airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock


airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

You know you can use AirDrop to quickly share files between Macs and iOS devices, but on the Mac, Airdrop is kind of hidden. There’s an icon in the sidebar of the Finder, and that’s it.

您知道可以使用AirDrop在Mac和iOS设备之间快速共享文件,但是在Mac上,Airdrop是隐藏的。 Finder的侧栏中有一个图标,仅此而已。

If you want AirDrop to be a little more prominent, you can add an icon for it to your Dock, but it takes a little bit of work. First open the Finder, then click Go > Go To Folder in the menu bar.

如果您希望AirDrop更加突出,可以将其图标添加到Dock,但这需要一些工作。 首先打开Finder,然后在菜单栏中单击“转到”>“转到文件夹”。

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

The folder you want is /System/Library/CoreServices/, so go ahead and paste that. Next, hit Enter or click Go.

所需的文件夹是/System/Library/CoreServices/ ,因此继续粘贴。 接下来,按Enter或单击Go。

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

We’re actually looking inside here, since Apple is apparently storing apps inside apps (Inception sound.) These “apps” are basically Finder features, all of which are normally found in the Finder sidebar.

我们实际上这里查找,因为苹果显然是在应用程序内部存储应用程序(盗梦音) 。这些“应用程序”基本上是Finder功能,所有这些功能通常都可以在Finder侧边栏中找到。

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

The one we care about is AirDrop, but you could create dock icons for any of them if you really wanted. For now, go ahead and drag the AirDrop “app” to your Dock.

我们关心的是AirDrop,但如果您确实需要,可以为其中任何一个创建停靠图标。 现在,继续将AirDrop“ app”拖到您的Dock中。

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

Just like that, you’ve got an icon for AirDrop on your dock. Click it, and a Finder window will open to the AirDrop interface.

就像这样,您的基座上有一个AirDrop图标。 单击它,Finder窗口将打开到AirDrop界面。

airdrop搜不到对方_如何将AirDrop图标添加到您的macOS Dock

You can now drag any file here to share it with nearby Apple devices, including Macs, iPhones, and iPads. If you want to share with Android devices you can’t use AirDrop, sadly, but you can set up Bluetooth file sharing between Android and macOS instead.

现在,您可以将任何文件拖到此处以与附近的Apple设备(包括Mac,iPhone和iPad)共享。 遗憾的是,如果您想与Android设备共享,则不能使用AirDrop,但可以在Android和macOS之间设置蓝牙文件共享

