ios 在视频中采集音频_如何在iOS中缓慢清理音频和视频

ios 在视频中采集音频_如何在iOS中缓慢清理音频和视频

ios 在视频中采集音频

ios 在视频中采集音频_如何在iOS中缓慢清理音频和视频

In audio/video parlance, “scrubbing” is the act of fast-forwarding or reversing through the audio track or video to a particular location.  Most of the time, the default speed is fine, but if you’re looking for a particular location (especially in a long video), it helps to slow down the scrubbing speed. You can do that easily in Apple apps like Safari and Music, and also in some third-party apps. Here’s how.

用音频/视频术语来说,“擦洗”是指将音频轨道或视频快速前进或后退到特定位置。 在大多数情况下,默认速度都不错,但是,如果您要查找特定位置(尤其是在较长的视频中),则有助于降低清理速度。 您可以在Apple应用程序(例如Safari和音乐)以及某些第三方应用程序中轻松地做到这一点。 这是如何做。

When you’re watching a video or listening to a track, you just tap and hold the dot on the location slider, and then drag it left or right to scrub backward or forward.


ios 在视频中采集音频_如何在iOS中缓慢清理音频和视频

If you want to change the scrub speed, slide your finger down while holding the dot. The display will change to show the scrub speed. Options include Hi-Speed (the default), Half-Speed, Quarter-Speed, and Fine. You can also slide your finger back up through the options. While still holding the dot, you can then move left and right to scrub at your selected speed.

如果要更改擦洗速度,请在按住圆点的同时向下滑动手指。 显示将更改为显示擦洗速度。 选项包括高速(默认),半速,四分之一速和精细。 您也可以通过选项向后滑动手指。 在仍然按住圆点的同时,您可以左右移动以选定的速度进行擦洗。

ios 在视频中采集音频_如何在iOS中缓慢清理音频和视频

It takes a bit of practice, since you have to hold the dot the entire time. And, if your thumb is as fat as mine, it will usually obscure the display showing the scrub speed. I find it easier to scrub after pausing, but you can go either way. The implementation is not perfect, but it’s a handy little feature for finding just the spot you’re looking for in that movie.

这需要一些练习,因为您必须一直保持点。 而且,如果您的拇指像我的一样胖,通常会使显示擦洗速度的显示模糊。 我发现暂停后更容易进行擦洗,但是您可以选择其中一种方式。 实现并不完美,但这是一个方便的小功能,可用于仅找到您在该电影中寻找的位置。


ios 在视频中采集音频