


Greetings and welcome to the all new Unity Technologies blog! In the past there were a few of us here that had blogs and as individuals we only posted on occasion, there was no centralized page to view all of our blogs together, we weren’t organized with common categories, generally, it was a bit too out of order to be useful. Now that we’ve had some time to catch our breath after Unity 2.0 we’ve gotten around to implementing a new and proper blog site for all of our staff to use together in order to share our thoughts and ideas.

问候,欢迎访问全新的Unity Technologies博客! 过去,我们中有些人拥有博客,而作为个人,我们只是偶尔发布,没有集中的页面可以一起查看我们所有的博客,我们的组织结构并没有共同的类别,总的来说,这有点太乱了,没有用。 现在,在Unity 2.0之后,我们已经花了一些时间来喘口气了,我们已经开始建立一个新的适当的博客网站,供我们所有员工一起使用,以分享我们的想法和想法。

Over time you will begin seeing posts from a number of us, from our engineering staff, from our studios team, from our in-house artists and developers and maybe even from our CEO himself. In the end we want to give everyone out there a place to come read our various ramblings and musings, and possibly to read up about what’s happening “on the inside” here at Unity Technologies. So please bookmark this page, subscribe to the RSS feed or just drop by on occasion. If you have any comments or suggestions then please feel free to post comments or contact me and let us know what you think!

随着时间的流逝,您将开始看到许多人,我们的工程人员,我们的工作室团队,我们的内部艺术家和开发人员,甚至我们自己的CEO的帖子。 最后,我们想给每个人一个地方来阅读我们的各种杂谈和沉思,并可能在Unity Technologies上阅读“内部”正在发生的事情。 因此,请为该页面添加书签,订阅RSS feed或偶尔访问。 如果您有任何意见或建议,请随时发表评论或与我联系,并让我们知道您的想法!

Unity FTW!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2007/11/08/unity-bloggers-unleashed/
