在Windows Vista中禁用删除回收站

One of the changes in Windows Vista was the easy way to remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop (simply right-click and delete)… unfortunately this sparked a new problem where unwitting users started deleting the Recycle Bin instead of Emptying it and were unable to figure out how to restore it.

Windows Vista中的一项更改是从桌面删除回收站的简单方法(只需单击鼠标右键并删除)...不幸的是,这引发了一个新问题,即不知情的用户开始删除回收站而不是清空回收站,并且无法弄清楚如何恢复它

This has become such a big problem that I’ve received dozens of emails asking how to prevent deletion of the recycle bin. In fact, one reader was so angry with me because he couldn’t stop himself from repeatedly deleting the Recycle Bin that he ended up calling me a bunch of names (which I found somewhat humorous).

这已经成为一个很大的问题,以至于我收到了数十封电子邮件,询问如何防止删除回收站。 实际上,一个读者对我非常生气,因为他无法阻止自己重复删除回收站,以至于他给我起了一堆名字(我觉得有些幽默)。

What we’ll do is disable this menu item using a small registry hack. The item will still show up, it just won’t work anymore.

我们要做的是使用一个小的注册表黑客来禁用此菜单项。 该项目仍将显示,但将不再起作用。

在Windows Vista中禁用删除回收站

Unfortunately the user can still click on the icon and use the Delete button on the keyboard, but we can’t do anything about that.


Manual Registry Hack to Disable Delete Item


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key (might be easiest to search for it)



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ CLSID \ {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

在Windows Vista中禁用删除回收站

You’ll want to first create a new key called “Shell” on the left hand side, then a key named “Delete” under that, and then another key named “command”. Set the default value of the Delete key to “Delete”, and then set the default value of command to “rundll32.exe”.

您首先要在左侧创建一个名为“ Shell”的新键,然后在其下创建一个名为“ Delete”的键,然后再创建一个名为“ command”的键。 将Delete键的默认值设置为“ Delete”,然后将命令的默认值设置为“ rundll32.exe”。

What we’re doing here is creating a new function called Delete that replaces the current command on the menu. By setting it to run rundll32.exe, we’re eliminating any error message by running a valid process (that will immediately exit and the user will never see it).

我们在这里所做的是创建一个名为Delete的新功能,该功能将替换菜单上的当前命令。 通过将其设置为运行rundll32.exe,我们通过运行有效的进程来消除任何错误消息(该进程将立即退出并且用户将永远不会看到它)。

在Windows Vista中禁用删除回收站

The only visible change you’ll notice is that the Delete menu item will move above the Empty Recycle Bin item.


Downloadable Registry Tweak


Simply download, extract, and double-click on DisableRecycleBinDelete.reg to enter the information into the registry. There’s also an included EnableRecycleBinDelete.reg file that will set it back to normal.

只需下载,提取并双击DisableRecycleBinDelete.reg,即可将信息输入注册表。 还有一个随附的EnableRecycleBinDelete.reg文件,会将其设置回正常状态。

Download DisableRecycleBinDelete Registry Hack


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-deletion-of-the-recycle-bin-in-windows-vista/