


Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

iPadOS 13 dramatically improves the productivity of the iPad and it starts with the home screen. You can now pin the Today View widgets to the left column on the tablet’s home screen, making it much easier to access your favorite shortcuts.

iPadOS 13从主屏幕开始极大地提高了iPad的生产率。 现在,您可以将“今日视图”窗口小部件固定在平板电脑主屏幕的左列,从而更轻松地访问您喜欢的快捷方式。

如何访问iPadOS中的今日视图13 (How to Access Today View in iPadOS 13)

The Today View used to show up as its own page on the iPad. In iPadOS 13, it shows up as a column on the left edge of the iPad’s screen. Just swipe right anywhere on the left-most home screen to reveal the widgets panel.

“今日视图”曾经在iPad上显示为自己的页面。 在iPadOS 13中,它显示为iPad屏幕左边缘上的一列。 只需在最左侧主屏幕上的任意位置向右滑动,即可显示小部件面板。


If you’re in the landscape mode, the icon grid will shrink to take up space next to the Today View panel. Swipe left to hide the panel. If you’re in portrait mode, swiping right on the home screen will bring up the Today View panel on top of the home screen (the icons will be blurred).

如果您处于横向模式,则图标网格将缩小以占用“今日视图”面板旁边的空间。 向左滑动即可隐藏面板。 如果您处于纵向模式,则在主屏幕上向右滑动将在主屏幕顶部弹出“今日视图”面板(图标将变得模糊)。


如何将小部件添加到Today视图 (How to Add Widgets to Today View)

If you’re new to using the Today View, you’ll first need to add widgets to this screen. Scroll to the bottom of the Today View section and tap on “Edit.”

如果您不熟悉“今日视图”,则首先需要在此屏幕上添加小部件。 滚动到“今日视图”部分的底部,然后点击“编辑”。


You’ll now see a list of all enabled widgets. They’ll have a “Minus” icon on the left edge and a “Handle” icon on the right edge. You can tap on the “Minus” button and then tap on “Remove” to remove the existing widget from the Today View.

现在,您将看到所有已启用小部件的列表。 它们的左侧边缘上有一个“减号”图标,右侧边缘上有一个“手柄”图标。 您可以点击“减号”按钮,然后点击“删除”以从“今日视图”中删除现有的小部件。


Tap and hold the “Handle” icon to rearrange the widgets from the list.


Scroll down to see the “More Widgets” section. Here, you’ll see all available widgets from your installed apps. To add a widget to the Today View, simply tap on the green “+” icon next to the widget.

向下滚动以查看“更多小部件”部分。 在这里,您将看到已安装的应用程序中所有可用的小部件。 要将小部件添加到“今日视图”,只需点击小部件旁边的绿色“ +”图标。


如何在主屏幕上固定今天视图小部件 (How to Pin Today View Widgets on the Home Screen)

If you use the widgets as shortcuts, it’s best to pin the Today View panel on the home screen. This way, your favorite widgets will always be available the moment you unlock your iPad.

如果您将小部件用作快捷方式,则最好将“今日视图”面板固定在主屏幕上。 这样,您最喜欢的小部件将在您解锁iPad时始终可用。

To do this, bring up the Today View by swiping right on the left-most home screen. Then swipe to the bottom of the Today View panel and tap on the “Edit” button. Here, select the toggle next to “Keep on Home Screen.”

为此,请在最左侧的主屏幕上向右滑动以调出“今日视图”。 然后滑动到“今日视图”面板的底部,然后点击“编辑”按钮。 在这里,选择“保留在主屏幕”旁边的切换按钮。


Once you do this, a new “Pinned Favorites” section will appear below. You can now drag any widgets from the list to the Pinned Favorites section to pin them to the home screen.

完成此操作后,下面将出现一个新的“固定的收藏夹”部分。 现在,您可以将列表中的所有小部件拖动到“固定的收藏夹”部分,以将其固定到主屏幕。

Tap and hold on the “Handle” button next to the widget and then move it to the “Pinned Favorites” section.



Once pinned, these widgets will always show up on the home screen. You can swipe up to reveal all of the other widgets in the list.

固定后,这些小部件将始终显示在主屏幕上。 您可以向上滑动以显示列表中的所有其他小部件。

To increase your productivity on the iPad even further, try using it with a mouse.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/442009/how-to-add-and-customize-widgets-on-the-ipad-home-screen/
