Opencv 关键点和描述符(二)—— 通用关键点和描述符

Opencv 关键点和描述符(二)—— 通用关键点和描述符

Opencv 关键点和描述符(一)—— 关键点及跟踪基础

Opencv 关键点和描述符(三)—— 核心关键点检测方法


关键点和描述符的是三个主要的应用场景就是跟踪,目标识别和立体建模。不过不管是哪种用途,根本的处理逻辑确实类似的:首先找出图像中的关键点,之后选取一种描述符,最后基于关键点的描述符查找匹配 —— detect-describe-match。


为了描述关键点,Opencv 关键点的类定义如下

class cv::KeyPoint {
	cv::Point2f pt; // coordinates of the keypoint
	float size; // diameter of the meaningful keypoint neighborhood
	float angle; // computed orientation of the keypoint (-1 if none)
	float response; // response for which the keypoints was selected
	int octave; // octave (pyramid layer) keypoint was extracted from
	int class_id; // object id, can be used to cluster keypoints by object
		cv::Point2f _pt,
		float _size,
		float _angle = -1,
		float _response = 0,
		int _octave = 0,
		int _class_id = -1
		float x,
		float y,
		float _size,
		float _angle = -1,
		float _response = 0,
		int _octave = 0,
		int _class_id = -1


  • pt:关键点的位置
  • size:关键点的范围
  • angle:关键点角度
  • response:能够给某个关键点更强烈响应的检测器,有时能够被理解为特性实际存在的概率
  • octave:标示了关键点被找到的层级,总是希望在相同的层级找到对应的关键点
  • class_id:标示关键点来自于哪一个目标

 为了查找并计算描述符,Opencv 定义了如下抽象类。

class cv::Feature2D : public cv::Algorithm {
	virtual void detect(
		cv::InputArray image, // Image on which to detect
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // Array of found keypoints
		cv::InputArray mask = cv::noArray()
	) const;
	virtual void detect(
		cv::InputArrayOfArrays images, // Images on which to detect
		vector<vector< cv::KeyPoint > >& keypoints, // keypoints for each image
		cv::InputArrayOfArrays masks = cv::noArray()
	) const;
	virtual void compute(
		cv::InputArray image, // Image where keypoints are located
		std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, // input/output vector of keypoints
		cv::OutputArray descriptors); // computed descriptors, M x N matrix,
									  // where M is the number of keypoints
									  // and N is the descriptor size
	virtual void compute(
		cv::InputArrayOfArrays image, // Images where keypoints are located
		std::vector<std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> >& keypoints, //I/O vec of keypnts
		cv::OutputArrayOfArrays descriptors); // computed descriptors,
											  // vector of (Mi x N) matrices, where
											  // Mi is the number of keypoints in
											  // the i-th image and N is the
											  // descriptor size
	virtual void detectAndCompute(
		cv::InputArray image, // Image on which to detect
		cv::InputArray mask, // Optional region of interest mask
		std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& keypoints, // found or provided keypoints
		cv::OutputArray descriptors, // computed descriptors
		bool useProvidedKeypoints = false); // if true,
											// the provided keypoints are used,
											// otherwise they are detected
	virtual int descriptorSize() const; // size of each descriptor in elements
	virtual int descriptorType() const; // type of descriptor elements
	virtual int defaultNorm() const; // the recommended norm to be used
									 // for comparing descriptors.
									 // Usually, it's NORM_HAMMING for
									 // binary descriptors and NORM_L2
									 // for all others.
	virtual void read(const cv::FileNode&);
	virtual void write(cv::FileStorage&) const;


  • detect:用于计算 Keypoint
  • compute:用于计算 descriptor
  • detectAndCompute:由于不同的关键点检测算法对于同一幅图像常常得到不同的结果,而且在算法计算过程中需要一种特殊的图像表示,其计算量很大,如果分开进行此步骤将重复进行两次,因此如果需要得到描述符,通常建议直接使用 detectAndCompute 函数
  • descriptorSize:返回描述符向量的长度
  • descriptorType:描述符元素的类型
  • defaultNorm:描述符的归一化方法,指定了如何比较两个描述符,比如对于01描述符,可以使用 NORM_HAMMING;而对于 SIFT 和 SURF,则可以使用 NORM_L2 或者 NORM_L1。


  • cv::Feature2D::detect():FAST
  • cv::Feature2D::compute():FREAK
  • cv::Feature2D::detectAndCompute():SIFT,SURF,ORB,BRISK。算法中将隐式调用检测和计算方法

cv::DMatch 类

通常,一个匹配器尝试在一副或一组图中匹配一幅图中的关键点,如果匹配成功,将返回 cv::DMatch 的列表。

class cv::DMatch {
	DMatch(); // sets this->distance
			  // to std::numeric_limits<float>::max()
	DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, float _distance);
	DMatch(int _queryIdx, int _trainIdx, int _imgIdx, float _distance);
	int queryIdx; // query descriptor index
	int trainIdx; // train descriptor index
	int imgIdx; // train image index
	float distance;
	bool operator<(const DMatch &m) const; // Comparison operator
										   // based on 'distance'


  • queryIdx, trainIdx:指定了每幅图像中关键点与关键点列表中元素的匹配情况。其中,默认 query image 为新图片,而 training image 为旧图片
  • imgIdx:指定了匹配的图像
  • distance:给出了匹配程度
  • operator<():给定基于 distance 的比较方式

cv::DescriptorMatcher 抽象类


cv::DescriptorMatcher 提供了 match(),knnMatch() 和 radiusMatch() 三个函数,其中每个函数都有针对目标检测和跟踪的两个版本,其中识别需要输入一个特性列表和训练好的字典,而跟踪则需输入两个特性列表。

class cv::DescriptorMatcher {
	virtual void add(InputArrayOfArrays descriptors); // Add train descriptors
	virtual void clear(); // Clear train descriptors
	virtual bool empty() const; // true if no descriptors
	void train(); // Train matcher
	virtual bool isMaskSupported() const = 0; // true if supports masks
	const vector<cv::Mat>& getTrainDescriptors() const; // Get train descriptors
														// methods to match descriptors from one list vs. "trained" set (recognition)
	void match(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		vector<cv::DMatch>& matches,
		InputArrayOfArrays masks = noArray()
	void knnMatch(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		vector< vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches,
		int k,
		InputArrayOfArrays masks = noArray(),
		bool compactResult = false
	void radiusMatch(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		vector< vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches,
		float maxDistance,
		InputArrayOfArrays masks = noArray(),
		bool compactResult = false
	// methods to match descriptors from two lists (tracking)
	// Find one best match for each query descriptor
	void match(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		InputArray trainDescriptors,
		vector<cv::DMatch>& matches,
		InputArray mask = noArray()
	) const;
	// Find k best matches for each query descriptor (in increasing
	// order of distances)
	void knnMatch(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		InputArray trainDescriptors,
		vector< vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches,
		int k,
		InputArray mask = noArray(),
		bool compactResult = false
	) const;
	// Find best matches for each query descriptor with distance less
	// than maxDistance
	void radiusMatch(
		InputArray queryDescriptors,
		InputArray trainDescriptors,
		vector< vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches,
		float maxDistance,
		InputArray mask = noArray(),
		bool compactResult = false
	) const;
	virtual void read(const FileNode&); // Reads matcher from a file node
	virtual void write(FileStorage&) const; // Writes matcher to a file storage
	virtual cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> clone(
		bool emptyTrainData = false
	) const = 0;
	static cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> create(
		const string& descriptorMatcherType


  • add:添加描述符,其中每个元素都是一个 Mat,每一行是一个描述符,列数是描述符的维数
  • getTrainDescriptors:获得已添加的描述符
  • clear,empty:清空和判断匹配器是否添加了描述符
  • train:当加载完所有描述符时,通常需要运行 train 函数。它将基于使用的匹配方法生成指定数据结构,以便将来更高效地加速匹配过程。通常如果提供了 train 方法,必须在调用匹配方法之前调用 train 方法。
  • match(), knnMatch(), and radiusMatch():用于目标识别的函数,其中 match() 方法只返回最优匹配,而 knnMatch() 将返回前 k 个最优匹配,radiusMatch 则返回所有距离小于指定距离的匹配。
  • read,write:存储和加载匹配器,特别对于大型数据库,不用再保存所有图片
  • clone,create:其中 emptyTrainData 标示是否使用原始训练数据,而 create 可接受如下方法的字符串

Opencv 关键点和描述符(二)—— 通用关键点和描述符



class cv::KeyPointsFilter {
	static void runByImageBorder(
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // in/out list of keypoints
		cv::Size imageSize, // Size of original image
		int borderSize // Size of border in pixels
	static void runByKeypointSize(
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // in/out list of keypoints
		float minSize, // Smallest keypoint to keep
		float maxSize = FLT_MAX // Largest one to keep
	static void runByPixelsMask(
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // in/out list of keypoints
		const cv::Mat& mask // Keep where mask is nonzero
	static void removeDuplicated(
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints // in/out list of keypoints
	static void retainBest(
		vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // in/out list of keypoints
		int npoints // Keep this many


  • runByImageBorder():去除所有小于图像边缘大小的关键点,不过必须事先指定之前使用的 imageSize
  • runByKeypointSize():去除所有小于 minSize 或者大于 maxSize 的关键点
  • runByPixelsMask():去除所有 mask 中为零的关键点
  • removeDuplicated():去除重复的关键点
  • retainBest():去除关键点直到数量降为 npoints


Brute force matching with cv::BFMatcher

class cv::BFMatcher : public cv::DescriptorMatcher {
	BFMatcher(int normType, bool crossCheck = false);
	virtual ~BFMatcher() {}
	virtual bool isMaskSupported() const { return true; }
	virtual Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> clone(
		bool emptyTrainData = false
	) const;


Opencv 关键点和描述符(二)—— 通用关键点和描述符

其中 crosscheck 如果置 1,那么必须两者分别为对方的最近邻。这能够有效的降低错误匹配,不过将花费更多的时间。

Fast approximate nearest neighbors and cv::FlannBasedMatcher

class cv::FlannBasedMatcher : public cv::DescriptorMatcher {
		const cv::Ptr< cv::flann::IndexParams>& indexParams
		= new cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams(),
		const cv::Ptr< cv::flann::SearchParams>& searchParams
		= new cv::flann::SearchParams()
	virtual void add(const vector<Mat>& descriptors);
	virtual void clear();
	virtual void train();
	virtual bool isMaskSupported() const;
	virtual void read(const FileNode&); // Read from file node
	virtual void write(FileStorage&) const; // Write to file storage
	virtual cv::Ptr<DescriptorMatcher> clone(
		bool emptyTrainData = false
	) const;



struct cv::flann::SearchParams : public cv::flann::IndexParams {
		int checks = 32, // Limit on NN candidates to check
		float eps = 0, // (Not used right now)
		bool sorted = true // Sort multiple returns if 'true'


  • Linear indexing with cv::flann::LinearIndexParams:其等效于 cv::BFMatcher
// 等价于 cv::BFMatcher
cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher(
	new cv::flann::LinearIndexParams(), // Default index parameters
	new cv::flann::SearchParams() // Default search parameters
  • KD-tree indexing with cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams:使用随机 kd-trees 进行匹配,其默认值为 4,如果通常设置为 16 或更大
cv::FlannBasedMatcher matcher(
	new cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams(16), // Index using 16 kd-trees
	new cv::flann::SearchParams() // Default search parameters
  • Hierarchical k-means tree indexing with cv::flann::KMeansIndexParams:索引使用层级 k-means 分簇
struct cv::flann::KMeansIndexParams : public cv::flann::IndexParams {
		int branching = 32, // Branching factor for tree
		int iterations = 11, // Max for k-means stage
		float cb_index = 0.2, // Probably don't mess with
		cv::flann::flann_centers_init_t centers_init
		= cv::flann::CENTERS_RANDOM
  • Combining KD-trees and k-means with cv::flann::CompositeIndexParams:混合使用 kd-trees 和 k-means 方法
struct cv::flann::CompositeIndexParams : public cv::flann::IndexParams {
		int trees = 4, // Number of trees
		int branching = 32, // Branching factor for tree
		int iterations = 11, // Max for k-means stage
		float cb_index = 0.2, // Usually leave as-is
		cv::flann::flann_centers_init_t centers_init
		= cv::flann::CENTERS_RANDOM
  • Locality-sensitive hash (LSH) indexing with cv::flann::LshIndexParams:使用 hash 函数将相似的目标放置到相同的桶中,其只能被用于处理二值特性,比如汉明距离
struct cv::flann::LshIndexParams : public cv::flann::IndexParams {
		unsigned int table_number, // Number of hash tables to use, usually '10' to '30'
		unsigned int key_size, // key bits, usually '10' to '20'
		unsigned int multi_probe_level // Best to just set this to '2'
  • Automatic index selection with cv::flann::AutotunedIndexParams:让算法自主选择一个合适的索引方法
struct cv::flann::AutotunedIndexParams : public cv::flann::IndexParams {
		float target_precision = 0.9, // Percentage of searches required
									  // to return an exact result
		float build_weight = 0.01, // Priority for building fast
		float memory_weight = 0.0, // Priority for saving memory
		float sample_fraction = 0.1 // Fraction of training data to use


Displaying keypoints with cv::drawKeypoints

void cv::drawKeypoints(
	const cv::Mat& image, // Image to draw keypoints
	const vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints, // List of keypoints to draw
	cv::Mat& outImg, // image and keypoints drawn
	const Scalar& color = cv::Scalar::all(-1), // Use different colors
	int flags = cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT


  • color:cv::Scalar::all(-1) 自动使用不同的颜色
  • flags:cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT 使用小圆圈,cv::DrawMatchesFlags:: DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS 标记为 size 大小的圆圈,并标记 angle 的方向

Displaying keypoint matches with cv::drawMatches

void cv::drawMatches(
	const cv::Mat& img1, // "Left" image
	const vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints1, // Keypoints (lt. img)
	const cv::Mat& img2, // "Right" image
	const vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints2, // Keypoints (rt. img)
	const vector< cv::DMatch >& matches1to2, // List of matches
	cv::Mat& outImg, // Result images
	const cv::Scalar& matchColor = cv::Scalar::all(-1),
	const cv::Scalar& singlePointColor = cv::Scalar::all(-1),
	const vector<char>& matchesMask = vector<char>(),
	int flags
	= cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT
void cv::drawMatches(
	const cv::Mat& img1, // "Left" image
	const vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints1, // Keypoints (lt. img)
	const cv::Mat& img2, // "Right" image
	const vector< cv::KeyPoint >& keypoints2, // Keypoints (rt. img)
	const vector< vector<cv::DMatch> >& matches1to2, // List of lists
													 // of matches
	cv::Mat& outImg, // Result images
	const cv::Scalar& matchColor // and connecting line
	= cv::Scalar::all(-1),
	const cv::Scalar& singlePointColor // unmatched ones
	= cv::Scalar::all(-1),
	const vector< vector<char> >& matchesMask // only draw for nonzero
	= vector< vector<char> >(),
	int flags = cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT


  • img1,img2,keypoints1,keypoints2:给出了两张图片和分别的关键点
  • matches1to2:表示了关键点的匹配关系,其中 keypoints1[i] 与 keypoints2[matches[i]] 相匹配
  • outImg:匹配结果
  • matchcolor:匹配的关键点将用线连接,同时标记上此颜色
  • singlePointColor:没有匹配的关键点将使用此颜色
  • matcherMask:匹配上的关键点位置将被置一
  • flags:cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT(输出结果在 outImg 中,同时用小圆圈标记);cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG(并不重新分配 outImg 的空间,这样可以多次调用 cv::drawMatches(),将结果绘制在一张图上);cv::DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS(并不绘制未匹配上的关键点);cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS(将关键点用带尺度和方向的圆标示)

最后给出一个 Python 的具体用例

import cv2

sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()

target = cv2.imread("target.png")
target_feature = sift.detectAndCompute(target, None) # keypoints, descriptors
# cv2.drawKeypoints(target, target_feature[0], target)
# cv2.imshow("target", target)
# cv2.waitKey(0)

query = cv2.imread("query.png")
query_feature = sift.detectAndCompute(query, None)

# print target_feature
# print query_feature

# bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
bf = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher()
matches = bf.knnMatch(query_feature[1], target_feature[1], k=2)

good = []
good_without_list = []
for m, n in matches:
    if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:

result_knn = cv2.drawMatchesKnn(query, query_feature[0], target, target_feature[0], good, None)
cv2.imshow("result_knn", result_knn)

result = cv2.drawMatches(query, query_feature[0], target, target_feature[0], good_without_list, None)
cv2.imshow("result", result)