
This tutorial will guide you how to backup or restore mysql database using sqlyog.


It is really important to create regular backups of database on which you are working. It will keep the database safe from any kind of loss. In case any loss occurs, you can restore the database by its backup. Database backup is also useful when you want to use the database in any other machine.

创建您正在使用的数据库的常规备份真的很重要。 它将使数据库免受任何形式的损失。 万一发生任何丢失,您可以通过其备份来还原数据库。 当您要在任何其他计算机上使用数据库时,数据库备份也很有用。

SQLyog is a great tool for managing database. Below I have shared the steps by which you can backup and restore mysql database.

SQLyog是用于管理数据库的出色工具。 下面我分享了可以备份和还原mysql数据库的步骤。

If you don’t have SQLyog in your system then you can download it from below link.


Download SQLyog: https://www.webyog.com/

下载SQLyog: https//www.webyog.com/

如何使用SQLyog备份或还原MySql数据库 (How to Backup or Restore MySql Database Using SQLyog)

如何建立新的连接 (How to Create New Connection)

Before working with database, we first need to connect SQLyog with the mysql database. Follow below steps to create a connection with database.

在使用数据库之前,我们首先需要将SQLyog与mysql数据库连接。 请按照以下步骤创建与数据库的连接。

1. Open SQLyog and click on New button.

1.打开SQLyog,然后单击“ 新建”按钮。

2. Now give a name to this connection.



3. After that, specify the Host Address, Username, Password and Port. Then click on Connect button, if you have entered all information correctly then SQLyog will be connected to the database.

3.然后,指定主机地址用户名密码端口 。 然后单击“ 连接”按钮,如果您正确输入了所有信息,则SQLyog将被连接到数据库。


如何备份数据库 (How to Backup Database)

1. In left column you can see the list of all the databases. Just right click on desired database and select Backup/Export > Backup Database As SQL Dump…

1.在左列中,您可以看到所有数据库的列表。 只需右键单击所需的数据库,然后选择“ 备份/导出”>“将数据库作为SQL转储备份...”


2. It will open a window as given below. Just select backup location and give a name to the backup file. Then click on Export button to backup the database.

2.将会打开一个如下所示的窗口。 只需选择备份位置,然后为备份文件命名即可。 然后单击导出按钮以备份数据库。


You are done!


如何还原数据库 (How to Restore Database)

1. At top menu go to Database > Import > Restore From SQL Dump…



2. Now browse and choose the database backup file. Then click on Execute button to restore the database.

2.现在浏览并选择数据库备份文件。 然后单击执行按钮以还原数据库。


3. You have to refresh the object browser to see the restored database. It can be done in following way.

3.您必须刷新对象浏览器才能查看还原的数据库。 可以通过以下方式完成。


This was the simplest way to backup or restore mysql database using sqlyog. Comment below if you are facing any problem.

这是使用sqlyog备份或还原mysql数据库的最简单方法。 如果您遇到任何问题,请在下面评论。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2016/04/how-to-backup-restore-mysql-database-using-sqlyog.html