


Happy Friday, folks!  With all the excitement from this week’s Ninja Camp, we have even more exiting news to share on the Union front…

伙计们,星期五快乐! 在本周的忍者训练营中 ,所有激动人心的事情,我们还有更多现成的新闻要在联盟战线上分享…

In Brian’s last Union post, we shared what we were able to do with Sony Ericsson’s Xperia PLAY launch and several talented studios to implement Xperia PLAY’s unique controls in their games.  Being a part of the Xperia PLAY launch garnered those developers considerable attention, and being featured in the on-deck games recommender widget shipping on those phones should prove even more valuable.

Brian在Union的最后一篇帖子中 ,我们分享了索尼爱立信Xperia PLAY发布会和几个才华横溢的工作室在游戏中实现Xperia PLAY独特控件的能力。 作为Xperia PLAY发行的一部分,这些开发人员引起了极大的关注,并且在这些手机上发售的随身游戏推荐器小部件中扮演的角色应该被证明具有更大的价值。

Today, we’re announcing another very exciting partnership with mobile industry giant, RIM!  To kick things off with Union, in the coming months, RIM will be bringing dozens of Unity games to PlayBook.

今天,我们宣布与移动行业巨头RIM建立另一个非常令人兴奋的合作伙伴关系! 为了与Union展开合作,在接下来的几个月中,RIM将为PlayBook带来数十种Unity游戏。


RIM is a very interesting early partner for Union because of their market share (15% global smartphones as of Q4 2010), their impressive customer loyalty, the strong monetization rates for App World and their new commitment to gaming with PlayBook.  We’re thrilled to be able to open up these kinds of opportunities for Unity developers so early in our efforts with Union!

RIM是Union的一个非常有趣的早期合作伙伴,因为其市场份额 (截至2010年第四季度,全球智能手机 15%),令人印象深刻的客户忠诚度,App World的强劲获利率以及对PlayBook游戏的新承诺。 我们很高兴能够在与Union的早期合作中为Unity开发人员打开这些机会!

During their earnings announcement yesterday, RIM offered some details about this new relationship with Union.  Unfortunately, some of the details were mistakenly covered by a few press outlets, so to ensure there’s no confusion, let’s clear up the details:

在昨天的财报中 ,RIM提供了有关与Union的新关系的一些细节。 不幸的是,一些细节被一些新闻媒体错误地 掩盖了,因此为了确保不引起混淆,让我们清理一下细节:

  • The Unity Technologies / RIM relationship at present is built solely around games distribution through Union.

    目前,Unity Technologies / RIM关系仅建立在通过Union发行游戏的基础上。
  • We’ve made no commitment to supporting Playbook deployment from Unity at this time.  While we’re hopeful that the new platform will emerge as a success that warrants this as a next step, as of today, the path for developers to the Playbook is through Union.

    目前,我们尚未承诺支持Unity的Playbook部署。 尽管我们希望新平台能够取得成功,确保下一步可以成功,但直到今天,开发人员使用Playbook的途径都是通过Union。
  • RIM and Union will start by bringing dozens of Unity-authored titles to the Playbook this year.  These titles may just be the first wave to go to this new device, but we’ll be doing our best in working with RIM to ensure that they’re actively promoted and that the platform will be a place where they can flourish and make developers lots of money.

    RIM和Union将从今年在Playbook中带来数十种Unity创作的标题开始。 这些标题可能只是使用这种新设备的第一波浪潮,但是我们将尽最大努力与RIM合作,以确保它们得到积极推广,并且该平台将成为他们蓬勃发展并培养开发人员的地方很多钱。
  • Unity developers interested in bringing their content to the Playbook can let us know by submitting a game profile at or by emailing us.

    有兴趣将其内容带入Playbook的Unity开发人员可以通过在上提交游戏资料或向我们发送电子邮件来 告知 我们 。

For those of you who’ve submitted your game to Union or emailed us already, you may be curious if your game will be one of those headed to PlayBook.  Though we’ve been in touch with most of the developers whose titles are slated for the platform, there are some of you that we haven’t chatted with yet.  If you’re curious about your game, just let us know.  It’s possible that it may already be in the Playbook queue!  If it’s not, rest assured that we’ll be working with RIM to see about bringing many more games over, too.

对于已经将游戏提交给Union或已经通过电子邮件发送给我们的那些人,您可能会好奇您的游戏是否将成为PlayBook的其中一款。 尽管我们已经与大多数为其平台定名的开发人员保持联系,但其中有些人我们还没有聊天。 如果您对自己的游戏感到好奇,请告诉我们。 它可能已经在Playbook队列中了! 如果不是这样,请放心,我们将与RIM合作,看看是否还会带来更多游戏。

I hope you’re all as pumped about this as we are!!!  We’re just getting started here with Union, but definitely on our way to building something really special. More Union news to share in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

我希望你们和我们一样都为此感到兴奋!!! 我们在这里刚开始使用Union,但是绝对可以在构建真正特别的东西的路上。 在接下来的几周内有更多的工会新闻要分享,敬请期待!

