


Ilona Titova/Shutterstock 伊洛娜·蒂托娃(Ilona Titova)/ Shutterstock

Sometimes, when you’re working from home, you might need to access a computer at your office or another location. Remote-access tools allow you to use a computer that’s located elsewhere as if you were sitting in front of it.

有时,当您在家工作时,可能需要访问办公室或其他位置的计算机。 远程访问工具使您可以使用位于其他位置的计算机,就像坐在计算机前一样。

Most remote desktop solutions only take a few minutes to set up. Plus, as long as the remote computer remains online, the connection should work indefinitely.

大多数远程桌面解决方案只需几分钟即可完成设置。 另外,只要远程计算机保持联机状态,连接就可以无限期地工作。

设置远程访问 (Setting Up Remote Access)

Remote access requires that you install an “agent” on the machine you want to control. You have to do this bit in person, so you’ll have to set this up before you leave the office or wherever the machine to which you want to remotely connect is located.

远程访问要求您在要控制的计算机上安装“代理”。 您必须亲自完成此操作,因此必须在离开办公室或要远程连接的计算机所在的任何位置进行设置。

If you want to install software so you can remotely access your work computer, make sure you ask your boss or supervisor first. Your employer might have policies that prohibit you from installing remote-access software yourself. However, the IT department might provide you with secure software, instead.

如果要安装软件以便可以远程访问工作计算机,请确保先咨询老板或主管。 您的雇主可能有禁止您自己安装远程访问软件的政策。 但是,IT部门可能会为您提供安全软件。

After the agent is installed, you can use a remote-access client to connect to the remote machine. These are usually small, lightweight applications. Depending on the service you choose, you might use a desktop app, a web browser, or a mobile app to connect.

安装代理后,可以使用远程访问客户端连接到远程计算机。 这些通常是小型,轻量级的应用程序。 根据您选择的服务,您可以使用桌面应用程序,Web浏览器或移动应用程序进行连接。


Unlike tech support solutions, which rely on the host inviting or granting access to support personnel in person, remote access tools are designed with unattended access in mind.


This is why it’s important to protect your remote access credentials and never share them with anyone else. If someone else has access to your machine, they can easily use it without your knowledge. Scam artists posing as tech support heavily target remote-access tools; however, as long as you take adequate precautions, there’s little to worry about.

这就是为什么保护您的远程访问凭据并且永远不要与其他任何人共享它们很重要的原因。 如果其他人可以访问您的计算机,则他们可以在您不知情的情况下轻松使用它。 冒充技术支持的骗子美术师大量使用远程访问工具; 但是,只要您采取足够的预防措施,就无需担心。

All the services listed below are free, but some have restrictions based on how often you use them. If you’ll be relying on remote access tools heavily in the coming months, it might be worth it to pay for premium access. However, these free tools should suffice for light use.

以下列出的所有服务都是免费的,但其中一些服务会因使用频率的限制而受到限制。 如果在接下来的几个月中您将严重依赖远程访问工具,则值得为高级访问付费。 但是,这些免费工具足以满足轻度使用。

Chrome远程桌面 (Chrome Remote Desktop)


One of the simplest ways to access a remote computer is Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop. For this to work, you have to use the Chrome browser on both computers and be logged in to a Google account. You’ll also need to set up the Remote Access extension on any computers you want to access.

Google的Chrome远程桌面是访问远程计算机的最简单方法之一。 为此,您必须在两台计算机上都使用Chrome浏览器,然后登录到Google帐户。 您还需要在要访问的任何计算机上设置“远程访问”扩展。

On the machine you want to access, download Chrome and log in to your Google Account. Head over to, click “Remote Access,” and then follow the instructions to add the extension to your browser. Just choose a name and six-digit PIN, and you’re good to go.

在您要访问的计算机上,下载Chrome并登录到您的Google帐户。 转到 ,单击“远程访问”,然后按照说明将扩展名添加到浏览器中。 只需选择一个名称和六位数的PIN,就可以了。

You can then access that computer remotely from any Chrome browser, provided you’re logged in to the same Google Account. To access your remote machine, head over to, and then click the machine in question.

然后,只要您登录到相同的Google帐户,就可以从任何Chrome浏览器远程访问该计算机。 要访问您的远程计算机,请转到 ,然后单击有问题的计算机。

You can use Chrome for unattended access, and it supports multiple monitors, too. Unfortunately, features like file transfer, remote printing, and chat (if you’re using it for remote support) aren’t available. However, you can use a cloud storage service, like Google Drive, to transfer files.

您可以使用Chrome进行无人看管的访问,它也支持多台显示器。 不幸的是,文件传输,远程打印和聊天(如果您将其用于远程支持)等功能不可用。 但是,您可以使用Google云端硬盘之类云存储服务来传输文件。

团队查看器 (TeamViewer)

TeamViewer is a premium remote-access tool with a generous free option. While many remote-access services charge for unattended access, TeamViewer does not. It’s also particularly easy to use and requires little setup.

TeamViewer是一款高级的远程访问工具,具有大量免费选项。 尽管许多远程访问服务都对无人参与的访问收费,但TeamViewer却不收费。 它也特别易于使用,几乎不需要任何设置。

To get started, download the TeamViewer app on the computer you want to access. For ease of use, it’s best to set up a TeamViewer account and log in. In the main client window, click “Set up unattended access,” and then follow the steps to finalize it. You might want to check the “Start TeamViewer with System” box just in case your machine restarts.

首先,请在要访问的计算机上下载TeamViewer应用程序。 为了易于使用,最好设置一个TeamViewer帐户并登录。在主客户端窗口中,单击“设置无人参与访问”,然后按照步骤完成操作。 您可能需要选中“使用系统启动TeamViewer”框,以防万一您的机器重启。

To access your remote machine, download the TeamViewer app on your home computer, and then log in. Under the “Computers and Contacts” tab, you should see a list of computers to which you can connect; double-click the one you want and wait for the connection to complete.

要访问您的远程计算机,请在家用计算机上下载TeamViewer应用程序,然后登录。在“计算机和联系人”选项卡下,您应该看到可以连接的计算机的列表; 双击所需的一个,然后等待连接完成。

TeamViewer will sometimes show you advertisements while you use the free version. While many features are limited to paying customers, you can access features like file-sharing, copy-and-paste, and remote printing.

使用免费版本时,TeamViewer有时会向您显示广告。 尽管许多功能仅限于付费客户,但您可以访问文件共享,复制和粘贴以及远程打印等功能。

Some people have noted that TeamViewer restricts access if they use it heavily, as the service is intended to be free for personal use only.


DW服务 (DWService)


DWService is a completely free, open-source remote access tool that allows you to access a remote computer via a web browser. The service requires that you install a small agent on the remote machine. Versions are available for most major operating systems.

DWService是一个完全免费的开源远程访问工具,可让您通过Web浏览器访问远程计算机。 该服务要求您在远程计算机上安装一个小型代理。 这些版本适用于大多数主要操作系统。

After you install the agent, you can log in to the web interface and remotely connect to that machine. There isn’t a client you download to connect, which means there aren’t any dedicated mobile apps, either. You have to access the service via a browser, which might make it less attractive if you need to use it a lot.

安装代理后,您可以登录Web界面并远程连接到该计算机。 您没有下载要连接的客户端,这意味着也没有任何专用的移动应用程序。 您必须通过浏览器访问该服务,如果您需要大量使用它,可能会使它的吸引力降低。

DWService includes some nice extras you might not expect from an open-source solution. These include a simple file-transfer interface and command-line access for remote machines.

DWService包含一些您可能无法从开源解决方案中获得的额外功能。 这些功能包括一个简单的文件传输界面和对远程计算机的命令行访问。

While this option lacks the polish and user-friendliness of Chrome or TeamViewer, it’s a solid solution for anyone who doesn’t mind being restricted to a browser.


AnyDesk (AnyDesk)

AnyDesk is a standalone remote-access solution that’s a great alternative to TeamViewer. It works in virtually the same way: you sign up for an account, download the AnyDesk app on the machine you want to access remotely, sign in, and then enable unattended access in the app’s preferences and set a password.

AnyDesk是一个独立的远程访问解决方案,是TeamViewer的绝佳替代方案。 它的工作方式几乎相同:您注册一个帐户,在要远程访问的计算机上下载AnyDesk应用程序,登录,然后在该应用程序的首选项中启用无人参与的访问并设置密码。

You can then use the same app on another machine to access your computer remotely. The main reason to choose AnyDesk over TeamViewer is its focus on slower connections. The app uses a proprietary codec that AnyDesk promises “ensures low lag, even at high screen resolutions or bandwidths of just 100 kB/s.”

然后,您可以在另一台计算机上使用同一应用程序来远程访问计算机。 在TeamViewer上选择AnyDesk的主要原因是它专注于较慢的连接。 该应用程序使用了专有的编解码器,AnyDesk承诺“即使在高屏幕分辨率或仅100 kB / s的带宽下,也可以确保低延迟”。

The app itself is tiny (around 3 MB), so it consumes very little in the way of resources. The service includes file transfer and clipboard integration, plus mobile apps for iOS and Android.

该应用程序本身很小(大约3 MB),因此它只占用很少的资源。 该服务包括文件传输和剪贴板集成,以及适用于iOS和Android的移动应用程序。

老虎VNC (TigerVNC)


Virtual network computing (VNC) is another method you can use to access a remote computer, but it’s definitely not the most user-friendly option. Unlike TeamViewer or Chrome, VNC requires a fair amount of setup. You have to configure ports, set up a static IP or use dynamic DNS, and deal with the security implications of not using encryption.

虚拟网络计算(VNC)是您可以用来访问远程计算机的另一种方法,但这绝对不是最用户友好的选项。 与TeamViewer或Chrome不同,VNC需要大量的设置。 您必须配置端口,设置静态IP使用动态DNS ,并处理不使用加密的安全隐患。

To use a VNC, you must first install a VNC server. TigerVNC includes both a server and VNC viewer, except for Macs (macOS has a built-in VNC server). Since TigerVNC isn’t encrypted by default, you’ll have to install an SSH server, such as OpenSSH, if you want to connect securely.

要使用VNC,必须首先安装VNC服务器。 TigerVNC包括服务器和VNC查看器,但Mac除外( macOS具有内置的VNC服务器)。 由于TigerVNC默认情况下未加密,因此,如果要安全连接,必须安装SSH服务器,例如OpenSSH

TigerVNC prioritizes performance over features. It doesn’t offer file transfer or remote printing, but latency is low. VNC solutions are also platform agnostic, which means you can use just about any combination of VNC viewer and server, with any combination of operating systems.

TigerVNC优先考虑性能而不是功能。 它不提供文件传输或远程打印功能,但是延迟很短。 VNC解决方案也是平台无关的,这意味着您几乎可以将VNC查看器和服务器的任何组合与操作系统的任何组合一起使用。

If you’re a power user and not afraid to get your hands dirty, TigerVNC could reward you with a fast, high-performing remote access solution. If you’re looking for a set-it-and-forget-it solution, though, choose a different remote access tool.

如果您是高级用户,并且不怕弄脏您的手,那么TigerVNC可以为您提供快速,高性能的远程访问解决方案。 但是,如果您要寻找一套即买即用的解决方案,请选择其他远程访问工具。

立即设置远程访问 (Set Up Remote Access Now)

Taking the time to set up unattended remote access on your computer is a great idea. You can then access documents, fix issues when you’re away from the office, and have the peace of mind of knowing you can access anything you might need in a pinch.

花时间在计算机上设置无人值守的远程访问是一个好主意。 然后,您可以访问文件,不在办公室时解决问题,并放心地知道自己可以随时访问所需的任何内容。

If you unexpectedly find yourself working from home, you can also use a variety of free video conferencing apps to stay in touch with your colleagues.


