magento 赠品_优秀教育赠品第一轮获奖者

magento 赠品_优秀教育赠品第一轮获奖者

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We would like to congratulate the following schools for winning the first round of the Unity Great Education Give Away.

我们要祝贺以下学校赢得了第一届Unity Great Education Giveaway赠送。

Swinburne University of Technology AU Rasmussen College US Central Piedmont Community College US University of North Florida US Purdue University US Rochester Institute of Technology US Champlain College US Upper Austria University of Applied Sicenses AT Tokyo University of Technology JP Bradley University US University of Arkansas US College of St. Scholastica US Nassau Community College US Bond University AU Southern Polytechnic State University US George Mason University US University of Wales, Newport UK Abilene Christian University US Pontíficia Universidade Católica de São Paulo BR Lewis University US

斯威本科技大学AU拉斯穆森学院美国*皮埃蒙特社区学院美国北佛罗里达大学美国普渡大学美国罗彻斯特理工学院美国尚普兰学院美国上奥地利应用科学大学AT东京工业大学JP布拉德利大学美国阿肯色大学美国St. Scholastica美国拿骚社区学院美国Bond大学AU南部工业州立大学美国George Mason大学美国威尔士大学,纽波特英国Abilene基督教大学美国Pontíficia大学UniversidadeCatólicadeSãoPaulo BR刘易斯大学

All together we received over 60 submissions from high schools, community colleges, universities and graduate schools. Submissions came from all parts of the world including the US, Austria, Australia, Japan, Brazil, the UK, South Korea, Columbia, Mexico and the Philippines. Although it was difficult to pick just 20 winners, we feel the proposals from these schools were a cut above in their level of detail and impact for their region.

我们总共收到了来自高中,社区学院,大学和研究生院的60多份意见书。 提交的材料来自世界各地,包括美国,奥地利,澳大利亚,日本,巴西,英国,韩国,哥伦比亚,墨西哥和菲律宾。 尽管很难仅选出20名获奖者,但我们认为这些学校提出的建议在细节和对当地的影响方面都超出了他们的范围。

These first round winners will each receive a license to Unity Pro, Unity Android and a Google Nexus One phone to develop, refine and test their curriculum proposals. In the second round of the RFP three lucky schools will be chosen to win a full 20 seat Android mobile development lab including Unity Pro, Unity Android Pro and 20 Google Nexus One Phones.

这些第一轮优胜者将分别获得Unity Pro,Unity Android和Google Nexus One手机的许可,以开发,完善和测试他们的课程建议。 在RFP的第二轮中,将选择三所幸运学校赢得20个席位的完整Android移动开发实验室,其中包括Unity Pro,Unity Android Pro和20个Google Nexus One手机。

Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to seeing your secound round submissions!



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