



Keeping your data safe by performing regular backups is important. However, how many of us actually remember to stop what we’re doing and back up our data manually? An easy-to-use, automatic backup solution would solve that problem.

通过执行定期备份来确保数据安全非常重要。 但是,实际上我们当中有多少人记得停止正在做的事情并手动备份数据? 一个易于使用的自动备份解决方案将解决该问题。

Create Synchronicity is a free backup and synchronization tool that allows you to manually or automatically keep your data backed up. You can use it to copy almost any type of file, including documents, pictures, videos, and music, to any USB flash drive, external drive, or even a connected network drive.

创建同步是一个免费的备份和同步工具,可让您手动或自动备份数据。 您可以使用它将几乎任何类型的文件(包括文档,图片,视频和音乐)复制到任何USB闪存驱动器,外部驱动器甚至连接的网络驱动器。

See the link at the bottom of the article to download Create Synchronicity. You can download an installer or a .zip file containing the program in a portable format that needs no installation.

请参阅文章底部的链接,以下载“创建同步”。 您可以不需要安装的可移植格式下载包含程序的安装程序或.zip文件。

We downloaded the portable .zip file. To run this, simply extract the files from the .zip file and double-click the .exe file. If you would rather install the program, download the installer and follow the instructions in the setup wizard.

我们下载了可移植的.zip文件。 要运行此程序,只需从.zip文件中提取文件,然后双击.exe文件。 如果您想安装程序,请下载安装程序,并按照安装向导中的说明进行操作。


Select the language for the program from the drop-down list and click Ok.



The first time you run Create Synchronicity, you are asked if you want to check for updates when the program starts. Answer Yes or No to continue.

首次运行“创建同步”时,系统会询问您是否要在程序启动时检查更新。 回答是或否以继续。


Before performing a backup in Create Synchronicity, you must create at least one profile. You can have multiple profiles for backing up different sets of files at different times.

在创建同步中执行备份之前,必须创建至少一个配置文件。 您可以具有多个配置文件,以在不同时间备份不同的文件集。

Click New profile.



The text “New profile” is selected. Type a name for your profile and press Enter.

选择文本“新配置文件”。 输入个人资料的名称,然后按Enter。


The profile settings dialog box displays. Specify the main directory to be backed up and the directory to which the files will be copied using the … buttons in the Directories box. Select subdirectories as desired and the Synchronization method.

显示配置文件设置对话框。 使用“目录”框中的“ ...”按钮指定要备份的主目录以及要将文件复制到的目录。 选择所需的子目录和同步方法。

You can also select to include or exclude certain files and some Advanced options.



Your new profile displays in the Profiles section of the main Create Synchronicity window. You can manually back up the files in your profile at any time by clicking on the profile and selecting Synchronize from the popup menu.

新的配置文件显示在“创建同步”主窗口的“配置文件”部分中。 您可以随时通过单击配置文件并从弹出菜单中选择同步来手动备份配置文件中的文件。


A dialog box displays showing the progress of each step in the backup process.



If you want to back up your files automatically, you can schedule a specific time to run the backup process in the background. To do this, click the profile you want to schedule and select Scheduling from the popup menu.

如果要自动备份文件,则可以安排一个特定的时间在后台运行备份过程。 为此,请单击您要计划的配置文件,然后从弹出菜单中选择“计划”。


The Scheduling dialog box displays. There is a warning at the top of the dialog box telling you that Create Synchronicity has to register itself as a startup program to enable scheduling. This is done automatically, once you turn on scheduling.

将显示“计划”对话框。 对话框顶部会显示一条警告,告诉您“创建同步性”必须将自身注册为启动程序才能启用计划。 启用计划后,此操作会自动完成。

Select the Enable scheduling for this profile check box and choose other options to specify how often you want the backup performed.


NOTE: When entering a time in the At edit box, use a 24-hour clock. For example, 3:00 pm would be entered as 15:00.

注意:在“在”编辑框中输入时间时,请使用24小时制。 例如,将3:00 pm输入为15:00。

If your computer is off periodically when the backup process is supposed to run, you might want to turn on the Catch up missed backups option. This option tells Create Synchronicity to run any backup profile that was scheduled to run, but was postponed by more than two days. For example, say a backup was supposed to run on September 27 at 5:00 pm, and the computer was not on at that time. As of September 29, Create Synchronicity will periodically try to start the backup until it has been successfully started.

如果应该在运行备份过程时定期关闭计算机,则可能需要打开“赶上丢失的备份”选项。 此选项告诉“创建同步性”运行计划运行但已推迟两天以上的所有备份配置文件。 例如,假设备份应该在9月27日下午5:00运行,而当时计算机还没有打开。 从9月29日开始,“创建同步性”将定期尝试启动备份,直到成功启动备份为止。


When a profile has been scheduled, a clock is added to the profile’s icon.



You can see what profile is supposed to run next and when by moving your mouse over the Create Synchronicity icon in the system tray.



When a scheduled backup runs, Create Synchronicity displays a message on the system tray icon saying the backup is running. Another message displays when the backup job is done.

运行计划的备份时,“创建同步”将在系统任务栏图标上显示一条消息,指出备份正在运行。 备份作业完成后,将显示另一条消息。


If you close Create Synchronicity using the X in the upper, right corner of the window, it still runs in the background so scheduled backups can run. However, to open the program again, you need to start it using any shortcuts you created or the .exe file.

如果使用窗口右上角的X关闭“创建同步性”,则它仍在后台运行,因此可以运行计划的备份。 但是,要再次打开该程序,您需要使用创建的任何快捷方式或.exe文件启动它。

Create Synchronicity has many more handy features. For example, when backing up to a network drive, you can use the UNC path for that drive, such as \\\MyBackupFolder\MySubFolder.

创建同步具有更多方便的功能。 例如,备份到网络驱动器时,可以使用该驱动器的UNC路径,例如\\ \ MyBackupFolder \ MySubFolder。

Create Synchronicity is fully portable. The settings for the program are stored in individual configuration files in a config directory located in the same directory as the program.

创建同步性是完全可移植的。 该程序的设置存储在与该程序位于同一目录的config目录中的各个配置文件中。

There are some advanced features such as a command line interface and the ability to change some hidden settings using the configuration files. For more information about these features and about using Create Synchronicity, see their manual at http://synchronicity.sourceforge.net/help.html.

有一些高级功能,例如命令行界面和使用配置文件更改某些隐藏设置的功能。 有关这些功能以及使用“创建同步性”的更多信息,请参见其手册, 网址http://synchronicity.sourceforge.net/help.html

Download Create Synchronicity from http://synchronicity.sourceforge.net/.

http://synchronicity.sourceforge.net/下载Create Synchronicity。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/75734/keep-your-pcs-data-safe-using-create-synchronicity/
