
If your hard drive is short on space you might want to consider reducing the size of your Recycle Bin. By default Windows XP reserves 10% of your hard drive for the bin. You can save up to 3GB of space if you resize a bin to 1% on a 40GB hard drive. You can resize individual drive or all of them globally.

如果硬盘驱动器空间不足,则可能需要考虑减少回收站的大小。 默认情况下,Windows XP将您硬盘驱动器的10%留给垃圾箱。 如果将40GB硬盘驱动器上的垃圾箱大小调整为1%,则最多可以节省3GB的空间。 您可以调整单个驱动器或全局所有驱动器的大小。

Before starting, I would recommend emptying the bin first. (Of course you should verify what you are emptying first.) You may also want to create a Restore Point before applying this or any system changes.

开始之前,我建议先清空垃圾箱。 (当然,您应该先验证要清空的内容。)您可能还想在应用此还原或任何系统更改之前创建一个还原点。

Right click on the Recycle Bin icon and select Properties.



From the Recycle Bin Properties screen you can choose to configure drives independently or Globally by setting the same size for all drives. Here you can also choose to remove files immediately and not put them in the Recycle Bin at all. I wouldn’t recommend that option however.

在“回收站属性”屏幕中,可以通过为所有驱动器设置相同的大小来选择独立配置驱动器还是全局配置驱动器。 在这里,您还可以选择立即删除文件,而根本不将其放入回收站。 但是,我不建议使用该选项。


In this instance since I have multiple drives of various sizes I will choose to configure each drive separately. Just select the tab for each drive and move the slider to accommodate the percentage of space you wish to use.

在这种情况下,由于我有多个不同大小的驱动器,因此我将选择分别配置每个驱动器。 只需为每个驱动器选择选项卡,然后移动滑块以适应您希望使用的空间百分比即可。


Once you have finished resizing click Apply and OK.



The size you choose is user specific. You may want to increase the size of the Recycle Bin or turn it off completely.

您选择的尺寸取决于用户。 您可能需要增加回收站的大小或完全将其关闭。

At work you might want to leave the settings as they are in case you unintentionally recycle an important report your boss needs 5 months later. The nice thing is that if your file is still in the Recycle Bin you can easily restore it.

在工作中,您可能希望保留设置不变,以防万一您无意中回收了5个月后老板需要的重要报告。 令人高兴的是,如果您的文件仍在回收站中,则可以轻松地将其还原。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/resize-the-recycle-bin-in-xp/