结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

介绍 (Introduction)

As with everything else, all good things must come to an end. After hanging around for a good decade SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 has started the countdown to its End of Life.

与其他所有事物一样,所有美好事物都必须终结。 在徘徊了十年之后,SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2开始倒数计时。

D-day for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 is set to the 19th of July 2019. Which is approximately a year from now, give or take a couple of months.

SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2的D日设置为2019年7月19 。大约从现在开始的一年,请花几个月的时间。

If you are still running SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2, now is definitely the time to upgrade. In this article; I am going to tell you why you would want to upgrade to a newer version of SQL Server (2016 or 2017) or Azure SQL Database. I will also discuss some of the tools that you might use to make the upgrade as painless as possible.

如果您仍在运行SQL Server 2008或SQL Server 2008 R2,则现在绝对是升级的时候了。 在这篇文章中; 我将告诉您为什么要升级到SQL Server(2016或2017)或Azure SQL数据库的较新版本。 我还将讨论一些可用于使升级尽可能轻松的工具。

我为什么要升级? (Why should I upgrade?)

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 are currently in the extended support, which means that security updates are still made available. If you wanted any other kind of support (not security), you can still get it by paying for it.

SQL Server 2008和2008 R2当前处于扩展支持中,这意味着安全更新仍然可用。 如果您需要任何其他类型的支持(而不是安全性),则仍然可以通过付费获得支持。

When the end of support comes around on the 19th of July 2019 the abovementioned will no longer apply.

当支持终止在2019年7月19 到来时,上述不再适用。

You will no longer get critical security updates, which may put your data at risk, and possibly affect your compliance with industry standards and regulations. Regulatory compliance such as PCI-DSS for credit card transactions may no longer be met, which could put your company at risks for fines or penalties and affect your ability to do business in Europe once the GDPR comes into effect on the 25th of May 2018.

您将不再获得重要的安全更新,这可能会使您的数据面临风险,并可能影响您对行业标准和法规的遵守。 一旦GDPR于2018年5月25 生效,则可能不再符合诸如信用卡交易的PCI-DSS之类的合规性,这可能使您的公司面临罚款或罚款的风险,并影响您在欧洲开展业务的能力。

Additionally, it will probably result in must higher maintenance costs.


Last but not least, if you upgrade to SQL 2017 or Azure SQL DB or Azure SQL Managed Instance , you will have a whole plethora of new features and functions which will undoubtedly make your life a whole lot easier.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,如果您升级到SQL 2017或Azure SQL DB或Azure SQL托管实例,则将拥有大量的新功能,这些功能无疑会使您的生活变得更加轻松。

那么,自2008年以来有什么新变化? (So, what’s new since 2008?)

It’s been about a decade so there are so many new features that has been added since then it would be hard for me to make a complete list.


Here are some highlights:


性能与安全性 (Performance and Security)

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

数据仓库和BI (Data Warehousing and BI)

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

进阶分析 (Advanced Analytics)

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

混合云 (Hybrid Cloud)

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

And of course, the ability to now run on Linux and inside Docker containers.


升级路径和工具 (Upgrade Paths and tools)

There are multiple options for upgrading.


  • On-premises 2016 or 2017

  • Azure SQL Database

    Azure SQL数据库
  • SQL Server on Azure VMs

    Azure VM上SQL Server

Regardless of which path you choose, you should start with the Microsoft Database Migration Guide.

无论选择哪种路径,都应从《 Microsoft数据库迁移指南》开始

数据库迁移指南 (Database Migration Guide)

The Azure Database Migration Guide, creates a customized report on how to migrate your data sources to your selected target versions by following a solid methodology. Based on your selections the Database Migration Report will provide relevant information such as which migration tools can be used and whether bulk load or replication is a viable option.

《 Azure数据库迁移指南》创建了一个自定义报告,其中介绍了如何按照可靠的方法将数据源迁移到所选目标版本。 根据您的选择,“数据库迁移报告”将提供相关信息,例如可以使用哪些迁移工具以及批量加载或复制是否可行。

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

数据库迁移助手 (Database Migration Assistant)

One of the migration tools which might be suggested is the Data Migration Assistant. The Data Migration Assistant helps you to identify any compatibility issues which might be blocking your upgrade, such as breaking changes, deprecated features of behaviour changes in remaining features.

可能建议使用的一种迁移工具是“数据迁移助手”。 数据迁移助手可帮助您确定可能阻止升级的任何兼容性问题,例如,重大更改,行为更改中不推荐使用的其余功能。

The Data Migration Assistant supports SQL sources from version 2005 to version 2017, and targets from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2017 on-premises and Azure SQL Database in the cloud.

数据迁移助手支持从2005版到2017版SQL源,并从SQL Server 2012到本地SQL Server 2017以及云中的Azure SQL数据库。

结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

The Data Migration Assistant can be downloaded here: Download Data Migration Assistant


结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

SQL Server迁移助手 (SQL Server Migration Assistant )

Another tool which may be used, especially when migrating from other database systems like Oracle, DB2 MySQL etc; is the SQL Server Migration Assistant which can automate these migrations.

可能会使用的另一个工具,尤其是从其他数据库系统(例如Oracle,DB2 MySQL等)迁移时; 是可以自动执行这些迁移SQL Server迁移助手。

The SQL Server Migration Assistant is used to convert a different database schema to a SQL Server schema.

SQL Server迁移助手用于将不同的数据库架构转换为SQL Server架构。

Once the schema is created the tool can then be used to also then migrate the data to the target SQL Server database.

一旦创建了架构,便可以使用该工具将数据迁移到目标SQL Server数据库。

The SSMA for the supported database systems can be downloaded here:


数据库实验助手 (Database Experimentation Assistant)

Once compatibility issues have been identified, the Database Experimentation Assistant can be used to test the performance of the target version for specific workloads.


结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

You can download the Database Experimentation Assistant here.


To use the tool, you simply create a “Capture” which is essentially a recording of what is happening on the source server at the time. A trace file is created. You can create multiple captures before continuing.

要使用该工具,您只需创建一个“捕获”,本质上就是记录当时源服务器上正在发生的事情。 跟踪文件已创建。 您可以先创建多个捕获,然后再继续。

Next you replay your capture against your target server, by creating a “Replay”. Another trace file is created.

接下来,通过创建“重播”来针对目标服务器重播捕获。 创建另一个跟踪文件。

Then the trace files are compared and analysed using the Report Analysis Tab. For more details on how to use the tool. Please read: How to use the SQL Server Database Experimentation Assistant tool

然后使用“报告分析”选项卡对跟踪文件进行比较和分析。 有关如何使用该工具的更多详细信息。 请阅读: 如何使用SQL Server数据库实验助手工具

Azure数据库迁移服务 (Azure Database Migration Service)

If you are moving on-premises database to Azure, another option may be to use the Azure Database Migration Service (which is currently in preview as at the writing of this article.)


结局就在附近! (对于SQL Server 2008和SQL Server 2008 R2)

The DMS has been created to simplify and streamline the process of migrating your on-premises databases to Azure. It is a fully managed database migration service for operational and data warehouses.

创建DMS的目的是简化和简化将本地数据库迁移到Azure的过程。 它是用于运营和数据仓库的完全托管的数据库迁移服务。

The following databases can be migrated using DMS:


Source Destination cloud options
SQL Server Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance
MySQL Azure Database for MySQL
PostgreSQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Oracle Azure SQL Database and Managed Instance
Netezza Azure SQL Data Warehouse
资源 目标云选项
SQL服务器 Azure SQL数据库和托管实例
MySQL 适用于MySQL的Azure数据库
PostgreSQL PostgreSQLAzure数据库
Oracle Azure SQL数据库和托管实例
内特扎 Azure SQL数据仓库

Some of the advantages of using the Azure Data Migration Service are:


  • The migration is very resilient and critical applications can be migrated with almost zero downtime.

  • Using one service to manage your cloud migrations reduces complexity to make it easier to plan and execute

  • The process is easy to understand and implement and since it is a guided migration you wont really need specialty skills to be able to do it.


结论 (Conclusion)

With the number of tools and services available to help you seamlessly migrate your SQL Server 2008 and/or SQL Server 2008 R2 database to either a new modern on-premises version of SQL Server or to Azure, there really aren’t any valid excuses to not do it.

借助大量可用的工具和服务来帮助您将SQL Server 2008和/或SQL Server 2008 R2数据库无缝迁移到SQL Server的新现代内部版本或Azure,实际上没有任何有效的借口。不做。

If you take into account all the advantages of newer technologies, the elasticity of the cloud and the risks if you don’t upgrade, upgrading really is in your best interest.


参考资料 (References)

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/the-end-is-nigh-for-sql-server-2008-and-sql-server-2008-r2/