launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...


Being a technology geek I love to try out new tech services, programs, and hardware.  If you’re lucky or happen to know the right people you can get into some very cool beta programs.  The big companies also offer public programs for different projects they are working on.  Google Labs is definitely a geek favorite, and even Microsoft offers some cool stuff to test out through Live, Office, and Virtual labs.

作为技术怪胎,我喜欢尝试新的技术服务,程序和硬件。 如果您幸运或碰巧认识了合适的人,则可以加入一些非常酷的Beta版程序。 大公司还为他们正在从事的不同项目提供公共计划。 Google实验室绝对是极客的最爱,甚至Microsoft都提供了一些不错的功能,可以通过Live,Office和Virtual实验室进行测试。

Today we will look at a cool program from Microsoft Office Labs called Speed Launch.  This is basically their own version of an application launcher such as Launchy.

今天,我们将看看来自Microsoft Office Labs的一个很酷的程序,称为Speed Launch。 这基本上是他们自己的应用程序启动器版本,例如Launchy



Because this is an Office Labs beta project you will have to agree to participate in Microsoft’s Usage Metrics & Auto Update.

由于这是一个Office Labs测试版项目,因此您必须同意参加Microsoft的“用法指标和自动更新”

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

If you choose not to participate you will be advised that installation cannot continue.


launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

After agreeing to Microsoft’s participation program and EULA, installation is quick and easy and you’re ready to begin.


launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

Using Speed Launch


Using Speed Launch is quite simple.  Just drag over an program application’s shortcut to the bullseye and a window will pop up for you to create a name for it and add it.

使用Speed Launch非常简单。 只需将程序应用程序的快捷方式拖到靶心上,就会弹出一个窗口为您创建一个名称并添加它。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

To launch the bar just use “Windows+C” key combination.  Here is where to access your created shortcuts or test out some that are included.  Included features are MSN Money, MegaSearch, Wikipedia Search, Image and Movie Search.

要启动该栏,只需使用“ Windows + C”组合键。 在这里可以访问您创建的快捷方式或测试其中包含的快捷方式。 包括的功能包括MSN Money ,MegaSearch,Wikipedia搜索,图像和电影搜索。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

Click on MegaSearch and you will be prompted to type in what you’re searching for, then your default browser will pop up with search results from Google, Yahoo, and Live Search.

单击MegaSearch,系统将提示您输入要搜索的内容,然后默认浏览器将弹出GoogleYahooLive Search的搜索结果。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...
launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

Right click the bullseye to get more options and settings for Speed Launch.


launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

One of the functions is to manage your shortcuts.  Here we can add or delete shortcuts or customize current ones.  For example here you see that by default MegaSearch opens up three major search engines.  You can change these to whatever you want which works best for you.

功能之一是管理您的快捷方式。 在这里,我们可以添加或删除快捷方式或自定义当前的快捷方式。 例如,您在这里看到默认情况下,MegaSearch打开了三个主要的搜索引擎。 您可以将它们更改为最适合自己的内容。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

There are actually some cool customizations you can do with Speed Launch.  For this example I am going to make a custom search for video’s on You Tube.  I go to and enter in a search in this example I use John Petrucci, on of my favorite guitarists, but you can enter in whatever you want.  Now take the search results page and drag that to the Speed Launch target and end the shortcut name with a dot.

实际上,您可以使用Speed Launch进行一些很酷的自定义。 对于此示例,我将在You Tube上对视频进行自定义搜索。 在本示例中,我转到youtube.com并输入搜索内容,我使用的是我最喜欢的吉他手中的John Petrucci ,但您可以输入所需的任何内容。 现在,进入搜索结果页面并将其拖动到Speed Launch目标,并以点号结束快捷方式名称。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

Next, you are asked to use a memorable name then highlight the area of the search to exclude in the future, which in this case is “John+Petrucci” and hit finish.

接下来,要求您使用一个令人难忘的名称,然后突出显示将来要排除的搜索区域,在这种情况下为“ John + Petrucci”,并点击完成。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...

Now I have my custom search function where I can enter in anything I want into the search area and will automatically open with my search results.


launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...



Speed Launch does not include an uninstaller and you will not find it in Add / Remove Programs.  To uninstall you just need to run .msi installer again to get the uninstall option.

Speed Launch不包含卸载程序,您不会在“添加/删除程序”中找到它。 要卸载,您只需再次运行.msi installer即可获得卸载选项。

launch启动一个程序_通过Microsoft Speed Launch更轻松地访问应用程序,文件和网站...



Speed Launch is a pretty cool application which allows faster and more convenient productivity in Windows.  You are able to easily access your bookmarks with this utility as well.  So far there is some personal configuration available, more functions may be added as the project grows.  If you like testing out new software and working with dev teams, or just want faster productivity you might want to try it out.

Speed Launch是一个非常酷的应用程序,它可以在Windows中更快,更方便地生产。 您也可以使用此实用程序轻松访问书签。 到目前为止,已有一些个人配置可用,随着项目的发展,可能会添加更多功能。 如果您想测试新软件并与开发团队合作,或者只是想提高生产率,则可以尝试一下。

** Update … I just realized that The Geek had written about this previously, you might want to check out his article as well **

** 更新…我刚刚意识到The Geek之前已经写过有关此的内容,您可能还想看看他的文章 **

Download Speed Launch From Microsoft Office Labs

从Microsoft Office Labs下载快速启动

