
Strong apps can do a lot for businesses of all kinds. If a business has a rock-solid app accessible to its customers, then it may achieve a lot. If it has an app that’s difficult to navigate and utilize, then it may flounder and fade. It doesn’t matter if you’re an app developer or if you’re simply an entrepreneur who is in charge of a driven business. You should take the time to learn all that you can about the wonders of mobile-first design.

强大的应用程序可以为各种类型的企业做很多事情。 如果企业拥有其客户可访问的坚如磐石的应用程序,那么它可以取得很多成就。 如果它的应用程序难以导航和使用,那么它可能会陷入困境并褪色。 无论您是应用程序开发人员还是仅仅是负责推动业务的企业家,都没有关系。 您应该花时间学习有关移动优先设计奇迹的所有知识。

This kind of design can make building custom apps streamlined and simple. If you want to be in the loop with regard to all of the latest mobile app trends, then you need to grasp mobile-first design well. It has accomplished a lot for professionals who are part of the custom app development sector.

这种设计可以简化构建自定义应用程序的过程 。 如果您想了解所有最新的移动应用趋势,那么您需要很好地掌握移动优先设计。 对于自定义应用程序开发部门中的专业人士而言,它已经取得了很多成就。


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移动优先设计的基础 (The Fundamentals of Mobile-First Design)

Mobile-first design, in short, revolves around concepts such as responsive web design. Professionals who participate in this approach initiate design elements with mobile users on their brains. Mobile users generally have higher numbers of boundaries in place. After professionals concentrate on mobile users, they grow things by zeroing in on the desktop computer or tablet crowd. “Mobile first” design is exactly what it seems to be.

简而言之, 移动优先设计围绕诸如响应式Web设计之类的概念展开。 参与此方法的专业人员会与移动用户一起启动设计元素。 移动用户通常具有更多数量的边界。 在专业人士专注于移动用户之后,他们通过将注意力集中在台式计算机或平板电脑上来实现增长。 “移动优先”的设计正是如此。

大量的人 (Significant Numbers of People)

Businesses can get a lot out of relying on mobile-first strategies. That’s due to the reality that people generally rely on their mobile devices more than anything else. If an individual is surfing the Internet, there’s a strong chance that she’s using her mobile device. There’s also a strong chance that she’s nowhere near a desktop computer of any sort. Proof of this is out there, too. At the beginning of 2012, consumers purchased more smartphones than they did PCs or “personal computers.” This impressive rise in popularity confirms one thing for developers and company owners alike. It confirms that people need to stress the undeniable power of the mobile realm. Mobile-first is a product design concept that’s becoming more and more relevant by the day.

企业可以从依靠移动优先策略中获得很多收益。 这是因为人们通常比其他任何东西都更依赖于他们的移动设备。 如果个人正在上网,则很有可能正在使用移动设备。 她很有可能不在任何类型的台式计算机附近。 证明也在那里。 2012年初,消费者购买的智能手机比PC或“个人计算机”购买的数量更多。 这种令人印象深刻的人气上升,对开发人员和公司所有者而言都是一回事。 它证实了人们需要强调移动领域不可否认的力量。 移动优先是一种产品设计概念,并且这一概念在一天中变得越来越重要。

响应站点 (Responsive Sites)

People who depend on mobile-first design techniques can take advantage of responsive website responsive website. This design approach essentially guarantees that sites are going to be 100 percent responsive. That’s how it basically guarantees that consumers are going to be able to get to it via all kinds of devices. Examples include everything from cellphones to desktop computers. If you don’t want to leave anyone out in the establishment of your app or anything else, then it can help you considerably to take the mobile-first approach no matter what.

依靠移动优先设计技术的人们可以利用响应式网站响应式网站 。 这种设计方法从根本上保证了站点将100%响应。 这就是从根本上保证消费者将能够通过各种设备使用它的方式。 示例包括从手机到台式计算机的所有内容。 如果您不想在建立应用程序或其他任何事情时遗漏任何人,那么无论采取哪种行动方式都可以为您提供很大帮助。

简化的方法 (A Streamlined Approach)

Mobile-first design is fascinating due to the fact that it streamlines details in a big way. That’s how it gives the members of the general public details that are simple to process within their minds. If you don’t want to overwhelm all of the members of your target audience, then taking the mobile-first design path may be right up your alley.

移动优先设计之所以引人入胜,是因为它极大地简化了细节。 这样,它就可以为一般公众提供易于在他们脑海中处理的细节。 如果您不想让目标受众的所有成员不知所措,那么采用移动优先的设计方法可能就在您的小巷。

出色的用户体验或“ UX” (Superior User Experience or “UX”)

“User Experience” or simply “UX” is anything and everything in the current digital marketing world. It doesn’t matter if you’re designing an app, an extensive website or anything else similar. You need to put a lot of time and energy into the user experience.

“用户体验”或简称为“ UX”是当前数字营销世界中的一切。 无论您是设计应用程序 ,大型网站还是其他类似项目,都没有关系。 您需要在用户体验上投入大量时间和精力。

If you want the people who take the time to visit your site or utilize your app to have superb experiences, then the mobile-first design can aid you. It can be a total headache to visit a site that’s terrific via standard computers only to realize that it’s a mobile nightmare. If you attempt to assess a site or a map via your cellphone or anything else, then you should review how simple things are. If things seem bewildering or unreasonable, then that may be a design pitfall. Thankfully, mobile-first design often eliminates that pitfall for people.

如果您想让那些花时间访问您的网站或使用您的应用程序的人拥有一流的体验,那么移动优先设计可以为您提供帮助。 通过标准计算机访问一个了不起的网站而仅仅意识到这是一场移动噩梦,这可能是一件令人头疼的事。 如果您尝试通过手机或其他任何方式评估站点或地图,则应查看事情的简单性。 如果事情看起来令人困惑或不合理,那可能是设计陷阱。 值得庆幸的是,移动优先设计通常可以消除人们的陷阱。

更高的转化率 (Better Conversion Rates)

Outstanding conversion rates mean so much in the modern marketing world. If you want to get your hands on conversion rates that are better than ever, then you better think about mobile-first design. Conversion rates via mobile are a lot more impressive than the ones that are associated with their basic desktop counterparts are. Well-known search engines like Google handle their rankings via certain criteria. Google assesses websites by evaluating how simple they are for people who depend on mobile devices.

出色的转化率对现代营销界意义重大。 如果您想获得比以往更高的转化率,那么最好考虑一下移动优先设计。 通过移动设备的转换率比与之相比的基本台式机要高得多。 像Google这样的知名搜索引擎会通过某些标准来处理其排名。 Google通过评估网站对依赖移动设备的人的简单程度来进行评估。

清洁的感觉 (A Cleaner Feel)

Mobile-first design is an approach that legitimately motivates people to zero in on transparency. That’s because this design does away with any and all pointless elements that relate to User Interface (UI) aesthetics and appearances. If you get rid of any and all possible interferences, then you’ll without a doubt get on the path to a User Experience that’s superior in caliber. This can achieve a lot for businesses that are committed to soaring.

移动优先设计是一种合法的方法,可以有效地激励人们实现零透明度。 这是因为该设计消除了与用户界面(UI)美观和外观相关的所有毫无意义的元素。 如果您摆脱了所有可能的干扰,那么毫无疑问,您将踏上通向更高水准的用户体验的道路。 对于致力于腾飞的企业而言,这可以取得很多成就。

内容永远是第一要务 (Content Is Always the Number One Priority)

It isn’t at all unusual for businesses to lose sight of the things that genuinely matter and offer value. They in many cases cannot see the “forest for the trees.” If you want to introduce an app that’s sure to be a hit, then you need to stress the power of unrivaled content. Mobile-first design is all about intriguing content, nothing more and nothing less. Mobile-first design empowers entrepreneurs and developers who are trying to provide target audience members with content that’s crucial. Mobile-first design gives developers no choice but to provide people with favorable and rare content.

对于企业而言,完全看不到真正重要且具有价值的事物并不少见。 他们在许多情况下都看不到“树木茂盛的森林”。 如果您想推出一款肯定会大受欢迎的应用程序,那么您需要强调无与伦比的内容的强大功能。 移动优先设计仅是吸引人的内容,仅此而已。 移动优先的设计使企图为目标受众提供至关重要的内容的企业家和开发人员获得授权。 移动优先的设计使开发人员别无选择,只能为人们提供令人满意的稀有内容。

随时可以提供专业协助 (Professional Assistance Is Readily Available)

It’s fine if you don’t know how to take a mobile-first approach all by yourself. If you’re trying to get the assistance that relates to building custom apps, there are many others who know exactly how you feel. These people go the extra mile to learn all that they can about the newest mobile app trends. They put a lot of thought into custom app development practices that are particularly effective and contemporary. Why exactly is the mobile-first design strategy so indispensable for individuals who want to develop their apps well? It’s indispensable due to the fact that it can lead to the emergence of many thrilling opportunities and pathways.

如果您自己都不知道如何采取移动优先的方法,那就很好。 如果您想获得有关构建自定义应用程序的帮助,那么还有许多其他人确切地知道您的感受。 这些人付出了更多的努力,以了解有关最新移动应用程序趋势的所有知识。 他们在定制应用程序开发实践中花了很多心思,这些实践特别有效且具有现代意义。 为什么对于那些想要很好地开发自己的应用程序的人来说,移动优先设计策略到底是如此必不可少? 由于它会导致许多激动人心的机会和途径的出现,因此这是必不可少的。

Mobile-first design isn’t anything that’s rare or elusive at all nowadays. If you want to reap the rewards of this app design concept, then you need to study up on all of the finest digital marketing companies that are around you. Professionals make it easy to master mobile-first design. That’s largely because there are so many people these days who are essentially mobile experience gurus.

如今,移动优先设计并不是什么稀有或难以捉摸的东西。 如果您想从这个应用程序设计概念中受益,那么您需要研究您周围所有最好的数字营销公司。 专业人士可以轻松掌握移动优先设计。 这主要是因为这些天有很多人本质上是移动体验专家。

It’s not at all difficult to come across contemporary companies that manage mobile-first design. If you’re eager to put together an app that makes mobile users everywhere a number one priority, then you need to look into the mobile-first design division. You should learn all about companies that offer mobile-first design guidance.

管理移动优先设计的当代公司并不难。 如果您渴望建立一个使各地移动用户都成为第一要务的应用程序,那么您需要研究移动优先设计部门。 您应该了解所有提供移动优先设计指南的公司。
