unity ui.drag_Unity 4.6 –新的UI世界空间画布

unity ui.drag_Unity 4.6 –新的UI世界空间画布

unity ui.drag


The second in a series of reveal videos of the new UI tools coming soon in Unity 4.6, this time we show you a quick overview of creating 3D UI using the ‘World Space’ canvas mode.

Unity 4.6中即将推出的有关新UI工具的一系列展示视频的第二部分,这次我们向您展示如何使用“世界空间”画布模式创建3D UI的快速概述。

Tim Cooper from the Editor team and Will Goldstone from the Content Team took some time out to create a Character dialog sheet for our Robot Lab astronaut character ‘Astrella’, showing you how you’ll soon be able to hook up 3D UI, Buttons, Script effects, Masking, Animation and more.

编辑团队的Tim Cooper和内容团队的Will Goldstone花了一些时间为机器人实验室的宇航员角色“ Astrella”创建了一个Character对话框,向您展示如何很快就能连接3D UI,Buttons,脚本效果,蒙版,动画等。

Are you excited for the new tools? What else would you like to see from us about the new UI tools? Yes! Aside from the release date! Chat to us in the Official Forum Thread – http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/official-new-ui-system-coming-in-unity-4-6.248524/

您为新工具感到兴奋吗? 您还想从我们那里获得关于新的UI工具的其他信息吗? 是! 除了发布日期! 在官方论坛主题中与我们聊天– http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/official-new-ui-system-coming-in-unity-4-6.248524/

Sound off in the comments below and share the video and link wherever you feel like! Thanks for watching, look out for more details of Unity 4.6 soon.

在下面的评论中留言,并在任何地方分享视频和链接! 感谢您的收看,敬请期待Unity 4.6的更多详细信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/06/30/unity-4-6-new-ui-world-space-canvas/

unity ui.drag