【短文】粗读CVPR2019论文 Tracking by Animation: Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Attentive Trackers







文章摘要Online Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) from videos is a challenging computer vision task which has been extensively studied for decades. Most of the existing MOT algorithms are based on the Tracking-by-Detection (TBD) paradigm combined with popular machine learning approaches which largely reduce the human effort to tune algorithm parameters. However, the commonly used supervised learning approaches require the labeled data (e.g., bounding boxes), which is expensive for videos. Also, the TBD framework is usually suboptimal since it is not end-to-end, i.e., it considers the task as detection and tracking, but not jointly. To achieve both label-free and end-to-end learning of MOT, we propose a Tracking-by-Animation framework, where a differentiable neural model fifirst tracks objects from input frames and then animates these objects into reconstructed frames. Learning is then driven by the reconstruction error through backpropagation. We further propose a Reprioritized Attentive Tracking to improve the robustness of data association. Experiments conducted on both synthetic and real video datasets show the potential of the proposed model.


1. We propose a Tracking-by-Animation (TBA) framework, where a differentiable neural model fifirst tracks objects from input frames and then animates these objects into reconstructed frames. Learning is then driven by the reconstruction error through backpropagation.

2. We propose a Reprioritized Attentive Tracking (RAT) to mitigate overfifitting and disrupted tracking, improving the robustness of data association.

3.We evaluate our model on two synthetic datasets (MNIST-MOT and Sprites-MOT) and one real dataset (DukeMTMC [49]), showing its potential.





【短文】粗读CVPR2019论文 Tracking by Animation: Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Attentive Trackers


伪代码的这一部分很好的解释了第三章的逻辑过程,同时里面也很好的介绍了RAT的思想,也就是作者在摘要里面提到的如何提升跟踪的稳定性,从而一定程度上缓解Introduction里面所介绍的不确定的目标数量,频繁遮挡,位置变换和背景噪声的问题,具体计算方法和思路大家可以看下3.1, 3.2和 3.3。

【短文】粗读CVPR2019论文 Tracking by Animation: Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Attentive Trackers






Zhen He 1,2,3∗  Jian Li 2  Daxue Liu 2  Hangen He 2  David Barber 3,4

1 Academy of Military Medical Sciences
2 National University of Defense Technology
3 University College London
4 The Alan Turing Institute