

Being able to remotely control your computer is an age old geek trick. But what about changing BIOS settings or installing an operating system remotely? With Intel AMT KMS this is within reach for any geek with the right hardware.

能够远程控制计算机是一个古老的怪胎。 但是,如何更改BIOS设置或远程安装操作系统呢? 借助英特尔®AMT KMS,任何拥有合适硬件的极客都可以实现。

Intel vPro is a management platform built into Intel processors and other hardware that allows companies to manage their desktops and laptops out-of-band (OOB). That means the computers can be managed no matter if the computer in on or off, and even if the operating system has failed or there is no hard drive present.

英特尔®博锐™处理器是内置在英特尔®处理器和其他硬件中的管理平台,使公司可以管理其带外(OOB)台式机和笔记本电脑。 这意味着无论计算机是打开还是关闭,即使操作系统出现故障或没有硬盘驱动器,都可以对计算机进行管理。

With Core processors Intel introduced Active Management Technology (AMT) 6.0 which introduced a slew of new features including Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) Remote Control. This means that with the right hardware configuration you have full remote access to your computer no matter what state it’s in.

借助核心处理器,英特尔推出了主动管理技术(AMT)6.0,该技术引入了一系列新功能,包括键盘视频鼠标(KVM)远程控制 。 这意味着,通过正确的硬件配置,无论计算机处于什么状态,都可以对其进行完全远程访问。

Most geeks are familiar with VNC software that runs inside your operating system, but Intel AMT KVM runs at a hardware level which allows you to go remote with your computer in the case of a total system failure or even without an operating system installed. Let’s get started and set up Intel AMT KVM so you can go remote with your computer.

大多数极客都熟悉在您的操作系统中运行的VNC软件,但是Intel AMT KVM在硬件级别运行,这样,即使系统完全故障甚至未安装操作系统,您都可以与计算机进行远程连接。 让我们开始并设置Intel AMT KVM,以便您可以使用计算机进行远程操作。

确定您的计算机是否支持Intel AMT KVM (Determine if Your Computer Supports Intel AMT KVM)

Because vPro is designed for business use, not every Intel processor supports Intel AMT KVM. Specifically what you want to look for is a vPro logo somewhere on your computer.

因为vPro专为商业用途而设计,所以并非每个Intel处理器都支持Intel AMT KVM。 具体来说,您要查找的是计算机上某处的vPro徽标。

Note: Only some Core i5 and i7 processors support vPro. Intel does not currently make an i3 processor with vPro.

注意:仅某些Core i5和i7处理器支持vPro。 英特尔当前不使用vPro制造i3处理器。


If you cannot find a logo on your computer, or you built the computer yourself, you can check to see if you have one of the following Intel Core processors. If you do, you may be able to turn on KVM so long as you have a few other requirements.

如果您在计算机上找不到徽标,或者您是自己制造计算机的,则可以检查一下是否装有以下英特尔酷睿处理器之一 。 如果这样做,只要您有其他一些要求,就可以打开KVM。

Along with the supported processor you will also need to be using Intel’s embedded video and Intel network card. Both of these are required because in order to allow out-of-band communication, the KVM server needs direct access to the network interface as well and display to be able to show the connected machine exactly what is being displayed.

除了受支持的处理器之外,您还需要使用英特尔的嵌入式视频和英特尔网卡。 这两个都是必需的,因为为了允许带外通信,KVM服务器还需要直接访问网络接口和显示,以便能够准确显示所连接机器的显示内容。

If you have all of the requirements above, continue on to configure Intel AMT KVM.

如果您具有上述所有要求,请继续配置英特尔AMT KVM。

启用硬件KVM (Enable Hardware KVM)

The first thing you will need to do is turn on BIOS verbosity. Reboot your computer and enter your BIOS configuration. Look for something labeled firmware verbosity or boot verbosity and make sure it is turned on. Likewise, if there is an option for an AMT setup prompt make sure that is turned on as well.

您需要做的第一件事是打开BIOS详细信息。 重新启动计算机,然后输入BIOS配置。 查找标有固件详细信息或引导详细信息的内容,并确保已将其打开。 同样,如果有AMT设置提示的选项,请确保也将其打开。


Restart your computer and just after the BIOS splash screen you should see a second setup screen that looks something like the image below. Push Ctrl+P at this screen to enter the Management Engine BIOS Extension (MBEx) to configure Intel AMT.

重新启动计算机,然后在BIOS启动屏幕之后,您应该会看到第二个设置屏幕,如下图所示。 在此屏幕上按Ctrl + P进入管理引擎BIOS扩展(MBEx),以配置Intel AMT。


If AMT has never been set up on your computer you will be prompted for a password. Enter “admin” for the default password and you will be prompted automatically to create a new password. The new password has to have be exactly 8 characters and contain one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one symbol. Enter the new password twice to continue.

如果您的计算机上从未设置过AMT,则将提示您输入密码。 输入“ admin”作为默认密码,系统将自动提示您创建一个新密码。 新密码必须完全由8个字符组成,并包含一个大写字母,一个小写字母,一个数字和一个符号。 输入两次新密码以继续。

Note: If “admin” does not work as the default password you can also try “[email protected]” because that is the default password in Intel’s configuration documentation.

注意:如果“ admin”不能用作默认密码,您也可以尝试“ P @ ssw0rd”,因为这是Intel配置文档中的默认密码。


Once you are logged into the MEBx, go to Intel Management Engine and then select activate network access.

登录到MEBx后,转到Intel Management Engine,然后选择**网络访问。


Type Y to accept the warning that pops up about activating the ME network interface.



Next select network setup and then Intel(R) ME Network Name Settings.



Select host name and put in your computers name. You technically could put in anything you want here but it may cause problems with DNS if the Intel AMT name is different from your computer’s name.

选择主机名,然后输入您的计算机名。 从技术上讲,您可以在此处输入任何内容,但是如果Intel AMT名称与计算机名称不同,则可能会导致DNS问题。


Return to the main menu using the escape key and then go to manageability feature selection. Push Y to continue past the caution message.

使用退出键返回主菜单,然后转到可管理性功能选择。 按Y继续通过警告消息。

Verify that the manageability feature selection is enabled in the lower window and then select SOL/IDER.

确认在下部窗口中启用了可管理性功能选择,然后选择SOL / IDER。


From here verify that SOL, IDER, and Legacy Redirection Mode are all enabled.



Return to the previous menu and then select KVM Configuration.  Make sure KVM Feature Selection is enabled.

返回上一菜单,然后选择“ KVM配置”。 确保已启用“ KVM功能选择”。


From here change User Opt-in so that user consent is not required for KVM session.



Then enable remote control of Opt-in policy.



Push escape three times to exit the MEBx menu and push Y when prompted if you are sure you want to leave.


连接到vPro Machine (Connect to vPro Machine)

Now that KVM is all set up on the target machine we just need to install software to let us connect. There are a few different tools that will let you do this but let’s start with a free option.

现在,所有KVM都已安装在目标计算机上,我们只需要安装软件即可连接。 有几种不同的工具可让您执行此操作,但让我们从免费选项开始。

Intel makes the Management Command Tool for just this occasion, find it in the link below. Download and install the software on the computer you want to connect with.

英特尔为此专门制作了管理命令工具,请在下面的链接中找到它。 在要连接的计算机上下载并安装软件。

Note: For the purposes of this how-to the remote computer will need to be plugged into the network with ethernet and also plugged into power to go remote. There are options to set up wireless but we will not be going into those options here.

注意:为此,远程计算机将需要通过以太网插入网络,并且还需要接通电源才能进行远程操作。 有一些设置无线的选项,但是我们这里不再赘述。


After the software is installed, select add known computer.



Enter the information for the remote computer.



After the machine is added, select it from the left panel and then click connect.



After a connection is made select the remote control tab and then click on the arrow to open the options for Remote KVM Settings.



From the new window that will open drop down the list for KVM state and select enable all ports.


Note: Enabling all ports allows us to connect with the free version of RealVNC Viewer but you will lose some functionality like encrypted connections.

注意:启用所有端口可使我们与RealVNC Viewer的免费版本连接,但是您将失去一些功能,例如加密连接。


Click OK and from the main window select “KVM Viwer Standard Port” to test and make sure the connection can be made.

单击“确定”,然后从主窗口中选择“ KVM Viwer标准端口”进行测试并确保可以建立连接。

A new window will open with the remote computer in the window. This will work but will have a RealVNC branding logo that cannot be removed.

将打开一个新窗口,其中有远程计算机。 这将起作用,但是将具有无法删除的RealVNC品牌徽标。


To get rid of the RealVNC branding install the standalone RealVNC viewer from the link below.


Once you have the standalone viewer installed, or the portable version extracted, run the program and connect just like you normally would to any VNC server.



You will be prompted for your Intel AMT KVM password.

系统将提示您输入Intel AMT KVM密码。


And a VNC connection will be established with the AMT KVM server.

并将与AMT KVM服务器建立VNC连接。


You will know that you are connected to the hardware based KVM server because there will be a flashing icon in the top right corner of the screen and a thin red boarder on both the remote viewer and the local client.



The free viewer will work for most remote purposes but you will lose some functionality like IDE redirect, encryption, and the ability to power the machine on and off. If you want to take advantage of more features you are going to need to pay for the RealVNC Viewer Plus ($99).

免费的查看器可用于大多数远程目的,但是您将失去一些功能,例如IDE重定向,加密以及打开和关闭计算机电源的功能。 如果您想利用更多功能,则需要购买RealVNC Viewer Plus(99美元)。

Before connecting with RealVNC Viewer Plus go back to the Intel Manageability Commander Tool and change the KVM State back to Redirection Port Only.

与RealVNC Viewer Plus连接之前,请返回至Intel Manageability Commander Tool,然后将KVM状态更改回Only Only。


Open RealVNC Plus and connect to the remote machine.

打开RealVNC Plus并连接到远程计算机。


Accept the prompt to confirm you are connecting to the right machine.



Then enter your AMT password when prompted.



Once the username and password are verified a remote window should open and there will be a banner across the top with some added functionality.



We won’t show all the added benefits of RealVNC Plus in this article but it will allow you to do things like reboot directly to the BIOS and mount an .iso file to install a whole operating system remotely.

我们不会在本文中展示RealVNC Plus的所有其他优点,但是它将允许您执行诸如直接重新引导至BIOS并安装.iso文件以远程安装整个操作系统的操作。

With a hardware based KVM available on standard hardware it really opens up more options for what you can do when you’re not at your computer.


Intel Manageability Developer Toolkit


RealVNC Free Edition Viewer


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/56538/how-to-remotely-control-your-pc-even-when-it-crashes/