown) fee, and you play all the games on available on the service. I’m curious. [Ars Technica, Gizmodo]

    然后是Arcade,这是手机游戏的一个有趣方面。 您只需支付一笔费用(目前仍不为人所知),然后您就可以使用该服务上的所有游戏。 我很好奇。 [ Ars TechnicaGizmodo ]

  • The TV app (not to be confused with Apple TV the product) is getting a makeover to house all of your streaming services in one place. Oh, and it’s coming to smart TVs, Roku devices, and Fire TV. That’s huge. [Apple Insider, 9to5Mac]

    TV 应用程序 (不要与Apple TV 产品混淆)正在进行改造,以将您所有的流媒体服务集中在一个地方。 哦,它正在应用于智能电视,Roku设备和Fire TV。 好大 [ Apple Insider9to5Mac ]

  • Then there’s TV+ (again, not to be confused with TV the app or TV the product), the home of Apple’s new original content. There were a lot of celebrities on tap to announce this one (including Oprah herself), but pricing and availability were nowhere to be found. Cool. [Engadget]

    然后是TV +(同样,不要与TV 应用程序或TV TV 产品混淆),这是Apple新原始内容的所在地。 有很多名人宣布这一消息(包括奥普拉本人),但价格和上市时间无处可寻。 凉。 [ Engadget ]

  • Apple also announced a credit card. It’s made of titanium, baked into Apple Pay at its core, and is focused on privacy. It sounds really cool and equally as over-the-top. I…kind of want one. [The Verge, Gizmodo]

    苹果还宣布了信用卡。 它由钛制成,并以Apple Pay为核心,并注重隐私。 听起来真的很酷,而且与*产品一样。 我……有点想要。 [ 边缘吉兹莫多 ]

  • The entire event was about an hour and 50 minutes, but if you want to see the TL;DR version, MacRumors condensed that bad boy down to six action-packed minutes. [MacRumors on YouTube]

    整个事件大约需要一个小时50分钟,但是如果您想查看TL; DR版本,MacRumors会将这个坏男孩浓缩为六个动作分钟。 [ YouTube上的MacRumors ]

  • In not-announced-yesterday-news, AirPower made another surprise appearance. This time on the AirPods 2 packaging. They’re just taunting us at this point. [9to5Mac]

    在昨天未公布的新闻中,AirPower出现了另一个令人惊讶的外观。 这次是在AirPods 2包装上。 他们只是在嘲笑我们。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • iOS 12.2, which brings support for News+ (and a bunch of other stuff) started rolling out yesterday. We have the details. [How-To Geek]

    iOS 12.2带来了对News +(以及许多其他东西)的支持,昨天开始推出。 我们有详细信息。 [ 怪胎指南 ]

  • Hidden deep in the depths of iOS 12.2, Beats’ AirPods competitor was uncovered. Does this mean Apple is going to compete with itself? [Engadget]

    Beats的AirPods竞争对手被隐藏在iOS 12.2的深处。 这是否意味着苹果将与自己竞争? [ Engadget ]

  • In dramatically different news, Apple confirmed that it will be closing its Frisco and Plano, TX store locations. Weird, man. [9to5Mac]

    苹果公司在另一则截然不同的消息中证实,将关闭其在弗里斯科和德克萨斯州普莱诺的商店。 真奇怪 [ 9to5Mac ]

The past week(ish) has been surprisingly busy for Apple; last week it announced new iPads and iMacs, as well as updated AirPods. This all lead up to yesterday’s event which was focused on the new services that have been cooking for a while now. While some are already available—like News+—others were simply given the basic “later this year” timetable.

过去的一周(ish)对Apple来说异常繁忙。 上周,它宣布了新的iPad和iMac,以及更新的AirPods。 这一切都导致了昨天的活动,该活动的重点是已经酝酿了一段时间的新服务。 尽管其中一些已经可用,例如News +,但其他一些仅被赋予了基本的“今年晚些时候”时间表。

For me, the most surprising announcement was the Apple Card. Sure, it’s been making the rounds as a rumor for several weeks now, but to actually see it and get the details is something else altogether. It makes a lot of sense that it’s essentially “made” for Apple Pay—getting more people to use the service is the name of the game, after all. Most of the perks, like two percent cash back on everyday purchases and three percent back on Apple purchases, are pretty standard and nothing to really write home about.

对我而言,最令人惊讶的公告是Apple Card。 可以肯定的是,它已经成为谣言已有好几个星期了,但是要真正看到它并获取详细信息则完全是另外一回事。 从本质上讲,它实际上是Apple Pay的“制造”-毕竟,让更多人使用该服务才是游戏的名称。 大多数特权,例如日常购买的现金返还2%和苹果购买的返利 3%,都是相当标准的,没什么好写的。

The real appeal of the Apple Card is privacy. For starters, the physical card has no number, no CVV code, and no expiration date. It’s made of titanium and has your name laser-etched into. It’s ultra-clean. Where you use the card, what you buy, and how much you spend won’t be tracked at all—all of the financial aspects of the card are handled on-device.  Goldman Sachs, the partner bank, and MasterCard have both vowed not to sell your data to advertisers, too.

Apple Card的真正吸引力在于隐私。 对于初学者,物理卡没有编号,没有CVV码,也没有到期日期。 它由钛制成,并用激光蚀刻您的名字。 非常干净。 完全不会跟踪您在哪里使用该卡,您购买了什么以及花了多少钱–该卡的所有财务方面都在设备上处理。 高盛(Goldman Sachs),合作伙伴银行和万事达(MasterCard)都誓言也不要将您的数据出售给广告商。

I could honestly go on about this a lot more, but in the interest of brevity, I’ll stop there. This card is fascinating, and I’m sure it will ultimately end up in the hands of many, many Apple users. Good play, Apple.

老实说,我可以继续做更多事情,但是为了简洁起见,我会停在这里。 这张卡令人着迷,我相信它最终将最终被许多苹果用户所接受。 好玩,苹果。

Google和Android新闻:Chromebook上的Apple Music? (Google and Android News: Apple Music on Chromebooks?)

With such a heavy focus on Apple and its new services, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that most other companies were relatively quiet yesterday—that’s a space you just don’t want to compete in. Still, there have been some interesting Google/Android-related tidbits over the last 24 hours.

由于如此关注苹果及其新服务,昨天其他大多数公司相对安静,这并不奇怪,这是您不希望参与竞争的空间。不过,仍然有一些有趣的Google最近24小时内与/ Android相关的花絮。

  • The Apple Music Android app was updated with Chromebook support, which is honestly just such a weird update to me. Don’t get me wrong—it’s great!—just not something I figured Apple would ever focus on or care about. [AppleInsider]

    Apple Music Android应用已通过Chromebook支持进行了更新,说实话,这对我来说真是一个奇怪的更新。 不要误会我的意思-太好了!-只是我认为Apple不会关注或关心的事情。 [ AppleInsider ]

  • Along the same lines, Apple Music has been installed on 40 million Android devices. That’s a lot of devices, especially for an Apple service on Android. [AppleInsider]

    同样,Apple Music已安装在4000万部Android设备上。 那是很多设备,特别是对于Android上的Apple服务。 [ AppleInsider ]

  • Remember the $599 Celeron-powered Pixel Slate? Well, neither does Google. It appears to be dead before it even had a chance to live. [9to5Google]

    还记得599美元的Celeron驱动的Pixel Slate吗? 好吧,谷歌也没有。 它似乎已经死了,甚至没有机会生存。 [ 9to5Google ]

  • Samsung announced the Galaxy A70, but it still has an event on April 10th to announce more Galaxy A stuff maybe? Who knows. [Samsung]

    三星发布了Galaxy A70,但4月10日它仍有活动宣布更多Galaxy A产品吗? 谁知道。 [ 三星 ]

  • If you’ve ever wanted the soothing voice of John Legend on your Google Home, the time is nigh. [9to5Google]

    如果您曾经想在您的Google Home上获得John Legend的舒缓声音,那时机已到。 [ 9to5Google ]

The missing cheap Pixel Slate is such a Google thing to do: announce a product, talk about the product, then never release the product. Maybe the m3 and i5/7 models were flying off the shelves at a rate that made them rethink the base model Slate. Or maybe it was just garbage all along and should’ve never been announced in the first place. The world may never know.

缺少的便宜的Pixel Slate就是Google要做的事情:宣布产品,谈论产品,然后再不发布产品。 也许m3和i5 / 7型号飞速上架,这使他们重新考虑了基础型号Slate。 也许一直以来这只是垃圾,所以永远不应该一开始就宣布。 世界可能永远不会知道。

其他所有内容:PlayStation新闻,小米的超快速充电等 (Everything Else: PlayStation News, Super Fast Charging from Xiaomi, and More)

Sony had its first State of Play announcement yesterday, where it showed off a surprising number of PlayStation VR games. Turns out PSVR is more popular than I realized. Like, way more.

索尼昨天发布了首个Play状态报告,展示了数量惊人的PlayStation VR游戏。 事实证明PSVR比我意识到的要受欢迎。 像,更多的方式

  • Sony announced yesterday that it has sold a staggering 4.2 million PSVR units. That’s not shipped to manufacturers, either—we’re talking actual units strapped to people’s faces. Wild. [Gizmodo]

    索尼昨天宣布已经售出了420 万部 PSVR。 这也没有交付给制造商,我们所说的是绑在人们脸上的实际单元。 野生。 [ Gizmodo ]

  • And you know what else? Five Nights at Freddy’s is coming to PSVR. It seriously, legitimately looks pretty terrifying. I’d play it. [MSPowerUser]

    你还知道什么吗? 《玩具熊的五夜后宫》即将登陆PSVR。 认真地看,这看起来确实很恐怖。 我会玩。 [ MSPowerUser ]

  • In less cool news, Sony is going to stop letting third-party retailers sell PS4 download codes. Weird flex, but okay. [The Verge]

    在不太酷的消息中,索尼将停止让第三方零售商出售PS4下载代码​​。 flex很奇怪,但是还可以。 [ 边缘 ]

  • In other Sony (but not PlayStation) news, the company just announced a new action cam with a flippable screen. It’ll set you back $700, though. Ouch. [The Verge]

    在其他索尼(但不是PlayStation)新闻中,该公司刚刚宣布了一款带有可翻转屏幕的新动作凸轮。 不过,它的价格为700美元。 哎哟。 [ 边缘 ]

  • In much scarier news, there was a vulnerability on ASUS computers that allowed hijackers to essentially take control of update servers and install backdoors on half a million machines. Oof. [Engadget]

    更令人震惊的消息是,华硕计算机上存在一个漏洞,使劫机者可以控制更新服务器并在50万台计算机上安装后门。 钱币。 [ Engadget ]

  • The good news is that ASUS has already fixed the issue. [Engadget]

    好消息是华硕已经解决了这个问题。 [ Engadget ]

  • Xiaomi showed off a 100w fast charger that can juice a 4,000 mAh battery in just 17 minutes. And also maybe catch it on fire? [Liliputing]

    小米展示了一款100w快速充电器,可以在短短17分钟内给4000 mAh电池供电。 也许还着火了? [ Liliputing ]

  • Huawei announced a pair of new phones this morning: P30 and P30 Pro. They leaked a while back, but now they’re as legit as they come. [XDA Developers]

    华为今天上午宣布了两款新手机:P30和P30 Pro。 他们漏了一阵子,但现在他们变得合法了。 [ XDA开发人员 ]

  • It also announced a set of wireless headphones that connect and charge through your phone’s UBS-C port. This seems…interesting. [Engadget]

    它还宣布了一套无线耳机,可以通过手机的UBS-C端口进行连接和充电。 这似乎很有趣。 [ Engadget ]

Despite being a die-hard PlayStation guy, I’ve never seen a PSVR in person. It’s crazy to me that Sony has moved 4.2 million units, but yesterday’s State of Play definitely confirmed that the company is all-in on PSVR—at least half of the games showed in the 20-minute stream were for VR. It was surprising, but now it all makes sense.

尽管是个顽固的PlayStation专家,但我从未亲眼见过PSVR。 索尼已售出420万台,这让我感到疯狂,但是昨天的Play状况肯定证实了该公司完全专注于PSVR-20分钟播放中显示的游戏中至少有一半是针对VR的。 令人惊讶,但现在一切都变得有意义了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408979/daily-news-roundup-the-one-about-apple-services-and-more/
