nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

nest 架构

nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

It’s likely that you receive a ton of irrelevant false positive motion alerts from your Nest Cam—a car driving by, a bug flying through the frame, or a bush off to the right waving around in the wind. Here’s how you can limit those kinds of notifications using Activity Zones.

您的Nest Cam可能会收到大量无关紧要的误报动作警报,例如开车经过的汽车,飞过车架的虫子或右边的灌木丛在风中摇曳。 这是您可以使用“活动区域”限制此类通知的方法。

RELATED: Nest Cameras Are Useless Without a Nest Aware Subscription

相关: 如果没有Nest Aware订阅,Nest相机将毫无用处

Keep in mind that you’re not going to be able to get rid of every false positive motion alert, but by creating Activity Zones and customizing your notifications, you can at least keep them to a minimum.


创建活动区域 (Creating Activity Zones)

nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

Creating an Activity Zone for your Nest Cam or Nest Hello video doorbell allows you to receive motion alerts from only a certain part of the camera’s field of view.

为Nest Cam或Nest Hello视频门铃创建活动区域,使您只能从摄像机视场的特定部分接收运动警报。

So for example, if you live on a busy street and your Nest Hello is pointed right at that street, you’ll probably get a ton of useless motion alerts. Instead, you can create an Activity Zone where you select everything in the frame except for the busy street. That way, you’ll only get relevant motion alerts.

因此,例如,如果您住在繁忙的街道上,而您的Nest Hello恰好指向该街道,则可能会收到大量无用的运动警报。 相反,您可以创建一个活动区域,在其中选择框架中除繁忙街道以外的所有内容。 这样,您将仅获得相关的运动警报。

We have a guide on creating Activity Zones (you’ll need a Nest Aware subscription), and it’ll take you through the process of creating an Activity Zone using the web interface, which is the easiest way to do it.

我们有一个有关创建活动区域的指南 (您需要一个Nest Aware订阅 ),它将引导您完成使用Web界面创建活动区域的过程,这是最简单的方法。

RELATED: How to Create Activity Zones for Your Nest Cam's Motion Alerts

相关: 如何为Nest Cam的运动警报创建活动区域

You can do it from the Nest app on your phone or tablet by going into the settings for your camera and selecting the “Activity Zones” option. However, it’s a bit cumbersome to do this on a small touch screen. So if you’re able to do it from the web interface, then that’s the best option.

可以在手机或平板电脑上的Nest应用中进行操作,方法是进入相机设置,然后选择“活动区域”选项。 但是,在小型触摸屏上执行此操作有点麻烦。 因此,如果您能够从Web界面执行此操作,那么那是最佳选择。

自定义通知 (Customizing Notifications)

The next step is to customize the notifications for your Nest Cam or Nest Hello. You can do this step by itself without creating an Activity Zone (especially if you don’t want to pony up for a Nest Aware subscription), but ultimately, combining Activity Zones with customized notifications is the best thing to do.

下一步是自定义Nest Cam或Nest Hello的通知。 您可以自行执行此步骤,而无需创建活动区域(尤其是如果您不想花钱购买Nest Aware订阅),但是最终最好将活动区域与自定义通知结合起来。

We also have a basic guide on customizing notifications, but the real magic is adjusting the alerts for the Activity Zone that you created earlier.

我们还提供了有关自定义通知的基本指南 ,但真正的魔力在于调整您先前创建的“活动区域”的警报。

To do this, open up the settings for your Nest Cam or Nest Hello, and then tap the “Notifications” setting.

为此,请打开Nest Cam或Nest Hello的设置,然后点击“通知”设置。

nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

From there, tap the Activity Zone you want to configure.


nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

On this screen, you can simply select which types of alerts you want to receive: People, all other motion, or both.


nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

Now, go back to the previous screen and tap the “Motion outside of a zone” setting.


nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

This page gives you the same options, but it only applies to the area outside of your Activity Zone.


nest 架构_如何使用活动区域限制Nest Cam上的通知

Again, this won’t 100% get rid of false positives—like a bug flying into the frame or something blowing in the wind—but it should cut down on most of the needless motion alerts, especially random cars driving by or anything else that isn’t happening directly on your property.



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