Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning

  • Abekawa T, Abekawa T. Framework of automatic text summarization using reinforcement learning[C]// Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012:256-265.


  • reinforcement learning can be adapted to automatic
    summarization problems naturally and simply, and other summarizing techniques, such as sentence compression, can be easily adapted as actions of the framework.
  • One of the most well-known extractive approaches
    is maximal marginal relevance (MMR),
  • Greedy MMR-style algorithms are widely used; however, they cannot take into account the whole quality of the summary due to their greediness
  • Global inference algorithms for the extractive
    approach have been researched widely in recent
  • Define the problem as:
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
  • We can regard the extractive approach as a search
    ##Models of Extractive Approach for Reinforcement Learning
    ###Reinforcement Learning
  • Reinforcement learning is a powerful method of solving planning problems, especially problems formulated as Markov decision processes (MDPs)
  • A state denotes a summary
    定义state变量 s = (S, A, f)
    A: the history of actions A that the agent executed to achieve this state
    f ∈ {0, 1} :enotes whether s is a terminal state or not 标记是否是中止状态
    初始化: s0 = (∅, ∅, 0).
  • 状态s的d维特征表示:
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    insert_i 插入x_i 文本单元
    finish 结束操作
    A = {insert1, insert2, · · · , insertn, finish}.
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    The most important point of this definition is that the agent receives nothing under the condition where the next state is not terminated.
    ###Value Function Approximation
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    Temperature τ decreases as learning progresses, which causes the policy to be greedier. This softmax selection strategy is called Boltzmann selection.
    ###Learning Algorithm
    The goal of learning is to estimate θ.
    We use the TD (λ) algorithm with function approximation
    Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning
    ###Models of Combined Approach for Reinforcement Learning
    Even other summarization systems can be similarly adapted to ASRL.