edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

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edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

The new version of Microsoft’s Edge browser features automatic translation of web pages in foreign languages. Here’s how to use the built-in Microsoft Translator feature—and how to enable translation if it’s been disabled in your browser.

Microsoft Edge浏览器的新版本具有自动翻译外语网页的功能。 这是使用内置Microsoft Translator功能的方法,以及在浏览器中禁用翻译的情况下如何启用翻译。

转换内置到新的Edge浏览器中 (Translation is Built Into the New Edge Browser)

We’re covering the new version of the Edge browser here. It has translation features built-in, and we recommend upgrading to it. Just visit the Microsoft Edge website to download and install it on Windows, Mac, and other operating systems. It’s based on Chromium—just like Google Chrome is—so Chrome users will find it especially familiar.

我们在这里介绍Edge浏览器的新版本 。 它具有内置的翻译功能,我们建议对其进行升级。 只需访问Microsoft Edge网站即可下载并将其安装在Windows,Mac和其他操作系统上。 它基于Chromium(就像Google Chrome一样),因此Chrome用户会发现它特别熟悉。

If you still have the classic version of Edge that came with Windows 10, you can get automatic translation by installing the Translator for Microsoft Edge browser extension from the Microsoft Store.

如果您仍然拥有Windows 10附带的Edge的经典版本,则可以通过从Microsoft Store安装Microsoft Translator for Microsoft Edge浏览器扩展来获得自动翻译。

RELATED: What You Need to Know About the New Microsoft Edge Browser

相关: 关于新的Microsoft Edge浏览器,您需要了解的内容

如何翻译外语网站 (How to Translate a Foreign Language Website)

When you visit a foreign-language website in the new Microsoft Edge, Edge should automatically offer to translate it for you. If it doesn’t, you can click the “Show Translate Options” button in Edge’s address bar to view translation options. This button appears to the left of the star (favorites) icon and is only visible if Edge thinks the current web page is in a foreign language.

当您在新的Microsoft Edge中访问外语网站时,Edge会自动为您提供翻译服务。 如果没有,您可以单击Edge地址栏中的“显示翻译选项”按钮以查看翻译选项。 该按钮显示在星形(收藏夹)图标的左侧,仅当Edge认为当前网页为外语时才可见。

To translate a web page, select the language you want to translate it to and click “Translate.” It will be automatically translated in the current browser window.

要翻译网页,请选择您要翻译的语言,然后点击“翻译”。 它将在当前浏览器窗口中自动翻译。

edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

The Translate icon in the address bar will turn blue while you’re viewing a translated web page. To view the original, click the “Show Translate Options” button again and click “Show original.”

当您查看翻译的网页时,地址栏中的翻译图标将变为蓝色。 要查看原件,请再次单击“显示翻译选项”按钮,然后单击“显示原件”。

如何自动翻译一种语言的网站 (How to Automatically Translate Websites in a Language)

To automatically translate all websites in a specific foreign language, click the “Always Translate Pages from [Language]” checkbox that appears in the Translate popup.


You can then browse and Edge will automatically translate web pages in that language as they appear. To undo this change, click the “Show Translate Options” button again, uncheck “Always Translate pages from [Language]”, and click “Done.”

然后,您可以浏览,并且Edge会自动以显示的语言翻译网页。 要撤消此更改,请再次单击“显示翻译选项”按钮,取消选中“始终从[语言]翻译页面”,然后单击“完成”。

edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

如何阻止Edge翻译语言 (How to Stop Edge From Translating a Language)

If you want to browse websites in a foreign language without Edge asking you to translate them, you can instead click the arrow next to “Now Now” in the popup and click “Never translate [Language].”


Edge won’t automatically offer to translate web pages in that language anymore, but you can still click the Translate button while viewing websites in a foreign language to translate individual web pages or undo this change.


edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

如何在Edge中启用翻译 (How to Enable Translation in Edge)

Microsoft Edge uses the Microsoft Translate online service to translate web pages. Like other features dependent on online services in Edge, this feature can be disabled. If it is, you won’t see an option to translate foreign-language web pages.

Microsoft Edge使用Microsoft Translate在线服务来翻译网页。 与Edge中依赖于联机服务的其他功能一样,可以禁用此功能。 如果是这样,您将看不到翻译外语网页的选项。

To re-enable translation features, click menu > Settings > Language and ensure the “Offer to translate pages that aren’t in a language I read” option is enabled.


From this screen, you can also select your preferred languages. For example, if you read both English and French, you can ensure both languages appear under “Preferred Languages” here and Edge will never offer to translate pages in English and French.

在此屏幕上,您还可以选择首选语言。 例如,如果您同时阅读英语和法语,则可以确保两种语言都出现在此处的“首选语言”下,并且Edge绝不会提供英语和法语的翻译页面。

edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

Microsoft翻译不足时该怎么办 (What to Do When Microsoft Translate Isn’t Enough)

Microsoft’s Translator feature is powerful, but it doesn’t know every language in the world. Right now, we count a list of 74 supported languages. Machine translation isn’t perfect, either—some documents may not be translated clearly,

微软的翻译器功能强大,但是它并不了解世界上的每种语言。 现在,我们统计了74种支持的语言的列表。 机器翻译也不是完美的-有些文档可能翻译不清晰,

Google Translate claims it can translate even more languages, and its translation features may work when Microsoft Translate can’t translate something clearly. For a second attempt at translating a web page, you can head to the Google Translate website in Microsoft Edge.

Google Translate声称它可以翻译更多种语言,并且当Microsoft Translate无法清晰翻译某些内容时,其翻译功能可能会起作用。 如果要再次尝试翻译网页,可以转到Microsoft Edge中的Google翻译网站

Copy-paste the URL of a web page you want to translate into Google Translate and click the address.

将您要翻译的网页的URL复制并粘贴到Google Translate中,然后单击地址。

edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

You’ll see a translated version of the page, and you can browse it and have it automatically translated as you browse.


Google will attempt to automatically determine the language of the web page and translate it to your current language, but you can change these languages by clicking the “From” and “To” boxes at the top of the page.


edge 禁止网页自动刷新_如何在Microsoft Edge中自动翻译网页

You can use the Google Translate website to translate web pages in any browser. It’s particularly useful in browsers with no automatic translation features built-in.

您可以使用Google翻译网站在任何浏览器中翻译网页。 在没有内置自动翻译功能的浏览器中,此功能特别有用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672953/how-to-automatically-translate-a-web-page-in-microsoft-edge/

edge 禁止网页自动刷新