论文阅读笔记:Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization




  • 弱监督目标定位
  • 可视化CNN


Class Activation Mapping(CAM)

CAM技术详细且简洁地展示了如何用CNN进行目标定位(检测)以及可视化,原理很简单,主要基于global average pooling(GAP)

论文阅读笔记:Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization

  • Firstly, get the last convolutional layer feature maps fk(x,y)f_k(x,y),is the kthkth channel feature map, channel num is nn

  • Sencondly,use global average pooling to get FkF_{k}
    Fk=x,yfk(x,y)F_{k} = \sum_{x,y} f_k(x,y)

  • Thirdly,use a FC layer,get class score ScS_{c},it can be used to compute softmax cross entropy loss and then to train
    Sc=kwkcFkS_{c} = \sum_{k} w_{k}^{c} * F_{k}

  • Finally,we can get class activation map by the weights wkcw_{k}^{c} for every class cc,the resolution of Mc(x,y)M_c(x,y) and fk(x,y)f_k(x,y) is same, and we can upsample it to get final map(size is same with oral image)
    Mc(x,y)=kwkcfk(x,y)M_c(x,y) = \sum_{k}w_{k}^{c} * f_{k}(x,y)


classification result

论文阅读笔记:Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization
Compared with original network(VGG、GoogleLeNet et al),use GAP there is a small drop of 1%-2%.


论文阅读笔记:Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization
Compared with fully-supervised methods,use CAM there is a large difference,at last this method not use bounding box.


  • It is important that we can use classification-trained CNNs to learn to localization,without using any bounding box.
  • The class activation mapping method is easy to transfer to other task for example captioning、VAQ et al.