Computer Systerm Architecture by M.Morris Mano学习笔记1:1.1-1.4


  1. Power Series 幂级数
  2. decimal 十进制的
  3. digit (指0-9中任意一个)数字
  4. arithmetic 算术,算术运算
  5. algebraic 代数的
  6. tabular 制成表的
  7. parenthese 圆括号
  8. 1-1 念作one dash one
  9. minterm 最小项
  10. unprimed 未填装的



Computer Systerm Architacture的结构介绍

I only record the most important informations which are unkown or easily forgotten for myself.

Computer systerm is composed of hardware and software.

RAM(Random Access Memory)is storage for instruction and data. The reason why it is called RAM is that CPU could access any location in memory at random and retrieve the binary information within fixed interval of time.

逻辑门(Logic Gates)

There are 8 types logic gates which consists of AND, OR, NAND, NOR, BUFFER, INVERT, EXCLUSIVE-OR(XOR), EXCLUSIVE-NOR.

XOR’s output is 1 if any input is 1 but excludes the combination when both input are 1.

EXCLUSIVE-NOR’s output is a invert of XOR.


Computer Systerm Architecture by M.Morris Mano学习笔记1:1.1-1.4
Notice: x+yx=(x+y)(x+z)


Karnauph map(K-MAP) shows up in this chapter.

n variebles will have 2^n minterms

The way to get the correct formulation of the K-MAP is illustrated in followered graphs, and Don’t Care Conditions is in it too
Computer Systerm Architecture by M.Morris Mano学习笔记1:1.1-1.4
Computer Systerm Architecture by M.Morris Mano学习笔记1:1.1-1.4