SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Why is this installation so important? Like any other technology, in SQL Server too we need to focus on theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on practice and in order to achieve hands-on practice, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is essential.

为什么这种安装如此重要? 像任何其他技术一样,在SQL Server中,我们也需要专注于理论知识和动手实践,为了实现动手实践,SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)是必不可少的。

In this SQL Server Management Studio tutorial, I will demonstrate how to install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in 12 easy steps. This tutorial will help you to perform the installation process of the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

在本SQL Server Management Studio教程中,我将通过12个简单步骤演示如何安装SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)。 本教程将帮助您执行SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)的安装过程。

Step 1:


First of all you need to download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) installation files (SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe / SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe) from the SQL Server download page depending on your server type (x64,x86), and keep it in a separate folder.

首先,您需要根据服务器类型(x64,x86)从SQL Server下载页面下载SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装文件(SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe / SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe),并将其保存在单独的文件夹中。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 2:


Once you downloaded the respective file as per your server type, you need to execute it. It will then take you to the first screen namely SQL Server Installation Center as shown below. This is the primary installation screen of SQL Server. Other SQL server tools installations can be launched from here as well. Once you are on this screen, you need to select “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation” to proceed with the installation.

根据服务器类型下载相应文件后,需要执行该文件。 然后将带您进入第一个屏幕,即SQL Server安装中心 ,如下所示。 这是SQL Server的主要安装屏幕。 也可以从此处启动其他SQL Server工具安装。 在该屏幕上,您需要选择“新建SQL Server独立安装或向现有安装添加功能”以继续安装。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 3:


Once you select the “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation” option, it will check the setup rules (pre-requisites) on the server and take you to the license terms screen. The license terms must be read and accepted like with any other application’s license terms. Please note that your server must pass the setup rules in order to proceed with the installation.

选择“新建SQL Server独立安装或向现有安装添加功能”选项后,它将检查服务器上的安装规则(先决条件),并带您进入许可条款屏幕。 必须像其他任何应用程序的许可条款一样阅读并接受许可条款 。 请注意,您的服务器必须通过设置规则才能继续安装。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 4:


Once you accept the license terms, it is time to scan all the available product updates. The required updates, size and details will be displayed. However, if you need further details, you can select More Information which will take you to the support page where you will find all the details related to the updates. You can ignore these updates by deselecting the ‘Include SQL Server product updates’ option at this stage.

接受许可条款后,就该扫描所有可用的产品更新了。 将显示所需的更新,大小和详细信息。 但是,如果您需要更多详细信息,则可以选择“ 更多信息” ,它将带您到支持页面,在该页面中您将找到与更新有关的所有详细信息。 您可以通过在此阶段取消选择“包括SQL Server产品更新”选项来忽略这些更新。

I highly recommend that you download these updates along with the installation. This step might take some time depending on the size of the update files.

我强烈建议您在安装过程中下载这些更新。 此步骤可能需要一些时间,具体取决于更新文件的大小。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 5:


The next step is the Install Setup Files step, where SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup will download, extract and install all necessary setup files to your server.

下一步是“安装安装文件”步骤,其中SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装程序将下载,提取所有必需的安装文件并将其安装到您的服务器。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 6:


Once SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup is done with the install setup files, it verifies the setup support rules in order to proceed. It then takes you to the feature selection screen. This is a very comprehensive screen which has detailed information about each feature. When we run the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) installation, it selects Management Tools by default, so you do not need to select anything here. In addition you can select Management tools – Basic. To get more information on this feature you can view the detailed feature description on right hand side.

使用安装安装文件完成SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装后,它将验证安装支持规则以便继续进行。 然后将您带到功能选择屏幕。 这是一个非常全面的屏幕,其中包含有关每个功能的详细信息。 当我们运行SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装时,默认情况下会选择管理工具 ,因此您无需在此处选择任何内容。 另外,您可以选择管理工具-基本 。 要获取有关此功能的更多信息,您可以在右侧查看详细的功能说明。

This screen also gives you the ability to select and deselect all features in one go. This saves lots of time when you need to install multiple features. It also provides detailed information about the prerequisites, the selected features, which prerequisites have already been installed and which will be installed through this installation. You just need to click on the Next button to continue.

该屏幕还使您能够一次性选择和取消选择所有功能。 当您需要安装多个功能时,这可以节省大量时间。 它还提供有关先决条件,所选功能,已安装先决条件以及将通过此安装进行安装的详细信息。 您只需要单击下一步按钮即可继续。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 7:


In this step, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup will check the installation rules (pre-requisite for the SSMS). Just click on the Next button to continue.

在此步骤中,SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装程序将检查安装规则(SSMS的先决条件)。 只需单击下一步按钮即可继续。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 8:


In this step SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup will verify the disk space. Please make sure that you have sufficient disk space available. Not having sufficient disk space may result in a faulty installation. Just click on the Next button to continue.

在此步骤中,SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)安装程序将验证磁盘空间。 请确保您有足够的可用磁盘空间。 磁盘空间不足可能会导致安装错误。 只需单击下一步按钮即可继续。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 9:


In this step, you have the opportunity to decide whether or not to send the error notifications to Microsoft. This is highly recommended in order to help Microsoft improve future releases and to fix any bugs in the existing release.

在此步骤中,您将有机会决定是否将错误通知发送给Microsoft。 强烈建议这样做,以帮助Microsoft改进将来的版本并修复现有版本中的所有错误。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 10:


Once you click on the Next button, setup checks the installation configuration rules and if it passed, setup continues. This step will take some time to install SQL Server Management Studio. You can sit back and relax ????

单击下一步按钮后,安装程序将检查安装配置规则,如果通过,安装程序将继续。 此步骤将花费一些时间来安装SQL Server Management Studio。 你可以坐下来放松一下

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 11:


This step displays the installation status of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) along with each feature, like a summary. This screen really helps to view what has been installed and what has not. In case one of the features could not be installed, you can re-run the same installation procedure and install that particular feature.

此步骤显示SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)的安装状态以及每个功能,如摘要。 该屏幕确实有助于查看已安装的内容和未安装的内容。 如果无法安装其中一项功能,则可以重新运行相同的安装过程并安装该特定功能。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

Step 12:


In order to check whether SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has been installed successfully, you need to select start menu of your server and then further select the SQL Server 2012 menu. You will find the link to SQL Server Management Studio there.

为了检查是否已成功安装SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS),需要选择服务器的开始菜单,然后进一步选择SQL Server 2012菜单。 您将在此处找到指向SQL Server Management Studio的链接。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

备用选项: (Alternate Option:)

Please note that above installation procedure is for a standalone installation of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). However you can install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) along with the SQL Server installation as well, just ensure that you have selected Management Tools in the feature screen as shown below.

请注意,以上安装过程适用于SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)的独立安装。 但是,您也可以在安装SQL Server的同时安装SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS),只需确保在功能屏幕中选择了“管理工具”,如下所示。

SQL Server Management Studio –分步安装指南

结论: (Conclusion:)

As you can see, the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) installation is not complicated at all, it is quite user friendly. You just need to read the instructions carefully and follow them accurately, for a smooth installation.

如您所见,SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)的安装并不复杂,它非常用户友好。 您只需要仔细阅读说明并准确地遵循它们,即可顺利安装。

Now that you have installed SQL Server Management Studio, you can update this software with some free add-ins from ApexSQL that will add formatting, auto-complete, refactoring and search capabilities. Click here to see how to install these.

现在,您已经安装了SQL Server Management Studio,可以使用ApexSQL的一些免费外接程序来更新此软件,该外接程序将添加格式化,自动完成,重构和搜索功能。 单击此处查看如何安装它们。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/sql-server-management-studio-step-step-installation-guide/