2019-03-17学习笔记:读论文-A Quantitative Comparison of Total Suspended Sediment Algorithms: A Case Study of

Monitoring TSS along with other water quality parameters is crucial for coastal ecology because TSS can directly affect the turbidity and color of water [3] and turbidity determines the amount of light availability at depth for primary production.

An empirical model is often sought for its simplicity and explanatory power because
unique properties of local waters are tuned to each model, but it may lack general applicability.
An analytic model is potentially applicable to other water bodies because it is not dependent on the in situ water constituents, but it requires accurate knowledge of water column properties which is often difficult to acquire. The semi-analytic model has both the limitations and advantages associated with the first two models, and it is generally preferred because it has higher explanatory power and is more convenient than the analytic model


Hydrolight的作用:Using a forward model HydroLight solves radiance distributions and
derives reflectance and radiance for water bodies with specific inherent optical properties (SIOPs) for given sky and water state conditions

2019-03-17学习笔记:读论文-A Quantitative Comparison of Total Suspended Sediment Algorithms: A Case Study of2019-03-17学习笔记:读论文-A Quantitative Comparison of Total Suspended Sediment Algorithms: A Case Study ofThe next common reflectance type used in TSS algorithms is a normalized water-leaving
reflectance which is related to Rrs() as follows:
rw(l)jN = pRrs(l)

Models are considered semi-analytic because they are derived based on a physical form [56] or one or more parameters in the TSS algorithms are either parameterized using site-specific or global in-water bio-optical properties.