David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

1.Markov decision processes formally describe an environment for reinforcement learning

  • Where the environment is fully observable

  • The current state completely characterises the process

  • Almost all RL problems can be formalised as MDPs

e.g. Optimal(最佳的) control primarily deals with continuous MDPs;Partially observable problems can be converted into MDPs;Bandits are MDPs with one state

2.Markov property(属性):

“The future is independent of the past given the present”


A state David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes) is Markov if and only if  David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • The state captures all relevant information fronm the history.

  • Once the state is known,the history may be thrown away.

  • The state is a sufficient statistic of the future.

3.State Transition Matrix(状态转换矩阵):

For a Markov state s and successor state s', the state transition probability is defined by David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(s转移到s'的概率,状态转移概率)


State transition matrix P defines transition probabilities from all states s to all successor states s',

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

where each row of the matrix sums to 1.


4.A Markov process is a memoryless random process, i.e. a sequence of random states S1,S2,... with the Markov property.


A Markov Process (or Markov Chain) is a tuple( 元组)<S,P>(定义了系统的动态变化过程,不需要actions和rewards来定义)

  • S is a (finite) set of states

  • P is a state transition probability matrix,David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

Example:Student Markov Chain

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

Sample episodes for Student Markov Chain starting from S1 = C1


5.Markov Reward Process(引入reward逐渐过度到加强学习上)

A Markov reward process is a Markov chain with values


A Markov Reward Process is a tuple <S,P,R,γ>

  • S is a finite set of states 状态空间

  • P is a state transition probability matrix,   转移概率David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • R is a reward function, Rs = E[Rt+1 | St = s]  奖励函数

  • γ is a discount factor, γ ∈ [0,1]  折扣因子



The return Gt is the total discounted reward from time-step t.

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(从当前时间往前算)

  • The discount γ ∈ [0,1] is the present value of future rewards(0代表最短视,1代表最长视)

  • The value of receiving reward R after k +1 time-steps is David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • This values immediate reward above delayed reward.

  • γ close to 0 leads to ”myopic” evaluation

  • γ close to 1 leads to ”far-sighted” evaluation

Value Function(state value function)

The value function v(s) gives the long-term value of state s


The state value function v(s) of an MRP is the expected return starting from state s   David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes) (从当前到终点时的reward和的期望,来判断选择给我们更多的总的reward的states)

  • 从这个state可以找到多个samples,samples的returns是随机的,但是value function函数不是随机的,是这些随机变量的期望

6.Bellman Equation(方程)for MRPs (在动态规划中有很大的应用)

基本思想是对Value Function进行递归分解

The value function can be decomposed into two parts:

  • immediate reward Rt+1 

  • discounted value of successor state γv(St+1)

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)


David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)



David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

用矩阵和向量来更精准地表示bellman equation的公式:

The Bellman equation can be expressed concisely using matrices:

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

        where v is a column vector with one entry per state

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • The Bellman equation is a linear equation

  • It can be solved directly:

        David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • Computational complexity is O(n3) for n states

  • Direct solution only possible for small MRPs

  • There are many iterative(迭代的)methods for large MRPs

7.Markov Decision Process

A Markov decision process (MDP) is a Markov reward process with decisions. It is an environment in which all states are Markov.



Definition A Markov Decision Process is a tuple <S, A, P, R, γ>

  • S is a finite set of states

  • A is a finite set of actions

  • P is a state transition probability matrix,

           David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • R is a reward function,David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • γ is a discount factor γ ∈ [0, 1].



A policy π is a distribution over actions given states,(根据states的actions的概率分布)

 π(a|s) = P [At= a | St= s] 

  • A policy fully defines the behaviour of an agent

  • MDP policies depend on the current state (not the history)

  • i.e. Policies are stationary (静态的)(time-independent), At∼ π(·|St), ∀t > 0(独立于时间步,只取决于当下的状态


  • Given an MDP M = <S, A, P, R, γ> and a policy π

  • The state sequence S1, S2, ... is a Markov process <S, David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)>

  • The state and reward sequence S1, R2, S2, ... is a Markov reward process <S, David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes), David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes), γ>

  • where

         David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

10.Value Function in MDP

Definition 1:The state-value function vπ(s) of an MDP is the expected return starting from state s, and then following policy π

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(在policy π下)


Definition 2:The action-value function qπ(s,a) is the expected return starting from state s, taking action a, and then following policy π

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(在policy π下到action a)

11.Bellman Expectation Equation

The state-value function can again be decomposed into immediate reward plus discounted value of successor state,

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

The action-value function can similarly be decomposed,

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)


David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)或者表示为



David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)


David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)表示的是第一个公式,0.5代表转移的策略,这个等式是为了验证方程的正确性,7.4是给好了的。

Bellman Expectation Equation(Matrix Form)(矩阵形式)

可以让你将任何的MDP还原成Markov Reward Process(63:04)

The Bellman expectation equation can be expressed concisely using the induced MRP,

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

with direct solution

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(可以通过一个线性方程来得到value function)



12.Optimal(最优的)Value Function


The optimal state-value function v∗(s) is the maximum value function over all policies

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

The optimal action-value function q∗(s,a) is the maximum action-value function over all policies

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • The optimal value function specifies the best possible performance in the MDP.

  • An MDP is “solved” when we know the optimal value fn.



Optimal Policy(真正关心的)


Define a partial ordering over policies    

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(任意一个MDP中都存在着一个最佳的policy)


For any Markov Decision Process

  • There exists an optimal policy π∗ that is better than or equal to all other policies, π∗ ≥ π,∀π

  • All optimal policies achieve the optimal value function, David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • All optimal policies achieve the optimal action-value function, 

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

An optimal policy can be found by maximising over q∗(s,a),

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)

  • There is always a deterministic optimal policy for any MDP

  • If we know q∗(s,a), we immediately have the optimal policy

Bellman Optimality Equation for v∗

The optimal value functions are recursively related by the Bellman optimality equations:

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(1)(求出action的value的最大值)

Bellman Optimality Equation for Q∗

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(2)(action的immediate value加上接下来states的values的均值/期望)

Bellman Optimality Equation for V∗ (2)

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(3)(上述两者的结合,转换为David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)的迭代公式)

Bellman Optimality Equation for Q∗ (2)

David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)(4)(转换为David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)的迭代公式)89


David Silver RL课程第2课(Markov decision processes)利用公式(1)得到6

Solving the Bellman Optimality Equation

  • Bellman Optimality Equation is non-linear

  • No closed form solution (in general)

  • Many iterative(迭代) solution methods

    • Value Iteration

    • Policy Iteration

    • Q-learning

    • Sarsa