配置Cognos Sample样例1--oracle数据库配置



create tablespace tbs_cognosamp datafile 'E:/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/wjy/data02.dbf' size 500M autoextend off;



create user gosales identified by cognos default tablespace tbs_cognosamp;
create user gosaleshr identified by cognos default tablespace tbs_cognosamp;
create user gosalesmr identified by cognos default tablespace tbs_cognosamp;
create user gosalesrt identified by cognos default tablespace tbs_cognosamp;
create user gosalesdw identified by cognos default tablespace tbs_cognosamp;



alter user gosales quota unlimited on tbs_cognosamp;
alter user gosaleshr quota unlimited on tbs_cognosamp;
alter user gosalesmr quota unlimited on tbs_cognosamp;
alter user gosalesrt quota unlimited on tbs_cognosamp;
alter user gosalesdw quota unlimited on tbs_cognosamp;
grant connect,resource,select any table to gosales,gosalesmr,gosaleshr,gosalesrt,gosalesdw;
grant create any view to gosalesdw;







imp gosales/cognos file=E:\GOSALES.dmp full=y COMMIT=Y  FEEDBACK=50000 ignore=y  BUFFER=2000000 INDEXES=N



配置Cognos Sample样例1--oracle数据库配置








