



If you’re still a dedicated RSS user, you’ve no doubt noticed some sites no longer go out of their way to cater to you. Where once an RSS logo would be prominently displayed, now it’s nowhere to be found. How are you supposed to find RSS feeds?

如果您仍然是RSS的专用用户,那么您无疑会注意到某些站点不再为满足您的需求而竭尽全力。 曾经显着显示RSS徽标的地方现在无处可寻。 您应该如何找到RSS feed?

Before you try one of the below options, try contacting the people behind your favorite sites: often they’ll get back to your with a URL. But when that fails, you need to take matters into your own hands. Here’s how to find, or even create, an RSS feed for any site, even when one isn’t prominently offered.

在尝试使用以下选项之一之前,请尝试与您喜欢的网站背后的人联系:通常,他们会使用URL与您联系。 但是,如果失败了,您需要自己处理问题。 这是为任何站点查找甚至创建RSS提要的方法,即使没有特别提供它也是如此。

NOTE: If you stumbled here looking for our RSS feed, here it is!

注意:如果您在这里偶然发现我们的 RSS提要, 这里就是

在大多数站点上找到隐藏的RSS源 (Finding Hidden RSS Feeds on Most Sites)


Most sites are built using a Content Management System, or CMS. Every major CMS offers an RSS feed by default, meaning an RSS exists for such sites whether the site’s creators realize that or not. In these cases, you can use a simple URL hack to find the RSS feed.

大多数站点是使用内容管理系统或CMS构建的。 默认情况下,每个主要CMS都提供RSS提要,这意味着无论网站的创建者是否意识到,此类网站都存在RSS。 在这些情况下,您可以使用简单的URL hack查找RSS feed。

Around 25 percent of sites are built using WordPress, for example. Many others are built on platforms like Google’s Blogger, Yahoo’s Tumblr, or Medium. Here’s how to find RSS feeds for all of those.

例如,大约25%的网站是使用WordPress构建的。 其他许多平台则建立在Google的Blogger,Yahoo的Tumblr或Medium等平台上。 这是查找所有这些的RSS feed的方法。

  • If a site is built using WordPress, simply add /feed to the end of the URL, for example https://example.wordpress.com/feed. You can also do this for category and pages, to get specific RSS feeds. Read more here.

    如果网站是使用WordPress构建的,则只需在URL末尾添加/feed即可,例如https://example.wordpress.com/feed 。 您也可以对类别和页面执行此操作,以获取特定的RSS源。 在这里阅读更多

  • If a site is hosted on Blogger, simply add feeds/posts/default to the end of the URL, for example http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default. Read more here.

    如果网站托管在Blogger上 ,只需将feeds/posts/default添加到URL的末尾,例如http://blogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default在这里阅读更多

  • If a blog is hosted on Medium.com, simply insert /feed/ before the publication’s name in the URL. For example medium.com/example-site becomes medium.com/feed/example-site. You can do the same thing for individual author pages, if you want. Read more here.

    如果博客托管在Medium.com上 ,则只需在URL的出版物名称之前插入/feed /。 例如, medium.com/example-site example- medium.com/example-site变为medium.com/feed/example-site 。 如果需要,可以对单个作者页面执行相同的操作。 在这里阅读更多

  • If a blog is hosted on Tumblr, simply add /rss to the end of the homegpage’s URL. For example, http://example.tumblr.com/rss.

    如果博客托管在Tumblr上 ,只需在首页的URL末尾添加/rss即可。 例如, http://example.tumblr.com/rss

We’ve outlined a few more tips in the past, including adding a Twitter feed to your RSS reader and finding an RSS feed for any YouTube page. Between all of these, you can find an RSS feed for the vast majority of sites and pages out there, but if that’s not enough you’ve got another option.

过去,我们还概述了其他一些技巧,包括在您的RSS阅读器中添加Twitter提要以及为任何YouTube页面找到RSS提要 。 在所有这些之间,您可以找到适用于绝大多数站点和页面的RSS feed,但是如果这还不够的话,您还可以选择其他方法。

使用五个过滤器的“创建提要”工具创建自定义RSS提要 (Create a Custom RSS Feed With Five Filters’ Create Feed Tool)

The good folks at FiveFilters.org offer Feed Creator, a tool that scans any web page regularly and users any new links added to create an RSS feed. All you need is a URL and a few parameters.

FiveFilters.org的好伙伴提供Feed Creator ,该工具可以定期扫描任何网页,并向用户添加创建RSS feed的任何新链接。 您只需要一个URL和一些参数即可。


The first field, “Enter Page URL,” is the simplest: copy the URL for the site you wish had an RSS feed and paste it here. The second, “Look for links inside HTML elements whose id or class attribute contains” is a bit more complex, but don’t panic: it’s actually pretty straightforward.

第一个字段“输入页面URL”是最简单的:复制您希望拥有RSS feed的站点的URL,然后将其粘贴到此处。 第二个“在id或class属性包含HTML元素中查找链接”稍微复杂一点,但不要惊慌:它实际上非常简单。

Head back to the site you’d like to create an RSS feed, then right-click an example of the sort of link you’d like to see in that RSS feed. Google Chrome will give you the option to “Inspect” the link; other browser should offer similar wording.

返回您要创建RSS提要的站点,然后右键单击您想在该RSS提要中看到的那种链接的示例。 Google Chrome浏览器将为您提供“检查”链接的选项; 其他浏览器应提供类似的措辞。


Do this and the Inspector will pop up, showing you the website’s code alongside the site itself.



The link you right-click should be highlighted, as shown, and the class of the URL should be visible in a pop-up for the link and in the left panel, though this may take some exploration depending on the site. The exact wording will vary, but in our example here “allmode-title” is what we’re looking for. Copy this and paste it back on the Feed Creator page.

右键单击的链接应突出显示(如图所示),并且该URL的类别应在该链接的弹出窗口和左面板中可见,尽管这可能需要进行一些探索,具体取决于站点。 确切的措词会有所不同,但是在我们的示例中,我们正在寻找“ allmode-title”。 复制此内容并将其粘贴回到Feed Creator页面上。

The third and final field, “Only keep links if link URL contains,” gives you a touch more control. If you notice that only particular links to a particular page interest you, add some wording from that URL. This can help filter out ads and other annoyances.

第三个也是最后一个字段,“仅当链接URL包含链接时,才保留链接”,使您可以更好地控制。 如果您发现只有特定链接指向特定页面,请从该URL添加一些措辞。 这可以帮助过滤掉广告和其他烦恼。

Once all that is entered you should be able to click the big green “Preview” button.



If everything worked, you’ll see a collection of headlines.



Congratulations! You can now subscribe to an RSS feed for a site that previously didn’t have one. If not, don’t panic: just head back to Feed Creator and try some now criteria. This can take a while, but once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to create feeds for any site.

恭喜你! 现在,您可以订阅以前没有站点的RSS feed。 如果没有,请不要惊慌:只需回到Feed Creator并尝试一些现在的标准即可。 这可能需要一段时间,但是一旦掌握了窍门,便可以为任何网站创建供稿。

Image Credit: Robert Scoble

图片来源: Robert Scoble

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318401/how-to-find-or-create-an-rss-feed-for-any-website/
