Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤


1. AppStore下载Xcode直接安装即可;

2. Android版下载与配置

 <1> 下载地址:
          选择写本文时的最新版)如图:Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤

 运行/usr/local/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android,即可启动Android SDK Manager,如图:

Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤

保持默认的选项即可,点击Install 23 packages…,进入到下图:

Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤

选择Accept License,然后Install就可以了。这个过程根据网速不同,可能需要10-20分钟,耐心等待。

<2> 设置Android环境变量:

方法 1:点击桌面空白位置然后使用快捷键shift+cmd+G,输入~/.bash_profile,找到.bash_profile文件,打开后在该文件中添加:

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/local/android-sdk-macosx

  终端执行 source ~/.bash_profile 使环境变量生效。

方法 2:终端输入

vi .bash_profile

  按 i 键进入bash_profile文件编辑模式,完成之后esc键退出编辑,:wq结束。
  同样执行 source ~/.bash_profile 使环境变量生效。


3. Appium安装

  Appium官网下载:, 直接安装即可。
  appium doctor用来appium的是否成功安装,即点击下图按钮:

Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤


Last login: Tue Nov  1 14:55:59 on ttys002
wldeMacBook-Pro:~ wl$ '/Applications/' '/Applications/'
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ Xcode is installed at: /Applications/
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ DevToolsSecurity is enabled.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ The Authorization DB is set up properly.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ The Node.js binary was found at: /usr/local/bin/node
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ HOME is set to: /Users/wl
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ ANDROID_HOME is set to: /usr/local/android-sdk-macosx
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ JAVA_HOME is set to: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_91.jdk/Contents/Home
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ adb exists at: /usr/local/android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools/adb
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ android exists at: /usr/local/android-sdk-macosx/tools/android
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ emulator exists at: /usr/local/android-sdk-macosx/tools/emulator
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic completed, no fix needed. ###
info AppiumDoctor 
info AppiumDoctor Everything looks good, bye!
info AppiumDoctor 




在.bash_profile文件中配置的环境变量路径都没有问题,但是使用appium-doctor检查后一直是 :

➜  ~ '/Applications/' '/Applications/'
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic starting ###
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ Xcode is installed at: /Applications/
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ DevToolsSecurity is enabled.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ The Authorization DB is set up properly.
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ The Node.js binary was found at: /usr/local/bin/node
info AppiumDoctor  ✔ HOME is set to: /Users/WL
WARN AppiumDoctor  ✖ ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor  ✖ JAVA_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor  ✖ adb could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor  ✖ android could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
WARN AppiumDoctor  ✖ emulator could not be found because ANDROID_HOME is NOT set!
info AppiumDoctor ### Diagnostic completed, 5 fixes needed. ###
info AppiumDoctor 
info AppiumDoctor ### Manual Fixes Needed ###
info AppiumDoctor The configuration cannot be automatically fixed, please do the following first:
WARN AppiumDoctor - Manually configure ANDROID_HOME.
WARN AppiumDoctor - Manually configure JAVA_HOME.
WARN AppiumDoctor - Manually configure ANDROID_HOME and run appium-doctor again.
info AppiumDoctor ###
info AppiumDoctor 
info AppiumDoctor Bye, run appium-doctor again when the all the manual fixes have been applied!
info AppiumDoctor 

(1) 打开.bash_profile文件,输入 echo hello from bash_profile!

(2) 打开Mac自带的终端Terminal(不是iTerm2),发现并没有输出我刚刚在.bash_profile中输入的那句Hello from bash_profile!,所以可以判定打开终端时并没有加载.bash_profile文件读取到ANDROID_PATH和JAVA_PATH。

方法1: 打开Terminal,终端->偏好设置,发现目前的设置如图所示:

Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤

修改之后如下图即可(即 使用bash shell去载入.bash_profile文件, Linux使用Bash作为默认Shell) :

Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤


打印出刚刚在.bash_profile中输入的Hello from bash_profile!



echo $SHELL






Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤


cat /etc/shells 


# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.



chsh -s  /bin/bash


Mac上安装 Appium 详细步骤